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Show wBBm !'', "sutniH) imitsis." Hfl , ? Mr. llAnVKY, city woltrmatler and EjnH ! Mr. Hltics, aupervlMirof atrrcls, have Hid 1 tach applledfora dollar aMajr which means J30 a month for a horta and I'i'SrvJ' The Council did not term, EM :Mf last night, to be In favor of rovldlri H i aalarlea for any more home I dunging HsH I 1 ti inunlclul ofllreia. The ople BlaH tRk y more than enough money now for !that urpoto. Douttleta Mr. lllnct and Mr. Harvey havent much claim In thla line at othett who are now potting around In buggUa at the popular popu-lar tipente, but this d.ta net make tl e milter rlfht Inaey cate. 'Accordlnr; to statements made hy members of the Council, the aalarled hone rxpento account ought to I cut down and thculJ by no mi art to augmented. ' We will Me what the coinmlltre to ;K .' which the application! of the iuirvl- fij ffl tor and nalermattrr were referred vrlll V y ' aay when It abet! report upun the I' ? tullect. |