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Show Til. llcm.ll 1 uiuli.r ...iip.nj. ATCHISON, ICaiu.. July In. Tlio Attorney for Geo. v. Howell, of the Howell Lumber C'oniraiiy wbuli fallvd yeltarday, in) I ho (allure nil cauMrd by the failure of the JelleriKiu-vlllo JelleriKiu-vlllo Lumlitr (;omiauy which an debtor to Howell for IIJ0,Oii,oiiit the aloof tho Omaha plant by llcrbcit Jewett,wlilcll wai wholly unelntrl. The llabllltlea of the Alclilaon torn am aro VM.im of whlrli lliu Pint Na. Iloual Hank, Chirac. I' crinJItor for tWU.IHM. ThoaaietlaofalltheHuwell concern! are f laced at tl.rnO.WO. The llabllltUi aro unknown. U. I'. Illouiit, IhUilty, hai lllnl an atUchiueiit for JM1.0U0, llio Mluourl Pacific for ilaiM, |