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Show B j j I i A TEsT 0? SriCILITT. VJ I I ANVTHI.VG that reiitcs to the VJ I Mormon," that U if it Is or ap- HH 1 "prarato be uufarorab'e, eeems to BH t j I iinaWau impreuiou on the minds SB 4J offieirqasirmeii, aud if It be ever HJ j I to unImi'Ortaut it is cangbt up and St j I ' vhaniied around and copied from pa- feMV Ir to papr, till the whole country HJft hssau opportunity of seelns or pnH bearing of it. 1 aeye ntioed1 same tlmo ago, the caaimenU that were bein made fovera-atory alxut same Pecnsyl- H kI " v3nU 'Murm3a," who had re-1 H Bj tturneii to that State from Utah. PA H "dbiustrd witii their uxrifiice." I'TSestorj" U still tr.in.r the rounib, "Jfrtoui remrki Fifteen fr-marov'l fr-marov'l to have returned to the hb ipaitiivrlud Valley, and it arjieurs pB 'fl t,lat thdr chief, if not only cora- pB S TSi?v- was u"'t thry fl'd BH B jliSTiuaeeed so wM, teraporaily Bl B 'a "ttey ezpevt ' to do. I: is Bf B t .tteJ that they lived ''in a canyon. Bj u here the Min seroely ever jne- Bt trateJ," dnl If hi there ii no won- BJ dr their farming operations were Bj m ,"L WJ proflUble. BJ s Ofoour-a ft is alleged that they J M ' Vetiuuueed" to come to GUh by Bj I ''Ut'y '"feJ inuueementa from ' BJ M iillSrraon" EUer, who promiioi Bj 1 &ai an e y life anJ lana wiiliout Bj 'If 1"?; "U of whioh U eutirely BJ X orfjuioji', for"Muun)n" mi-Ion- BJ JT I rig draiiy preach tho gospel of Bj VJ CSrT-.t Tnelu Hii the githeriur; of Bj "s I the Siint, an i hari. uo woriJIy iu- I ., duoements of any kind to offer to H i i converts. B 4 s .gltQ" to us tint itflrctiog B Tpvlrtit to bi aUlo to fee, that I . i ; janjjistrmimiarj or people who I iJ i C3m U"8e Inoll,ltail3 m the I lS. Eiitarn SUUi anl from tha Old BIS World, thero are sure to be I VSi some who 1li bo tltaitfeoVI 2 i anJ ncret the chinTH. nn.i TK? ' wlio wiliiltsiretorctracetheirtteje. W J i it Ukfes eousUe.-.lb'o independence tjf sof cJfsraBjer and stability of iir-B. iir-B. f' JpooArti:etsJi;eS3'uIly the navel m'& ill PKaow.Br diffloultks and un-I'Iai un-I'Iai espeeted trial,, aitentlng hJdi a M T ohanse of hfe an I lcility as Is ia- f vlvel in sUrtiu? .a new hoaio iu flip the-BOTiiiiicaui valley , an J every. I - ool'niz-r iM nat eriml to It Tlie It ilrm TOiderIijulJ be that to few bell be-ll jfsT oooje disAtiatied. ul j Ttt-B returu raQ oansionil family PMilS fnxn Uhw their foroiir pUsoof k;J I m xeMJfftcehM im) brami;; upon the BfiiflK qiifctlOn of liis truth or error of V'tre i'UIonnoutSTi. ' It merely stands Bill aj " to1 of tlii5 t-idivhiaals, their K4MS pjftllTldos thalr aii'jllity, their fe Wl adaptability t new coniitioas or IV flK their Uck of vl.a, cniuranse and H. ' JIB l"enterfke. ri, JJH Toe Rrrf.part, Cinn., Standard T' rS rofera to toU su-Jsetand mi'.ea some I fS . neaHbie rem iris OQoocteJ with It, I If? from which we tike tho following: Sjf gnf'Afu).-Alt; the,etjijali3va only cs-& cs-& j!t lilrtfricadJInaKreiwror lesi decree, ' V jj what Ihoa.voJi ofoJicr h.vcono T&M throurjU with ho have left tho biiU IrS "ry Xew-EojlnJ, nnnt tbocillof IMK ,iS lCpcdJVvi3lt,, but for thoparsiilt yv& of antyiaataiwiiichproaii34dless( j? I I i. work, i&ora riches hod. in short a bet-1 jiJS tcrodcjadOioiigKicrally. Tli0osand f Jin -.iJfithsso adrcuturcw nave die 1 In tha I WRI. 4.u0 to work out their fortunes, III I J H itndlher taoosuids hue matioed to B?ltM ,0 'nD3' snichov, or Hivo gne Ifiil ho.nedisfjjted with tbecraze for new Ii JjJ ajrentorct. At tho earns tim, wo UkVij finsw of wes era cotsrprise and ac-PjBfl ac-PjBfl cacil'Uiasat has beu of ea-tm Bvjli origin. Bui not all who litre gone Btf "West to groa up -with the co juiry BftSj havi. rer 'canght on' long enough to Hi bo elevated even temporarily above tbeir old and habitnal sarroundiags. "A lazy man Is not nsado capable and active by transplanting to a conn try where, it Is allnged, that mora or tho necessaries of life can be produced with less labor than at home. If ht goes stall, it is for Ih? Ie labor, aar the access of results may tako caro tl itself. 'I'robabiy lbs Pennsylvania con verts to Jlormonlsm avero caupht bv the Ktories of 1Uj crops and 1 t:U work, and fonndtbattbo ditancebc tirceu the Stale which thfyjeft an tho new land of their adoption had not abrogated tho divine fiat which makes labor and tho "sweat of thi brow" the pnee of average human pmgies; aod ucce. They know-bKter know-bKter now." |