Show EXAMINING BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS S Se Several inquiries have havo been rec received i cd of 1 late te by hJ Willard Wiard Done state insurance ance antt ancl commissioner ioDer concerning tho the condition con and auth loan bait associations of the tho building of ot this st The Thc commissioner assoc bits IMS his i issued the following statement covering coy cov crin ering the queries Tills This department Is empowered to cx- cx amIne all al buIlding and loan 1031 companies Incorporated d under the tho Utah law but has no Jurisdiction over companies Incorporated incorporated ported In other states In 1911 11 the tho do domestic do- do companies w wore were re examined d b by the department and found round In solvent condi condl- unit tion tOI The examiner tet of ot the department Is now at work examining these thes thel companies com coin cor- cor panl panics s for th the tho pr present year pr and a H re report report re- re rC 1 port of at the examinations will wi b be b available available avail avail- Hval- Hval able May 1 I. Persons interested in an any of these companies la may obtain information regarding re their condition condlon after that date tale b by making Inquiry at the Insurance department nt |