Show LINER TO RESCUE SHIPWRECKED SAILORS VANCOUVER V B B. C. C April 5 Tho 5 Th liner Makura no now no from this port to Australia was ordered to call can at Fanning island on leaving Honolulu to p pi pick k up a to party of shipwrecked hip rec fd sailors sailor's sailors sail Mil i ors or's according to advices received by bJ bytho bytho tho the Zealandia which arrived tod today from front Australia Information of tho wr wreck is ig vague but the thA el is believed to have been bron beena brona a British h sailing ship which encountered encountered encountered the hurricane and became waterlogged water water- log logged cd her ber mm utica taking to the boats bOlh r l anni island i is about 1000 mile miles south 1 by cast t of Honolulu and the Makura Ma Ma- a kura hum will be bc several eral hundred miles out ont of her course in calling there |