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Show Trltha far Dafa. To ''lieg ur to ptay dead," to "tay lilt prayim," to 4,inoke," to 'read," uro all e.wlly learned by dog. Hrit thaw the dog what yotl want by putting put-ting blui lu the poattion ou wlah him to tuke, Mitli tho cotmuand which you ui for tho trick. Ho turo nlwny to um) tlio tuiuo wordt for nny trick Do not any I'l.le dniriit'' one day nnd "Chargol ' llm next If you U-glu with "ihnrgo ' keep on with It You will do well to tench your dog to follow cloeo behind you or, At it It call cl, to ' heel " It will At time be a con venlencn to you. It Iteaay tn mo tho dog AawUte tho command 'Hetl!H Willi tho ACtot walking cloi Whlnd hi luiatt-r, but It rvqulrea a good dral of (a ralateiice on tho trainer t part it la a ilog't naturo to run And nuin All aImhii, And If ho It Allowed to 'fury t oiiro or twice he avldoiii reiueiubcrt thcroaftcr.- iouth'aCoiiiii.auloii. |