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Show TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE or William Collin), tbe Elephant Trainer ol Sells Bros.' Circa). in: is attackeii iij tiiiiki: iivi:x.ts. After aSoirrr llattlo for l.lfe He Is Itei-cnnl Itei-cnnl hy III Cenr)iaaloiis. Shortly beforo 10 o'clock Hit morning, morn-ing, William Collins, the traluer nml Ireperof dell llrothert' herd of elephants, ele-phants, entered the Iron cage in which Are confl ncd throe ferocious an I trrach roils laughing liyctns, alo known a the "grave robbers," preparatory to lolnlng Iho morning street parade. For tho past two weeks, Mr. Collin a has Ix-cu training Hi two anlmili, In addition to caring for the elephants, during tho temporary retirement of the hyena trainer. He had lortly tufllclent time to secure the fastenings of the Iron rage and astume till regular position among the carnivorous beam when, with a wild, unearthly cry nud savage grin, the largest animal suddenly sud-denly sprang upon him, Inserting her polaoneus fanga In til left hip and thigh. Collin wa lakau completely by surpri.e. With wonderful presence pres-ence of mind, however, he darted n oerful and magnetic glance At one of the other animal that was preparing to attack lilm aud thus held it at hay, while the first was tiling, tearing and lacerating lilm In a terrlllo manner. The pain now became be-came Intense and ho was comtielled to cry out, and as he did so hi liked gaxa became broken. In an Instant tbe other aulmala weroUion him. He now Belted n club that he .curled at his bell, nwmbllug a police man'a "hilly," About eighteen Inches In length And two Inche In allamater and liegan dealing powerful power-ful blows upon the aavsgo binte. It becamo evident, however, that ho was overmatched and he began (o weaken. Htiange to ssy, the torrlbt conlllct wsa not noticed by any of the employes until llielr altentloii was ntlracia-l by tbo wild rAvliigeof tho other Animals, which made tho great tented arena a veritable pandemonium. For a time the attendant lotllid CJLtlJ.ralilo allf. Ilcully In locating the cause of Ihe uu-usual uu-usual disturbance. Theltoyal llengal tiger and man-eating lloua were the most excllrd and lashel tbelr sides In fury and oeutereil their eight lu the direction of Collins. Hy this lurana hewa discovered and ft host of employe em-ploye ran to hi ftutt.tanco. Hy thl tlmo lie had become almost exhausted, ami before tim cagu COIlll be broken 111 to hu letted through ft terrible ordeal. 11 la leg., Anns And sides wero fearfully bitten and scratched. The animal had to lie I. aleu almost Into iiiecti.lltlity before Ihey could be brought Into subjection. Collins waa carried totlloiircaalug room and a physician InstaoUy sum. moued lo his silo. Dr. J, C. K. King was aoou In Attendance and dreasul the wounds of Hie uufortunate fellow as he lay wrtthlfiLt tu agony under the hot ciuva cover-Irg. cover-Irg. A Nkwr repnrter vltlte-l the scene 0 the conlllct shortly after the occurrence occur-rence and Interviewed Iho wouuded man. He preuted a sickening spe-tscle spe-tscle and silj that of all wild animals there w ere nolle more treacherous than the "laughing" or "grave robbing" hyena. Dr. Hall says that while the wounds are nut messarily fatal they Are ex. ceedlngly dangerous. Altogether It waa is terrible extrt enceaud nnethat will long tie ratnein bered by the man who fought to long and hard to save his life, It should teach a valuable le.on to such reckleaa nnd foolhardy men who are willing lo risk llielr lives to gain public, notorl-ely. |