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Show H -efsllia Leivwins Power.U. S. Gov't Report, Atifc 17, 188a, lofal " Vwasw nswcfer I .ssoii;telypuhb KrBifiKOFDTiH, Mr utr IJEE C1TT. 1 Bfl .,. - (1300,000. mmZt cEi. i-rowest, 1 H -"-'" ELLS. Cashier. B V . C is. ".Carton. Hf ' -ir Mir. (Uyton. - i! ::t Tajlor, H 1 . I rranrerth, Mtrare -rf W. loans. B 2 on demand. B cd sccanty. B t' ',il points. " e .iepostts. f ; quarterly, H" B. IL SCKXTOZX, fr juet.casaler. IfHSSJABK MUST COMPANY, H t T TBlrXK ST. Hfl ,..J Incorporated B -i IMS. Hr r-.rrrtt. H s...e ITest, VJi H, J-a. mmv.m business. Bv. r..terejt ra Eartars 1 -J. v5y7o loan Hj at iJHr Bates m N.nional Bank, H I'llKE elTT, UTAH. C; UI- $250,000 j $250,000 HV j . -2,VicrrCil3tLt, sal gH . -enr, B '. Bp ' - Pjablg on D cinand H T tang& on Tew 2 CSiettjo. O. j ' C.&sx, H- . .ts, absolntelj tttr- Kelts. to JM pet UTAH H-1 :l " nrit South St., Blt LVKK OITY. Rrjnn;,, . 3200,00000. tj-rcrcr . 3,030.00. n',r - N ormt, BE CC- -.cr. B? r " ' 9r t, 1 . 1. tncr, H' '. Cor; M.CuisoE - o lr. iiirir. K Ccai!D. Brl L-3& Baslncss. H;-rc. t In'erest Paid HV j Deposits, Com-HB'..J Com-HB'..J Times a Year. EVc' x & soxs, HBL or t 'l -e Ware, B, N - BURGH, pa. Wkz :r.os. & co., 1 BBS "- . TTNlrKG, IA. HV rjis. - - 77 "2 . AH5 fJ r 0 H Sir 1 BM55g3p CniCAGO TRADE, t.. AVOLFP 3UCFG. CO. FINE - BATHROOM - OUTFITS. fuinltary Sprlltra.-Balli TnW. KaTXorlrs, WKIrr (3Mtx. Itllrbra Hlnl. Laundry rob. All Ul lUol detlrni and mon modern dericea, Cclalosuu ciciicX are CkttrtiUg JTmrmUui tfUUttraud. r Gkxebil Orricri: a Wait lakl K Exhibit Dtnmnrr: n Dcarborm M. TacTosiu: a 117 ffeat Lake K. Ob.loaso, Xli. SCHITLTZ &HIRSCH, vrioLaaaLZ tuuu nt FEATHERS & FATHER PILLOWS, luicrracmxu or COMFORTERS AND MATTRESSES. JOBBUl U Carted IZlr XIfm, Wol. Eveltr, Tow. Tleklnar, Etc " SCS-OeiuUiaea SL.CT2xloXBO Do n With High Prices. TMs SEWING MACHINE OZUXj-X io TtipnocrVl.tJi DameBTtja Boad Oana,IM Karma. M M ajc rami), orTea Scale, xxt A3iaia rannerr scale, axe aoten3arorswsicaM'e rtrte tad BJt vt Tenia. MM UM(lr Andes atitrnoa CSCAM SCAU CO, CUcara KCJS.T1 Thgmsos&TaylorSpice Co aporieriandMaactactsrtriot tha FJJSTBST SPIOES Flavoring Extracts, KNOWS TO TOE TBAOX. rrcjirietora of the ramoca Brasd et rU3D CROSS IiTB. 30,32,34,36,38.40 So. Water St. OUIOA&O. d PSDKBTAKKIta. ESTABLISHED 1S63. JOSEPH ITtAYLOR Pioneer Undertaker of Utah, Mannfactnrcr and Xaler In An Elnda of attalUr, Wood aaJ Cloth Coirrtd COFFINS AND CASKETS. rail iineorcorrrv rcui'uixGi kept conatanlly on liauid. Telcpaone and Telecrtph Ordera Pronptlj ruled. nollti FreiciTed In their Katnral Condi mn, vrttnont extra charre. OX23ZT XJV?T Aaaca 2VXrETa? Factoif and Wareroomsi fr-XiE One and a halt biocxi Eait ot Theatre. TELirnoB Ko. ft. : JOS.WILLIAMTAYLOR BTAU S LEADING UMRTAKER&EMBALMER I C1KKT TUB L1BET AXO MOST COMTLCTE fTUCK OT COFFINS, CASKETS And Undertaker' Goodi in Utah, 1YUOLES.1IE ASD XaiAIL, AT ImmeriKj RElmH J'KICES, Lower than were erer offered la Utah. LOTS & GMESln .&. All Ordera Filled Diy or Xiabt in the ShortcitrociibleTiae. OITICE AND WJJIBKOOUS XBTBB CLOf SD. 21 and 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET, r. a Box ML Telephone SM. cIUMlY WAGNER, 1XT tAXB CUT, nALIFORNIAf,REWERY. LAGER BEER, ALE and PORTER, IVboleaaie and BeiaAI. ZCOSO COCTB ITBXXT, TBEXB BOSatf auaT rxax aiai n1 tesrFMiieril.0 MILL: No.58NorthTemp!eSt,,Eaat. OFFICE: 21 Sou th Temple St., Wett. JlUjh Patent, Baker's ITo. 1, Superfine Whole Wheat IZour. BIHSTCSH PBIGE PAID TOB IflOT. Mill Telephone STL Ofice Telephone ZXJ. CLIAS aiOIiRIS.XroB LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court, In and for halt Late County, Territory of I. tan. In the matter of the Sstate of John Taylor, Deceaaed. Order arpointinr time and place for fettle- cent of final aecoant and to Lear petition for diatnbntion. Ov reauinr isru nuyG the petition pe-tition of 1 rederick Tajl t. adnunia-tralor adnunia-tralor of the estate of John Taylor, deceated, f etllnc forth that be had Sled hit final account of hit administration npon and estate in this court; that all the debts ot sa.d estate and of said deceased hate beed fully paid, and that a portion of raid estate remains to be divided amour the heirs of eaid deceased, and praymz amona other things for an order aliotnncaaid final account and of distribution of the residue of said estate amons: the persons entitled. It il ordered that all pertont Interested in the estate of aaid John Taylor.dereased. be and appear before the rrobate Court oi the County of Salt Lake, at the roort room of aaid Court, tn the Conity Court Hone, on Wednesday, the lTth day of December. l"jo. at 13 o'clock a .bl, then and there u how cause why an order allosrtna-taid final account and or distribution should sol be made of the residue of raid estate anions tne heirt of the aaid John Taylor, deceased, aerordinjr t law. . It is further ordered that tha clerk cause notice! of tnl order to be potted la three pubbc plaeea In Salt Lake County, and pub luted to the Descset erExrso Nw,i nerrrpaper printed and circulated Sali 1-ale County, three weeks anceejalTely nt to and inrlndisf the aaid ITU day of IX' cembar, IW. . .-,- pts'J . DiltdycT.StUi.IW. M Haw lltrr. tsws Broken up la Montana. from the TirgJta City, ilnt. ilmJuntUm J When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit, we consider it a duty, and we take pleasure in telling the jubllc what it Is. Sch a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, last winter, wben 13 grippe was prevailing. prevail-ing. We are satisfied that we warded ward-ed off several attacks that were threatening by the use of this syrup. and we have since relieved, In a few hours, severe colds, and in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them up by Its use, as have several of our friends to whom we have recommended it. It Is all that It Is represented to be by the manufacturers. manu-facturers. I f you have a cough and want to stop it Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy will do the work. For sale by Z. C. M. I. Drug Dept Get a wire door Mat at Z C. M I. Diphtheria, that terrlblercourgels the result or Microbes. Itadam' Microbe Killer will destroy the Microbe. SALTIjAKETHEATKE. Cms. t. PTBTQir. 3IASUSBB. tfiT Carnival or Xtisical Uarlcsque ExtraTagatua. MONDAY TtUESLAY, DECLUBEU isr ASP 1D. The gorgeously lHsjtrite.1 musical poetic dream, snder the dlrset parsons! man gememet ot Edward E. lUae, TlieWd'sMI Ecnderel in all iu elaborate completeness and .pnlcat brilliancy by the celebrated Rice's - Surprise - Party Otapritlog in Cim railed Comr&ny of -POPULAR COMEDIANS. Pup'rrUtire i unexampled Uu1Jdc fpteador, legal la majrnllcent iccnerr. prodi;. in jiiitteriojr nxlanei, replete will. ixwilcieriB truifonsaint. roil of LeintcbmsdaMecpaMlinxiODrvof dol eet ttKtodr. lippIiBjC wit mnd baraor and b'tmtnt ot trafeUrs on tuiorr txacedj-. comedos opera and drssca-X drssca-X rronounced Manel in Thf.Ur.eaI cow on a!c j F. AMBiCI & fill TO DECEMBER 15th ONLY! Though our sales In all our Departments havo Increased enormously over past seasons, tho Enlargemont of Our Promises and tho saving on European Fabrics which tho McKinley Bill offered, havo tempted us to buy too many goods. We mut 'Unload'' before inrentory time O .r Cut Prices are sure to crowd our Immense Establishment, as hlDUGTIOIIu HUE GENERAL Tiinocoit ALL OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. 138" We can mentioa bat few pricss as space In toe HEWS Is costlj. 300 pieces PlUi.Ii, reduced to 421&, GT-cOji. $10, 3I-6S. 2fiO .Iccts of Choicest Sl!k Velvets, Black and Colored, tc 65, 9jc, 3I.4j 1.90. upto$7.50per yard. , , . 50 pieces Tallilk 3 irab, In Street and Evenlns Shales, reduced to n"e iVor'a'u'silk Whipcord, In PWn and Fansy, the Newest Fabrics in Silks this seftwn. at the low price ot $1.25. 159 Silk Patterns and ItcniLauts at a reduction of 33!, per cent. jrsox. Xixty xk3. Itoooption Xxoaio. 23 Dleccs Beautifully Embroidered and Tinselled Silk Nets and Mulls, iuchts wide, in the latest Evening Shades, at a Discount or 35 IOurCeentlre stock or lately Imported .Hack and Cream All Oyer Laces? marked very low, ranging from $1.75 to $3.50 per yard, at a d is- "" Wofhavr8eatack All Over Lice purchased in cw York City by om rif 'Wwtaw. at S7.99 per yard; barely equal In quality and richness of deslan to our 5-3-50 Lace. 0ur noaiory gvxxci Glove XJojaaxx-taxioxatas OOer a lot of Ladles' 4 and 5 Button Opera Shade Kid Gloves at35e a pain cost $1.25 and SI .50 a pair. ,-, mir 1 lot of Casbnun Gloves, worth 40i a pair, at 2oC. a pair. Alotor Ladles' Fleeced Hose at 12jC. a pair. -,.,... i.. A l.mlte.1 quantity ot Iufants' White Saxony Wool Shirts, 15t. each: worth 3c. each. Only S to each customer. . Ldh' Ail Wool Black Vests, with Long Sleeves, atoo-. Bold everywhere at $1.25. oim. duess goods xiripjaT3vrEKrr Offers a Closing Sale of Diess Patterns, with Trimmlnjs to Stalch, rang- - hb . - 93c. ner yard. Sold everywhere for $1.33 a yard. rfi, Aline of domestic AU Wool Ladles' Cloths, 54 inch, worth 85c, for 50c a yard. Only 10 yards to each customer. OXTH. IDOaVCXJSTXCJ HXEJE.1!rBSV Offers twenty dlflerent Bargains in Flannels, Towels, Crashes, Ets. COME AND SEE T1IE1I. OTJB OtTH.Toa.IN- USIAH.T3JsIiairr Offers Turcoman Curtains and Portieres at Greatly Reduced Prices. One loteach at $150, $3-10, $3.73, 55.01 anl upward. It will save yU A lot'of Odds and En Js in Scrim at 5c. per yard. OUR CT.OATC TJEPaVHTMJlllM 'V Ha, marked down all of IU files' fM' WWWiw Iufants' Plush and Cashmere Cloaks, Ladies' and Children s Dresses, TrlMelassc Jackets are' the Surprise" of the ChrMUV and Children's Cloaks, ranging tan $i23 to S13.50 o admitted Tilielnost stylish garments, at the lowest prices , In the city. Ladles' Bep Wrappers at $I.SS, less than cost or making. Our criiilctrozx's ZlotlXLB 33orxrtx3a.oxxt Offen. a dLcount of20 per cent on its Overroats; ranging torn 3 tolOyrs. Gents'UnUundriedWhlteShlitsat37lctach. GeStt' Natural Wool Underwear at 35c, 40c, 50c, and "f fb. &y? Durable Knee PanL, at 2-5i, 33c, 40c, 50c, C5c and upwrd OenU' Utest Neckwear at 13c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 40c and 50c Heal Win continue ita 25 per cstM andJOr cent dUcount -le until Only a fe CABrtT KEMXA5TS left-they must go soon. We need the room. a DlscoI.,T or I0 PEB. cm OnallCrlbBUnkeUranglngfromJltoOO. 0.radv.H.;riBe-et..n;n. I MAILSORDERS FILLED AT REDUCED PRICES. ; F. Alll & fill iTHFTrnpi FjujOorai J Flf SfcMS Made of Split Lealbec. lift Canias or Paste Beard Inner Solet i mm- vsr- -a.x. iim-qtjxsx tor -mm 1 Solomon Bros.' Boots and Shoes! WfcrMf1WS'ltMa1W'rot0bt!(''1JP'h', (Ml d Exaialn. the Various Style, of Our Own Make nd Imaorle-I aCR'EA&fr0' .'; I I Baking Powder. I n fl A linit Per-f ect Madetj8qio 1 1 A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder , m Superior to every other known. j I ' J Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. l jM Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle C4k.cS P- fl Palatable and Wholesome. . sj Mo other baking powder does such work. J SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ' '' v IN PRICES OF f- 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 DRESS GOODS! ,i,;j iiiliiilllilililillliniliiiliiiiiii "Jj FLAMEL All CASHMERE PLAIDS j In All the Latest Shados, Roduced ' 'I Prom 65c. to 45c. per yard. XJ Novelty Dress Goods, l i IN PLAIN, FANCY & PLAIDS, U , fl ReclxTcecl SO per cent. ' I NOTE THE FOLLWING CUT IN -p B ENGLISH IMCMTIS! J Broadcloths formerly Selling at $2.25, reduced to $2.00 . M s.G5, MO i I lM 1.25, 1.00 'j Wo havo the Handsomost Lino In tho City of H DoublerrVidtli SiriptI & Plaid Dress Joods 'I AT 25 GENTS PJ2R YARD. l H Onr PRICES are ALWAYS THE LOWEST in the CITY. I T. E5-. TVTEI3T3IIIR. Supts. ' I R Tho Most Comploto Lino of RUBBER-O.. f TT BOOTS. ARCTICS and RUBBERS V ( ZT for Ladies' Cents' and Chil- rA J H -K dron's Wear at Wholo-'.'CJ y C 'H 13 salo and Retail. f vN" 5 H SCHOOL SHOES-OcA VV.,. I, f aSpeelilty. J. ti SOIsli:- H R V-. XVAGENT v '- Vgg E0DGLAS CELEBRATED SHOES, g ' VDUXFORD'S Opp. salt Lake Theatre. f H Hardy,Young&Co. I SPECIAL NOTICE. I Before Moving to Our New j ' and Comodious Store, Opposite j j Z. C. M. I., we will offer at Public Auction, the Most Complete Line of i Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots t- and Shoes, and a Good Many Other Articles, too Numerous to Mention. Auction Sale begins at 9.30 on Saturday, Nov. 29, 1890, at Old ' Stand, One-Half Block East of h M Deseret National Bank. l4:B ALL AJtE INVITED XO COXE. B Hardy,Young&Co. gj |