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Show THAT "REVISED" COMMITTEE. Tbo Minority (Jets Precisely Ytbat It Hat .thinri llml o ChillniHUnhlpi. Tbe News herewith gives to tho publlo pub-llo thla evening Prttldent I.ool-bourow's I.ool-bourow's revised list of Council committees com-mittees which has caused such a stir In municipal circles, ami which was kept Irom tbo liowspapera lor several dsjs pending anatleiut tu patcliup dllllcultles Petition tho ousted and aspiring onunollraoo. Thu list shows Jost what was predicted, that tho minority min-ority would Lu given no chairmanships 08 It was onco led to expect. The first caruod lu each Instance Is the chairman. Tho list It at follows! Miinlclal lnwi I.oofbourow, Horn, Jleles, Slmondl, Hardy, Streets Wantland, Holes, Hell, Hardy, Blmoudl, Publlo grounds Ileiss, Itlcb, Hell, lleardtley, Wuntland. p'lro department Hels, Morau, Follaud, Jjhwhoii, Hlmondl. Claims Horn, Bluiondl, Folland, llolss, Ltevsoii, License Karrlck. Bell, Hardy. Waterwi)rks..Morau,l,awsou,Lvaus, Karrlck, Hlcli. Ways aud meant Kelly, Ucardsley, Folland. novlelon-Ilell, Kelly, Hardy. Hinltary ruin aud qusrrntlne lleareliloy, Hell, Wanllaud, Kelly, Hardy. Markett-Moran, i:van,llIch,Law. son. Karrlck. Police Lawsou, Morau, Folland, Helsi. Cemetery Hlmondl, Horn, Itlcb. l.licllout Hvsus, Wantland, Pol. land. ..Iniptovemenls - Horn, Karrlck, Itlcb, Wantland, Kvam. Prls his Slmondl, Horn, Hardy, l.vaiie, Wantland. Finance-Hell, Wantland, Helss. Publlo works-Kolly, Blmoudl, Morao, Itlcb, J.-iwson. Jordan canal and Irrigation I.vau., lleardtley, Wantland, Hardy, Karrlok. Hurollmeut I,3wson, Hvani, Itloh. Hewerni Lawsou, Moruu, Hels, Hardy, lltardsley. Untlnlshe.1 business Wantland, Heardsley, Folland. Birlukllng-Karilck, Horn, Hsrdy. |