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Show F Hf S15TA CLAUS HIS I1DE HIS lElDQUUTDS IT i 1ARGETTS BROS. f ! Pj WITH A COMPLETE STOCK OT I WFJPRnnnnnni Consisting of Toys, Dolls, Fancy , t V I j H I! I I ! 1 1 I U I Goods. Fine Albums. Fine Art f lUlflri mill 1.1' Books.and Prices to suit every- I AlSinU UUUUUl body. CallEariy and Get Oar Prtces. I ' ' !J LUMBER YARD ? , , I -Wis rttiic Prest. Jons siddowat.yico frett- S I GioBccJSLr.fcecr iTrcas. r.n. roix, enptx w Ja, X i 1 v 1 ill Kinds of Lumber, .xIa & ' Frames, Doors, Sash and 4 P , mouldings on Hind. ? X;ss E. Foam. Soatr Builders' Hardware. o 1 I v' . ,V Incorporated MotcM, 1SOO. "I I Vy Bnfldiif. Erected.) j Telephone No. 532 ,A ' O Contracts GiT6B. St6cUB 1 f CV $ Mill Work a Specialty. I , Satisfaction Coaraateei. 1 3 r I V S c -I.aH:sa, JAS.aLaUCarxssir, it X a. y O" X Directors i.K.rotX. Xow.BuI XV V UvaCatA-KXCVg. j I wWm. mill ! FURNITURE. IJ CARPETS, IN NEW STYLES AND GREAT VARIETY. i w ' I -.WALLPAPER,-0-- K r akd Bitm miit umimim. I ' : p.wIadsen ) - ' FUBN1TURE STORE, i . No. 5i and 63 East FIRST SODTfl STBBl h COILTER&SNELGROVE, 1 ' I . THE SALT LAKE MUSIC DEALERS, li 1 . ,. Desire to sij la ill train that thej bave U J j Largest Stock, of Musical Goods "J I 1- CTAIIJ EHBRiaiTO T3SE TlMmVM Mcv j w . . H ft Hecosuaeadeo: bj DsEBBH lUllVaJI B ; Abbott, BflB XTASmI!1 H Aa' All Great 3c9a3BJaHB& BeaaoaaMe u aH.,1 Artuts. rlUBKH mee, B9 - 9HdB3BBsBBBii - H 9 AUSO OEXI3UL WEaTEBS ASETZB IM THI 1 1 ' ESTEY OR6ANS -235,000iflflse H I ' We havo the Best and Largest ijsortment of lUSIClL OMM H 1 ' vithin 700 Miles of Salt Lake (Sty. jj "Goalter & Snelgrove, I $ J H iiw m j sortENSEur c oaxucjQT7Xsv, ( )' ' PURKTITUR ES"! i,1 116 .S. MAIN STBEET. I j BROWNING BROS. K 1: ' 1S5 S. Bain Street, Salt Lake City, Utak. 1 1 I 2461 Washington Avenue, Ogto, Utak. m Suns, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition H !3 And Sporting Goods of Every Description. Km? . vsVj We havo'a Carload of SAJFEXY BICYCLES, HB j All Sizes. Wo offer a Boys' Safety 24 Inch for $25.00; H-Aj Large Boy's 27 Inch for $35.00; Ladles' and Men's 30 Kilj Inch, S45.00. Hjif . CALL IN AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. Kgjf Jlluetrated Sporting Good Catalogue Wtm f Ml. . AS eLB XAtBS MULSQ1IT. " To tate m lrrt ta ult 12. It Ibe qtMtSnn Wi It li brtur to tod OiU nitnir cmrttr A ti!lr tinvlM ttt fmUrf of Iboac wba VOUKllBlIlt Y&ftt lack or iawtrt csaied wt loodr ttau, Or tsxc tat rnaedlca mr ilsicn tikr. Aod tee my ryn vraw bdfbt os Um 1 bellMd lo Ine tmmorlAl rnmt bcuto tnogtit iBTalolaRondoprorHliltlMdco. I 4t oar brard mr simrrlM otrtrri nr rHoo That rood eld Dr PIctt ranrlto rttOCTlp- WssU crtae bar crlor to a faded COttk . lleatore tte Eeald) f a who fala woo;a GO To nd brraetf of on tat pain the Wila Th aromild tpimta toSk tiie nrneSr and rorU:m-iib took atatauid Joo. hiTlcx rrcainol her t-raM and bJoominc bnotr. ToouM3de cS wotnea owe toclr Iran. blnoRrfnr couotraaaccs to tbe rrstoreUvo rffxtJ t( Dr. rince s Favorite Prcacrip. tort. It Is a positive care for tbe taoct ctnaphcatcd aod obstinate casea of Jeu-crrr-nk) ezoeatlTe flowmir. painful men-atruation. men-atruation. unnatural aupprraoone. prolan-atn. prolan-atn. or falnnit of tbe womb, weak back. "fnnaJo weaknas, anteTemon. retro-rrrrlon. retro-rrrrlon. beartnv-doam eenaatlona, cnronla ctKXKrstion. tnHammalioa and ulorratioti of tbo womb. DR. PIERCE'S PrTT.LF.TS regulate and rkanse tbe bvcr. fctoraaeb. and bowels. Tbcr.ara purelr Tentabl and prrfcctlr (nrtaVa. One aBoic. Sold by Jrciajaa. a cents a vlai. LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court, of tie Conner of Salt Laie, Ycmtory or.Lub. In tbe Jluttr of tbe EaUteof Ukl 3. Tinger. decruttl. Order to show Cane whj Order of Sale of Iteal LetaM abonid not be rude. A1ILUA J tis,;e, Tlfc AUlltV-elratrlx AUlltV-elratrlx of tbo LtUte of Lehi 8. Tin a-eT. deceaied, harlna lied her petition bereln, dalv vtrlllM, prxjia; for an order of tale of a portion of tbe re! rjtate of raid dedent. fnr tte utrtwi'ea Herein t fcrtn. it Is tbrre'o-e orOered bj tbe ladze of raid Coalt. that all persoea Initmrta tn tne estate of said de-exred. de-exred. annear before the esid I'robate Coari ea Tbnridar.lheiethdayorlleocniber.m!). atloo clock la tbe forenoon of tald dar, at the Coart Koom of said l'rcbale Cocrtt the Coentr Court Ilooae, In the Cut and Conn tret Salt Lake. Utah Temtorr, to show cacte why an order should not be rrantcd totnaaidadminutratrix.ti tell somncb of the real estate of the aaid deceased, at pmateaaleas shalibeeereasarTcdthsta copy or this order b pubHsbed at least f oar sncreisiTe weeks in tne DekxT FTX5no News, a newpaiT pnated and veblnhod In said Otr and Oonnty , Dated orember 1Mb lttA. dim b n.BASTCU. Probate Jndee. LEGAL NOTICE. tn the 1'rouite Court, of tbe Coantr of halt Lake, Territory of tub. In the Matter of the E.tate of Henry Inr brrs on, deceased. Order to tfeoweane mhyOrderor 5ale of Ucal kstate ahoold sot be made, ANNA B. CELXEKT. TIIE ADUI1. tratna of the esute ot Henry Ir-tfire-tna, flcested. barn): Bled ber petiuon herein, doly Tenoed, prayin; for aa order of aaleor a pun Ion of tae real estate of aald decedent, for tbe pnrposes therein art forth. It Is therefore ordered bytheJadre of said Court, that a 1 persons Inleretled In tbe estate of said deceased, appear before the said Probate ixnin on Tbnraiay the loth day or Dceexber 1&0. at 10 o clock n the forenoon of said day. at the conn Boom of aald frobate Court, at the Connty Unrt ITonte it tbe City and Conntk of (alt Lale.Ltah Terrllory, to ebiw caste wny aa order annul l not be framed to the said administratrix, to tell aomachof .the r al estaier the said deceatd at ir ra e sale aa shall be necessary, and that a copy of this order be published at leat focr sacces. tire weeks U the UrscRtx Lvcsno vm a newtr sper printed and published in said uiy and Countv lued November nth 13). dim U . UaUrtli.l'robateJud. XOTICE. Utah andSaK Lale Canal Company rrincipal llaco of Iicsiness, Salt Lake City, Ltah. TtmCE IS UKBEBT t.IEV,TAT 171 at a meetinjr of the Trciteet, held on mo SCth day of September, A. V 1830, aa aseetment of One Dollar per hare was levied on the Capita! Stock of tbe t-or poratlon, payable to the Setretarr. at tb General OlSce or the Company, Boom 10, Hoover A Eldredre Block, bait lAke City. Ltah.on the leth day or November. ISA Any ttock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on lbelathdayof Norm ber, lq, will be delinquent and advertised for aalo at nubile auction, and nnleat pay meat Is made before, will be aold on the Ota day of December, itso, to pay delln uncut assessment, tojrclher with the cost ol adTertlslne sad expense of aale. ELIas SMITH. Sce"y. Utah and salt Lake Canal Company Location of UQce. bait Lake City, Utah. ATA MEETING OF THE TECSTFE t. of the Utib and Salt ake caaa Co-rpany brld on theUth dayef November V. Ii IKiu. tbe time for d rlarlne the above tock del nqucnt.wa9exiendei tc Decern ber tub lri and tbe ti-ne for sellini; th aame was extended to Jannarv ZAh. 9L , . 1UA8 MMITII. secretary Salt Lake Citr Nnvewber iTth. 1 LEGAL NOTICE.. In the Probate Court ot the County of Salt Lake. Territory of Utah. In the matter of the ettate of W. TV. Tn ter, deceased Order to show eauso why order of sale of real estate should not be made. GEOIU.E COIII'lllll AND BICUABD T. milb. tbe admieiklradrs of lb. etateot . t ro-tcr. deceased, banar Bled tbelr rcution herein, duly vrnaed pra yi-r for an order cf aaleor tbe retlrttal-of retlrttal-of said decedent for the purposes therein tet forth. It It Utrcf ore ordered by the Judar ol aald coon, that all persons utercated is the estate cf said deceased appear be fore the said ITouate Court on lion day, the IM day of December. I90 at tea o clock ia the forenooa of aattf day. at the Court 1-oom of said Pro nate Court, at the Connty Court House, in Ihe cty and county cf Salt Lake. Utah Ter ntory. to show cause why an or er should not be xranted to the said admialstrators. to eell omuchof the real estate of tbesaidde ceased at private aa!a as shall be necrasar. and that a copy of Una order be publlsh"-ft publlsh"-ft least four successive weeks m the lies tatt Evzxio;tKW6.aaeipiper printed tad published in s.ld citr abd county. Dated November 19 IS30. dtw GEO.W. B. K rcil. probate Jadxe. LEGAL NOTICE. Intcerrobate Court in and for SaltLeke County, Tcrr.toryol Utah. Ia the Batter of the Estate ot Cancel ircea. aeccascd. Nobeeof time and place for the bearinc o: pcutlon for admlation to Probate ot KM. PunsuAjrr to av order or saii Court In said matter, notice is herein ctves.that 8 turday.the Uth day or Deeen' ber. A. D ISSO.at to o'clock a. m at thi cousty Loart House in Salt Lake City Utah Territory, la the Court Boo it or said Court, has been appoint-the appoint-the time and place fur the bcarinr ol a peU'loa or Mcholaa t iilcock piayinc foi the admiss loa lo probate or a certain docu raent tbcrrwith prvsested, purponinr to be the UU trill and Testament ol Samuel Green, deceased, when" and where all person-interested person-interested mav appear aid o, poee tne pro-ate pro-ate of said will, or the arantiaof leuers esumentary ta Mcholaa F. Mleoek. at prayed for in said petition. In witless whereof. I nave hereunto te ray hand and afflted the seal or said Conn, una h day of otenber,A D Ie tacau dc.iUv, Clerk of the Prolate Court. Et C. E. stahioh. Deputy Clerk, d II PDLMIAV BUFFKT CARS BETWKEN SALT L KB HIT AID But tr commencing Tuesdsy, Decent ber 9th the Union Padac wui ipeiate Poll nan BuSet Cart betw en llt Lake Citr nd Bmte, without tranlfcr City Ticket Oa-.e, S1 XIain Ftrr-t. .M S-W.rCTLES, dUt ben Pass Act HARRISON roWKYOR IRRI-PA7IG IRRI-PA7IG TUMI' OPERATED IJT HORSE rOWEB; IS sot expensive; wh.re water la to be had frovn stream or wrll this pampenab'ea a person to control irrigation, wane ron ctaccuK. BURDEN A sELLEr-K CO . deod ti-Jl Lane 6L. Chtcajro. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate ot Martin Erixea, Weccasea. NOTICE aS nrBEBT GITZH BT TBE naderslrnedAdmiaistrator of tbe Es lata of alartla Cnxen, deceased, to the Teditora of. and all peiaowa harLna; clatass anlsTt aald deceased, to exhibit thee, with tbe accessary vouchers, wttha tea moataa alter the srst pnbucatioa or thi. notice, to the said aamialatnuar at lCa.n east Boath Temp e Street, Salt Like City. Utah- . Dated Dec. ItXh.lfM. WILLIAM A. BOSSriTB, Administrator of the Kitate of alartla Brixen . dec eas ed. oawlw. lTryW.aatiWJam. How sjerere eolda sire Broken and lai MoBlawa. Krom the Irxinia City, JOat. aarflaoaicsi When we And a medicine we know to poseesa genuine merit, we consider It a duty, and we take pleasure in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. prevail-ing. We are satisfied that we warded ward-ed off sceral attacks that were threatening by tbe use of tills syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, and in the courae of two or three days, entirely broken them up by Its use, as have several of our friends to whom we bave recommended it. 1 1 is all that it is represented to bo by the manu-fa-turers. If you bave a cough and want to stop it Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y will do tbe work. For sale by 2,'C. M. I. Drug Dept. U llllaan'K ianraaimlt. llrrbVlIU If yvu are Yellow, BHHous, co stipited with Headache, bad breath drowsy, no appetite, too ovi yorj Uvcr Is out of order. One- Lax of these Pills will drive all tbe troubles away and make a new being of you Price 25 cents. Zion Co-op llecr lr.it. Drue Dept, Agent dAs CoBovrr Bra. Ptaute. Ctieap. A great sacrifice. A private party will sacrifice a magnificent 7j Octave, Tripple Strung. Patent At Hon, Conover Cabinet Upright Piano at great saprlflre. Elegant Plush Stool, and Box for shipping. Rare chance to get a One Piano, cheap. Call tomorrow. 75 w. l,t South. d3 It la lb Experience at Xaltltadra Of intelligent people that a per-severloguae per-severloguae of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Hemcdy.of RondouLN. Y., will cure Fever and Ague, Billlous-ness. Billlous-ness. Rheumatism, Debility of tbe Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, anQ Bladder, and all disorders arblDg from an impure state of the blood, wneu do ouicr meuicme or treatment treat-ment has been of any permanent benefit , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Samuel Varaey, Deceased. -VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BT THE C-7 aedersijrned. Adnuaistrator of the estate of Samuel amey.deceaaed. t the creditors of, and all persons havlajt claims axauut the said deceased, to exhibit them will the necessary voucher, within ten montba after Ihe Srat publication of this no tlce.to the said admiautnior. at Koom I. Hooper and E'dredxe Block 9 sooth. ast i.'lTLa9keTlan.,,, "" ",T"d C0",T Cf Dated Jorember Uth, ISM ...,,. . wf-DKMARACOTT. Administrator or ihe Estate of Sanaa .Varaey. deceased. a cum aw Utah Hon-tuablB Bonds for Sak I HILL RECEIVE WRITTEX BIDS BE-ween BE-ween 1. o'e oet noon of Dee mberxtn, ;S? J"". ooloc anon of J.nnaiy-b. ipl. for Ihe whole or any pa.tof U3 Ltah Territorial Bonds. (Ho. Its to tsi lucli. live, each for Jlieojo ranalnc 10 tola years, laterrst s percent per annum, pay ab e a mi annually, and not taxable for any Bidders can art fall aanlcolara of the ?."?"?'? Pt'vonallr.WuyMteTatho. US a. Jlala Street, ha t L-ika l.y. BuLiVAK.ROBV.RT. a Territorial Tieanrer GUNPOWDER. tet him new shoot who never shot before, And him who always shot now shoot the more. RtZAataVt "KentasayRiae.-IIAZAKB1I "KentasayRiae.-IIAZAKB1I -TrapShootlnrV IIAZAKB1 -Duck 6hootiaf, RAXAataVM -allalng aid Blettlar " HAXAatDT brands, the most reliable la the market. aTanrrAcxvaxs r HE HAIAJLD NIK. COOT, HAZABDVILLF, OOf X. aVBrpreaeatad n Utak byj. W. Saa-dera Saa-dera A Co Aeenl. Sa far eiafraai card, ahowiae; sizes rrata. QiiM CliM fill. aHa Castas at Jaaaaasa SjL Ornamental and f 'Taney Goods Haa BscarvaB rvm iwBax.- lM aU Boodkerthit: Oraa- T- m'nU.OMd Ml JTusaW lr-- 7faUfanoeaeTalo. IBttr -a. f W. rarart MM f r.o.BairL . DID YOU GET YOUR TAX NOTICE? We Don't Pay City Taxet in Forest Dale. TIE SALT LAKE RAPID TRANSIT G01PAHT ' ELECTRIC ..CARS AS ELEGANTLY EQUIPPED AS,ANY IN TBE WEST Now Connect Our Addition with the heart of Salt Lako City. Cars Leave Theatre Corner every 40 ( minutes, commencing at 6 o'clock in the morning morn-ing and running until after the, theatre at night. Our Property SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! And wa profor to sell to those only who, having first selected a favored spot possessing unsurpassed unsur-passed natural surroundings, abundant water of purest quality, and cheap, rapid communication with our cuslnesa thoroughfares, wish In addition addi-tion to these advantages a community of desirable de-sirable neighbors. We aro anxious that you should SEE IHA! M Win To soil, and Invito all wishing to buy homes to call at our offico. Wo have Conveyances that will tako you to Forest Dale at your convenlonce. Prices to suit alii Payments Easy. Time Given at low rate of Interest. GEOEGE M. CA1TO0IT, Under Zlon's Savings Bank, SILT LIKE CITY. Si? s 17; g a- o o z. rt IS!?5 HHIpaw- N $ B O 1 T t a) .-t asssaasasssssssssal aas : F. AMACH & Bt H Merry GUias u. Eijjj lei Iii A Magnificent Assortment of Useful and Ornament Articles for UI HOLIDAY !-! PRESENTS I Parlabu, Ostrich and CVjuo Feather Boas in latet sliades Far every description, our own Paris and Vienna importations from $25 W each. Handkereblefs In real Btichcsse, Val. Japanese SilkTLa and Ilnen,p!aln embroldered,to suit every pocket,from 3c to ?15 00 mi? Flegantly embroidered Crepe Shawls, Screens and bofa Cushions, r brellas, in Ivory carved han lies: elegant Shaving Sets Card aerii?k Seta, Musical and Mechanical Figure, Work Boxeo, Manicure? Ih Frames, etc. not A lot of Baby Baskets al half price: Fifty dozen beautiful Album", all noveltie, at special sale wic come and see Ihcni. Gentlemen can make their wives and sweethearts happy with one of m rich Silk and Chinese Crepe Dress Pattetns,ranging from iliSO to eSm Brocade I'atterns, from S1I.00 to Si3.00, Silk Vel et Pattern, from i to $90 00, Woolen Gooii Dresses, from $5 00 to $23 00. A beautiful set ? Table Linens, from S-'-OO to $15 00 each; lovely Table Scarfs piaiw Covers, elegaut Smyrna Carpet Hugs, rich Chenille Portieres.' elmM Irish Point Curtains and sixteen and twenty-four button Suede M quetalrea. lw" Gentlemen puzzled about the correct Present should consult us. The ladies bave been studying the matter up and need only ask for what tbey want. Our prices will save tu-m money. o CLOSING OUT SALE Ol LADIES :-: MISSES' :-: AND :-: CHILDREN'S :-: CLOAKS. READ AND PROFIT. One lot of Ilrstjiuality fetal Pluh Wrap?, at SIi50, reduced from One lot ot Astrachan Trimmed Plush Wrap, at Slo.fiO; red jced from $2.5". One lot of extra quality Seal Plush Capes, at $30; reduced from I3 00 One lot of Ladles' Plush Jackets, at S3.75; reduceil from JO 60. One lot of Ladies' Seal Plush JackeU, at 3 CO; reduced from iHSSi One lot of very handsome 2S-inch Seal Plush Jackets, ?2).60- fonaur price $30 04, ' ' One lot of elegantly BrUded I m ported Cloth Jaekeb, at 7.00 form.. price 312.00. " ' " One lot of Ladies' Astrachan Fared Cloth Jacket, at 3.00: r!n.i from $5 50. ' " Special Keduction on all Mi-es' Jacket, in ages 1 1 to IS. Children's and .Misses' Cloaks, at Sl-30, from$i2o and 32.00; redoced from 32.75. One lot each of Ladles' .Newmarketj,reduced to $5 W, So0and$l6lfl Oncllof our Children's beautiful Plush Coats a tbscount often ter cent, until January I -t. Our entire stock of Ladies' Dreses, Wraf pers, bilk and Woolen Skirts; Infants' Long and Short Cloaks; also, everv Shawl from cheat). est to hnest luw been marked at CLOSING OUT PP.IOES ! Ouv Children's Clothing Department Offers a splendid line of Japanese Silk. Brocaded and xduen Handkerchiefs. Handker-chiefs. Silk aud Wool Mufflers, Embroidered bupender, Tecks and Fours-in-hand, in Newest Coloring"; Cashmere) and Merino and Silk lion;, Smoking Jackets, etc., tic. We have placed on our counters Children's aud Bojs' heavy Sold and Overcoat, at a discount of 25 per cent. a- A discount of ten percent, on every Childs, Youths' or Bojx Suit inourstcck.-fta It will py every parent to visit that Department. WE WARRAJJT EVEBY ARTICLE SOLD OtjR SHOE DEPARTMENT la bound to reduce stocic and continues its 25 per cent aid 10 per cent Discount Sale. OUR REDUCTIONS ARE BONA FIDE. One Price to All! Hail Orders filled at Reduced Prices. F. AMHT& BIO. tSiBiTEASDEL'Ssiniii EYERY DEPARTMENT FOLLY STOCKED WITH I Embracing tts Most Yaried Stock ic haia Eier FilMi I a MAOXincEJiT utock or H LADIES' PLUSH COATS. 1 Cloth Ulsters and Walking Jackets. 1 DRESS G00BSlliis& State. 1 ClothingrcTothingrClothing! I EVERY CLASS TO SUIT THE PUBLIC. HATS &CAKT1ATS& CAPS! I lr ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. Dry Goods - DRY GOODS - Dry Goods, I JEWEST 1RB1YILS, BEW STOCK, LATEST STILES. I Soots & Shoes!' Soots & Shoes! I Men's and Hois', LadirV and CMldren'i, IN EVERY STYLE, ALL BRIGHT, NEW, FRESH GOODS. DURABTJL1TY XSD WEAR GUAR-VKTEED at S.RTEASDEL'S.j DAVLD JAMES &ol Plumbers. Has and Steam Mttersl ntiiTH u H nttmblns MatertaJ, Pumps, PIp and Fittings. Stam Heating Supplies. Tin and Iron Roofing. Gal- H VaUiUssd Iron Cornice, Guttering-, Etc. M OAJKDSN BOBS avmIaA.WW aBIlVIiXBH No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. J -S FRASER CHALMERS. M L. C. TRENT, 1 Slt Lake City, Vts, H Gaal WcstOT Manager, Helena, Montana XfDsjEiHGr xa.cbltne;ry, H - UDQERWOOD HOI8TINQ ?'NES' KELECTRIO MOTORS-K KLaotxle Xdffl-t Knt, TkkH tNOnOES, BOlIJtRS, ELEVATORS, SAW MILM |