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Show ROYAL 0HSEQU1ES. The Cillndral or Saint l.nlal. Ilrapd nnl thlire Mllh I Iglil. thc noL pnoctssiorr thc KINO AND THI PHINCKO Hie ruucrnl Cir (otcrcd Ullli llean- tlhil M renin or I tun era. D; Telxrata k, lha M.w ' IHI IH 1.(11 Hal 1101. Ileuuliie an I inlirraal nontnliic In llelall,,,,, llmmril, Jan SI. riiero waa an air ui gen line ant uulvenutt muurnliix In ev-ry illrKtlon Hlor, i, btnka un I pul Hit iHilldhua w.rn clcatu. Tliu renin of atlra-llou waa urotiu I th. Cathedial Kalhl Uinlulr. At S Mill miriilnn HI. (lulum waa ovnllolir w lib the Ilium lia. mntrejcktloii whh h hvl oa-imUleil Thla aawmblatii waa allowed tu nmilu In the mlheilnl until nil, win ii trootn luiulii.l Into tho ImIIJIiu from aereral dlirriut ilxra unl ilrurul It tunii'liuitly tu haven aiaio for Hi. fuutral Hrvlci and for the dlatlngulahid Ivraonata luvlleil to Ini preaenl at tho funeral n remom. The wliole Interior vf th. cathedral waacovtred Willi imui,iiaeaibh,huuir. Inga, frlnid mill ornamented with luav) iller bullion. A latalaliue to rewlvo the vortln waaireitnl III Iho center of thn Krinl trui,aii.l nud In front of Ih. chaucil. It waacnvircd wttliamaaalvoblaik raiiuiy, aujrl1y ornamented with aiher. TI.oratlKilr.il waa Wi j will, llclit. The Roriiniua altar formed thn mlnil lialliifC ailnt of one of the m at atiperb H-aura ever wllmnwd within tlila nnclcat blatorlcal mlliedriil. Ih. j, prmche Ii, the ailace of Ih. Count of 1 UudcrValhir of thedead prim i.were thronged with carrhytauud lined with tronr. Af.ir Hie arrival at the lace of a I roceaalnn of iiatUli prh-ata, the cortege t'lOiiltaaoltiniimarchtothecathedrul. M nut u I gen larma, a corpa of gul lea ainliiioKnarda heaiteil the prtcia-lon;followlui( prtcia-lon;followlui( ll. boillra nf ruo a came tho band of the (Jtinadler Ruanl, with multled diuma, flaylnj , the i) vl March In rtaul. Next cam. a mimliiT of inlanlry riglnienta, with whlih I'rlucu llauduiu hal iHYiiron netted ni mi oilier. I'wh rrirliiieut uirrled lu tolora heavily dril with cre., and on tho left arm theroldlrra More u land ofirra. .Nixtmruo the i Icrgy an 1 tho memtera of the royal bouathold, iriTiaJlnitliCDnin, whlrb waa bt ru. on the ab Milder of ten mn "cnmimMOTiw cmrem."TLo president! of the twu cliambvra aud inlnUtera bore Iho aill. NcitiamvKlnrt heopold, whowaa overcomn w ith emotion. Tin, Count of r lander. w.rlDi: bitterly, walkel Ithlud llie King, having hla Hon, I'rlncoAllirt, uu hla right and I'rllilo Henry of I'runla oil hla left. Thefunirtl enr, ciured with beaiilk flit wiMlha of tluwira, waa driwu by alx I hick, home, harm! with black traj plnira au I hl by footmaii In mourn lug merl-. The rrlncu'a body waa coneyed on Ihla car lu Iho royal cry 1 1 lllthochaialuf Iho caallo of haekeu, a mile or au mtaldu thu city, win lu In tormi lit lock plaie. |