Show F Ford ord Forecasts Real Prosperity Within 10 Years SPECULATIVE GOOD TIMES WONT WON'T RETURN HOWEVER MAGNATE SAYS BELIEVES S U. U S. S HAS HAS' LEARNED LESSON Copyright 1931 by United Press In All AU Countries Reproduction In Whole or In Part Prohibited By RAYMOND CLAPPER DETROIT Mich Midi Nov 18 Henry 18 Henry Ford foresees the coming coming corning com corn ing of real prosperity prosperity not not feverish speculative false prosperity but real prosperity such as you can keep In his opinion pinion as expressed to the United Press in an exclusive exclusive ex ex- interview it will be besuch besuch besuch such as to Uto make all previous prosperity look sma small He does not look for recovery recovery recovery ery but for something better and he hopes we dont don't recover er the old system with a bigger bigger bigger big ger and better panic in say 19 1940 O. O incidentally he expressed the view that business men would be better of off if it there were no tariffs anywhere We Ve have pave quit looking lob ing for Santa Claus Glaus he says s ys We have quit waiting ng for miracles s. s S SI I W We are ready to go to work And we are making progress LONG STEP FORWARD for tor miracles mira If U we quit waiting les cles to happen happen and and I think we have quit quit that that is a long step forward he told tle United Press I am sure weare we weare weare are making progress and progress is always painful We Weare Weare are ire all wiser men and women than han we were and we are go going going gong go- go ing ng to make better use of the next decade If It you want my opinion ten years from now nowhere there here will be much real pros- pros I I do not mean feverish feverish fever- fever ish sh speculative false prosper- prosper prosperIty prosperity ity ty but real prosperity such as you can keep such as to make all previous prosperity look small l This practical philosopher of the miracle age who re remade remade remade re- re made the face of America with his priced low automobile is wondering like many others He Ie forced paved the backwoods of ot the nation He P. P I i I Against Tariffs ill I 3 soS' ws r L c t c L S 5 iV i V S 'S ik ikS ik'S S S 'S HENRY FORD 5 Sure Sue of Progress first demonstrated that high wages ages make good business Heran He Heran ran the machine age into h high gh ge gear r and taught the world what mass production could do Yet he has seen seen his world of or 1929 come tumbling down in a chaos of overproduction Thousands of his high paid workmen the envy of the labor abor world have had to togo go go hat in inland hand land to get food and clothing doled out by the city of Detroit Henry Ford like the rest of us us- is wondering wondering wonder wonder- wonderIng Ing what is wrong wrone that such a calamity calamity calam calam- ity should happen while the ic ical l genius of mankind is hi hilts ints its greatest great great- est cit flower I I found him In his-experimental his laboratory at Dearborn He and hisson his hisson hisson son Edsel were oil off a In ii a corner ex examining cx- cx J cX-J the latest device o of his engineers engineers engineers en en- in connection with the new nev model to be put on the th market We went into one of ol the offices es ContinueS Continued on Pate Page Two FORD FORECASTS REAL PROSPERITY Continued From Prom Pate Page One On Ford tilted his chair back against a window a tall wiry figure In gray with nobody knows how many millions millions mil mu- lions in cash cashin in banks his great deer deer- stocked estate across the road secure so far tar as he be personally Is concerned a man who has profited beyond the dreams of Midas C from the existing system yet wondering whether something better could not come out of it What is the outlook he be asked repeating my ray question It depends whether you mean to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow to- to morrow or next year Things wilt will go along Millions of of people have stead work There are parts of the country where they haven't heard of the depression Even when things are are slow the business b siness of the United States is is' pretty big But I don't dont look for recovery recovery- I look for something better I hope hopewe we dont don't recover the old system I have no no desire to see the country go goon goon goon on and create a a bigger and nd better panic in say the We want to lose the old panic breeding bree habits altogether I He asked aske 1 what wheat was doing on the he market I told him it 1 ad gone up on reports of ot damage to the Argentine Argentine Argentine Ar Ar- gentine crop Think of ot a sy system tem which suddenly becomes becom happy and hopeful when the wheat crop is reported t to have failed he exclaimed The wheat outlook Is worse Therefore the financial outlook outlook outlook out out- look Is Better Does anyone want that kind of ofa a system to recoVer It Jt isn't common commonsense sense What I asked ked him should we learn from the depression 7 Everybody has learned something some rome thing Ford replied No one now believes be b that we can ever avoid work There Is ho no no Santa Claus Clam The Thc stock market Is 15 no substitute for tor daily labor No one gets rich speculating at in stocks I know there Is a belle that there were some lucky ones but ones but there Stock speculation broke everybody everybody everybody every every- every every- body that had anything to do with it iti buyer both and seller there were no favorites Everybody was to blai blame e for what happened you happened you cant can't exempt anyone there either Everybody helped bring it on and everybody will have to help to make It go there Hoarding Hoarding there is another thing we have shave learned something about We should have known better than ever to attempt It it with the example of Germany and other countries be before before be- be fore tore us There is is' is isa a a. law of ot nature which says says' use or lose If you dont don't use your arm you finally lose the use of it It is the same with money SOUND AS NUT The American dollar is Li as sound as a nut now but it would not continue continue continue con con- t to be sound 1 if everybody hid i It away iway When they hid their money in n Germany a washtub full of money would not buy a bag of ot flour Hide Hideaway Hideaway Hideaway away American dollars and anti the same thing would happen here You have to use money It is only a receipt for somethIng real In itself It Is noth noth- ing l If the system was right there would be no need of saving money anyway Saving is only the result of fear car fear of ot a feeling of insecurity The safest t place any time for money is isn In n goods provided you buy wisely of things you need and that are useful or productive taking those meanings In n their broader sense sense Ford feels the average American has lost his Independence We are soft he said We are used wed to being taken care of or Somebody Somebody Somebody Some Some- body provides our Jobs Somebody provides our wages Somebody tells us what to do and how and how to do it It Is only only only- a a. step from front that to the thc dole Our old American self reliance has become flabby And I dont don't mean working men only Business men too I have f fallen fillen llen into the the habit of hl having things done for tor them That's what a tariff doe does Business men would be better off If there wasn't a tariff left anywhere In the world Business would stand standon standon on its own feet We Ve want the gov government ov- ov t to tell us how many sunny hours we can work We want the government government govern govern- ment merit t to feed us with a dole We Ve need to get back to the old Ameri Amen American can Independence or of character What about the man who cant can't find finda a job I asked WORK WORK FOR FOE EVERYBODY E There Is work in this country for everybody Ford answered The work Is here here The trouble is to connect connect connect con con- It with payment I believe there theres is s a 10 law w that If a a. man does the work that hat he sees needs doing he will not lack ack for support All AU work Is paid for In or another But a aman man must be a starter sell The trouble is that so many are waitIng waiting wait wait- Ing ng to be cranked There is a sense In n which wages may become a dole if they weaken a a. mans man's Initiative The cities attracted many people who are arenow now going back to the land It is a a. good sign On the land you do things yourself You dont don't wait walt for someone to hire you to do them It Is Li that spirit of Individual initiative that we need Why do you advise people to go goback goback goback back to the farm when there Is overproduction overproduction overproduction over over- production of wheat and cotton I asked I 1 think there Is no such thing re replied replied re- re plied Ford Th These e products of the earth are our real wealth A auf ant Is a g good Od thing because it forces the he discovery of new neVo uses There was as assaid said to be bc too much cotton What happened New uses were found It would never ne have happened if it there had not been too much of something Nothing Is of much use until It is both plentiful and cheap Those who want to keep things both scarce scarce and dear deardo deardo deardo do not help the country These are some of ot the things we weare weare weare are learning from the tile depression We will be a better people for it We Weare Weare Weare are learning to do things more eco ceo Im I'm not p pessimistic I refuse to Indulge in ballyhoo about boom times around the corner Things will wID Improve as soon as we Im Im- Im- Im prove People do seem to to be feeling more hopeful 1 think one reason is that they have ha quit looking for Santa Claus Glaus They know that everything isaU Is all aU right with the world except our human system of distribution and the improvement of that is Li In human hands Everything E else works well d ItI ft |