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Show a Ui i '!, . r " - " T -A.L"S B' or ". PEMM MD WSMPS or tbs ' rf' Orgsilnfl Stake f Ziw. k 4 r.E. menu Presiding Elder. T Where m Ward till no post olsee ot IU fit ownUBeareposoB-olt,anatteono J at which the residents obtain tneir man, la 4l f Iren in parenthesis. f b--AEBEKTA STAKE (CAXADA). TtiKaDKxrC. O. Card, Carrtatoti. y jfWAiais manors. 4. fCardston John A. Wooll ,i - : f BANNOCK STAKE. f VmFkcsiobst. T.E.IUck,BeztDrg. "" Cocssklors. W. F. KlRbj, Jas. E. t Steele, Iteibarj-. llmgham Co , Idaho. J WXED3. BISHOrS. f Allae Ward ,Mitb0DlW. Pratt I Basalt A.O Ieglestrom Brishtos Reuben Iliatt 3 Burton lKalntnckI,.0.)..Geo.UJ)mlth Eagle Rock JamesThoraas a Ioca(Easle Rock r.O )..Jas. E. Steele f m f tabelle (Menan P.O.I ....Y.F.Walker j r LouIsTllle Blcnard F. Jardlne U jf..JT,TTTiin .Samnel A. WUcor V XT Menan .Wm. N. Stephens f l'arker (Esln P.O.)..Wjman MJ-arker " RexbnrR, lstWard..Tlios.E.IUck,Jr. j, , BexbnrK, 2 J Ward Casper i:e!ner , """Rexours:, 5J Ward..Tinotnr J. Winter lUsby (Loaisvllle l'.OJ.Geo.A.Cordon Salem(KalntcckP O ).Geo.II.B.IIarrla v Taylor (EsgleRock r.O.).-Wra. Priest seton............ John Donaldson Wlllord George Bavls Willow Creak (E. Rock) A:Biitatuocs ....,, -BEAU-LAKK STAKE. Presihevt. Wm. Badge, 1'aris. , Cocssiloks. J. n. Hart, Gtor-re ""- N Osmond, BloonUngton. , " Hear Jjale County, Idaho. V wxuns. Bisnors. Bennington A. R. Wright Berne. -John Knntz,P.E. 1 Bloomlcgton ..Wm. Ilclme DlogIe....r. SimcelHnmpherjs FlsallaTen John Stock Georgetown II.A. Lewis Liberty i E. N.Anstln Montpeller .Wm.L.Bicn "iHsf MKounan . .John Skinner, P. E. Olid.... Philemon Lindsay .Bl j. Pari, 1st Ward Wra.West Paris. 2nd Ward Robert Price Preston ......II. II. Dalrymple J Jtetttla St. Charles J.A. Unnt p Emahcn CouUy, Idaho. 7T. Soda Springs Daniel F. Lau, P. E. i .'jf' 1 Imtah Co., Wyoming. )M6i -i'fton. ...... Charles D.Cailer "3 Burlington William Corbrldge "ir 'Cottonwood...., William Parsons yalrrlew. ....... ...... John C. Dewey " Grover ....James Jensen f t T Star Valley ....C. D. Carter f I I I Exh Count. Utah. J.j j GardenCIty. RobcrtCalder EJ.U, X Laketown IraNcbeker " UeadowTllle Jopeph Kimball Eii Randolph A. McKinson WoodrnS W.II. Lie Jig. f " , BEAVER STAKE. ' PEXSiDf..NT. Jco.n.ilcidcck Beaver Cooselors. Wm. FotberlBjham, M.L. Shopherd, Beaver. -M j. , Sneer County. Utah. gJ& fWAUDS. uisnops. SjaS Adamtvllle .F.T.Gnnn . Ztl Beaver, 1st Ward C.D.White ,0' Bea"ver. 2nd Ward J.X.Smith Greenville Jos. S. Morris p)r.(I.MlUord E. Tanner P. E. V)9 0 -j-Mlnersville............So!omonWaIker "" .OL I i B0X ELDEI: STAIE. President Rodger Clavson,Brigham j -Counseloej. Adolphns Sladson, Chas. Kelley, Brigbam City, y - . JMi Elder County, Utah. t-- " Bear River CItv CarlJenscn Brlgham City, 1st Ward. .Henry Tingey BrighsmCltr, 2ndWard..Alvln Nichols vrpr' ; Brlgham City, 3rd Ward..A. A. Jensen Brlsham City 4th Ward. Jens Hansen Deweyvllle J. C Dewey r . HoneyviUe B. II.Tolman Mantua (Bricham City). ..P. C. Jensen Isortb. (Brlgham City)....Thos. Harper -' Park Valley E.D.Mecham T v- snowvlfle A. Godilffe Three MUeBrighan Clty)0. A. Perry SIV Grouse Creek Chas. Klmber. Sen. 0attr CACHE STAKE. jj t EpxstOEXT.-Orson Smith, Logan. Coin.3ELorj.-S. II. Males, Hjrnm; r-rr "Isaac Smith, Logan. Cache County, Utah. 1 -f Benson..v Alms Harris f I Clartston John Jardlne Covevnie J.C.Larson Si Hyrum .". S. M.Holen Hyde Park Robert Dalnes . Lewlston W. H. Lewis (SKi I Logan, Ut Ward B. M.Lewis M J-Logan, 2nd Ward Henry Ballard - ' Logan; Snl Ward Robert Davidson Logan, 4th Ward.. ..Thomas X. Smith LofanSth Ward Wm. Hyde Logan, Cth Ward A.L.SchankeT 'SUV Lbgan,7th Ward C G. Larsec jMendon...-. i.....Uenry Hughes iMUlvllle George O. Pitkin Newton Hans Fnnk rtradlse Samuel Oldham Providence FredThenrer Richmond W.L. Skldmore Smlthfield G. L. Farrcll .f Jrenton Bengt RavestelD, P. E. Welfavlll Wm. H.Manghan H J I rJT ' 3 CASSIA STAKE. H Jl -4r-J- EtESu.ENTv-HD. Halght, Oakley. H '' Wpl Coc.tSELOs. Moroni Pickett, Ma- . I 111 d.rton; W.m.F.JJrim, Albion. H J . Cattia CovrMt, Idaho. ',' wiEDr cisnors. i,y .O Oakley ... John L. Smith, Jr. I Marion Adam G. Smith H v . Spring Basin. ..-.Enoch It. Dayley. Sen. H 2 Albion Wm.T.narper H I Elba Thomas Taylor Elmo Thomas O. King ( iiay AVIS STAKE. I,' ""pbesibxst. W.R.'Smhh.CentervIlle. B, , Cocxseujes. John W. Hess, Farm- K V ' lngton. B ( Daeit County, Utah. B l "m r " WXEDS- BIsUOPS. " fjBoBntlro!, South William Brown i BountilaljWcst J.H.Gract , J BonntHul,East Chester CaU ' ' tiCtnierrille Aaron E. Porter , i J ', Farmlngton J.M.Secrist " vj s, . KajsTillejFlrstWard, Peter Barton j Jl " Kaysville, SecondWard, "Daniel Harris J Sonthnooper Edwin Parker pi , ii South Weber David S. Cook " j .till1 -rsy J I EMERV STAKE, e ' t ' President. C.GXarsen.CastleDale. r Cocssexors. Orange Seeley, Castle U ' ' J 5 J ' m,.. Dale; Wm.Howard. nnntlnrtnn. J " ,j " Emery Count), Utah. j : waeds. Bisnors. tb , jj CaitleDale HenningOlsen V . 7 ( Ferron l Olsen nJ ' Hantlngton crolslphei K4T 1 l! " Molen ....L. S. Beach p j ' g'.jyiatZT ."Wm. G. Petty . i l ' 'Orangeville Jasper Robertson l$ I i i . Price Geo.Frandser T Tj Cleveland L.P.Overson ill 1 ' ' Lawrence Calvin W. Moore If j Spring Glen Heber J. Stowell WTfi I i rr Castle Gate....Wllllara Lamph. P. E. Llll J ' i ''Wellington Albert E. McMnllin Iff 4 1 Vl $ t1 ,TSJ6 3hr JDAB stake. f Pessioekt. Wra.Pazman.Nepb Btf'''i J Couxselors. Charles Sperry, James ff'tH i i jW.Paiman, Nepbl. Hirl h-'l ' Jncb County, Utah. $(' 4.V Ijl WAEBB. BWH0P8. Bk&I'lVj thSenk-' Robert Gillespie, Pa:. BBMfVllf " Jrn" Niels Aagaard BkjjIi! llona ;.f....t.rjohrrKlet3 BBBJI J U ..VJlijTetfcLift Ward. AWUHam H. Warner BBBf fjl ' Nejihi, 2nd Ward DavIdUda BBk ml " ' WaUlngton Thomas OrgtU, V E ' iSMiMiHaaaiiiMssMMaHMaaHi KANAB STAKE. c Peesidbst. E. D. Woolley, Graoam. CocssEtOM. Thomas Chacberlaln Graham; Daniel Seegmliler, Kacab A'ffJie County, Utah. waxos. Bisnors. Factory John Covington, P. E. Glendale ..R.J.Cntler Johnson W.D. Johnson, P.E. Kanab Joel n. Johnson Lee's Ferry W. M. Johnson, P. E. Moccasin C. Heaton. P. E. Mt. Carmel H. B. M. Jolly OrdervUle..'. H. W. Esplln Pahrtah Graham (Ranch P. O ) G D.McDonald Fredonla....v """ MORGAN STAKE. President. W. G. Smith, Morgan. Cocnselors. Richard Fry, Samnel Francis, Morgan. Morgan County, Utah. WARDS. 'BISHOPS. Croyden George Knight EaterprUe J-K. HaU Milton Lyman Mecham Morgan, North O.B.Anderson Morgan, South Charles Turner Peterson John A. Walte PortervUle.East J. R. Porter PortervlIIe, West Samnel Carter Rlchvllle Jl. P. Dickson MILLARD STAKE. Peesidest. Ira N.Ulnckley.FIllmore. Counselors. Daniel Thompson, Sclplo: David R. Stevens, Holden 31Mard County, Utah. WARDS. BI3U0PS. Descret Joseph S. Black Fillmore .Thomas C. Calllster Uolden Anthony Stephenson Kanosb J. Hopklnson Leam'ngton LarsK. Cnristlanson Meadow Hiram B. Bennett Oak Creek Peter Anderson Sclplo Thomas Tatss MALAD STAKE. Peesidest. O. C. Hosklns, West Portage. Cocxselopj. W. H.Glbbs.WestPort- age. . Box Elder County, UUih. wards. Bisnors. Plymouth Myron J. Richards Portage Enoch Harris Washakie Moroni W Oneida County, Idaho. Cherry Creek .Thomas A. Davis Malad City Jenkiu Jones Neeleyville (Am. Falls). Wm. Neeley Rockland Isaac Thorn Samaria.... Jonah Evans SL John James P. Harrison S.NOWFLAKE STAKE. President. J. N. Smith, Snowfiake Counselors. Lorenzo II. Hatch, Woodruff; Joseph H. Richards, St. Joseph. Apache County, Arizona. walds. Bisnors. Pmedale Niels Peterson Showlow .....Hans Hanten Snowflake John Hunt St. Joseph........ .John Bushman Taylor Merrill E. Willis WoodrnC ....James C. Owens Tavapat County, Arttona Tonto Basin (Pine Creek). ..Rial Allen Tnba City David BrinkerboS MARICOPA STAKE. President. Chas. I. Kobson, Mesa. Cocsselors. Henry C. Rogers, Collins Col-lins R. Hakes, Lehl. Slaneopa County, Arizona. wards. . manors. Alma (MesaT. 0.) O. M. Stewart Lehl T. E.Jonts Mesa E.Pomeroy Papago (Lehl (P.O.). .Daniel P. Jones NephI (Mesa P.O.). .Samuel Openshaw ONEIDA STAKE. Peesidevt. George C. Parkinson, Franklin. Counselors. Solomon H. Hale, Gentile Gen-tile Valley, Bingham Co ; Matthias F. Cowley, Preston. Oneida County, lWho wares. bishops. Clliton Win, F. Garner Dayton (Weston P.O )..StephenCal!au Franklin L.L. Hatch Fairview Moroni W. Pratt Mink Creek Rasmus Rasmnsn Preston Wra. C. Parkinson RIverdale Leonidas A. Mecham Weston -....John H. Clarke Wh Itney Jsraes Chad wick EwqUaw County, Idiho Chesterfield Parley P. Wllley Garden Creek (Oneld P O ) JJ'.Capell JIarshVaUey(OneIdaP.O.)CJI.Squlres MorrcnWard(GentlIeValIey)E.F.(IaIe MouudValIey(Cleeland)R II Williams Oxford N.R. Lewis Pocatello Carl J. Cannon Cambridge William Lloyd, P.E. Marsh Center L Wright, P. E. Marshville ...r.... Philip Phillips, P. E McCammon A. Norton, P.E Swan Lake George Heath.P.E Treasurton.... William Treasure, P.E Denpey Charles F. Potter, P. K St. Joseph Edward Perkins, P. E WomCreek...AustonT. Merrill P. E Cleveland .... J. D. Hammond, P. E PAXGD1TCH STAKE. Peesidest. J. W. Crosoy Jr., Pangultch. ConxsELons. M. M. Steele, David Cameron, Pangultch. Garttld County, Utah. wards. Bisnors. Cannonville William J. Utnderson E'calante Andrew P. Schow Marlon (Cojote P.O.)....Culbert King Pangultch Allen Miller rtute County, Utah. Clrclevllle James E. Peterson Jnnctloa Rulus A. Allen PAROWAN STAKE. President. Thos J. Jones, Parowan. Cocxsslors. Morgan Richards, Jr., Francis Webster, Parowan. Iron County, Vtah. wards. Bisnors. Cedar City Wm.Corry Kanarra Wm. Ford Paragoonah .Wm. E. Jones Parowan .....Chas. Adams Summit Joseph B. Dalley Enoch John P. Jones, P. E. Hamilton's Fort.... Geo. Condie, P. E. ST. GEORGE STAKE. President. Daniel D. McArthur St. George. Counselors. Anthony W. Ivins, Erastus B. Snow, St. George. Waihinaton County, Ut3h WARDS. BISHOPS. Beelevne Andrew Gregerson, P. E. Duncan David B. Ott, P. E. Fosters Wm. Chadbnrn, P. E. Glen Edwin Edwin Hamblin, P. E. G niton- -James Mj Ballard Gulock. Franklin O. Holt Hamblin George A. Holt, P.E. Harmony Wo. A. Redd Uarrisburg..... Orson B. Adams, P. K. Hebron Thomas S. Terry Leeds Brigbam r. HeMullm Mlddleton Richard Prince Mountain Dell Wm. Isom P. E. Pine Valley.... - Wm. Gardner Pinto Robert KneU Price N. R-Fawcett Rockvllle C. N". Smith Santa Clara .J. G. Halen Shones)arg Oliver De Mill P.E Springdale Wm. R. Crawford St. George, 1st Ward.. ..Thomas Judd St. George, 2nd Ward. .Walter Granger St.George,SrdWard,Andre w N.Winsor St. George, tth Ward..Thos. P. Cottara ToqaervUle ...... ..Wm.-A. Brlnghurst Vlrgen LeroyW. Beebe Washington Andrew Sprout Westover.. .,.. Charles Westorer, P.E Lincoln County, Xmtda. BunkervlUe Edward Bunker, Jr Clover Valley-. Lyman L. Woods , P.E Eagle Valley. John E. Hammond, P.E. Overton Brtghaji Wbltmore j Panacea MUton L. Lee I Spriae Valley....Arteraus Millet. PJi. I FcucsHif County, Arizona, j Beaver Dams John Alger, P.E I rnmbnll Claborn Elder, P. '' bbbbbbMI SALTiriKE STAKE. , "" PrniDEXT.-Ascus M. Cannon, Salt r "Lake City." Coc.xsELOEs. Joseph E. Taylor. Charles W.Pearose.Salt Lake City. Salt Lain City, Tfardt. " wards. Bisoors. First Ward ..Joseph Warburton Secoad Ward J .rLeontrd G. Hardy Third Ward Jacob Weller Fourth Ward Harrison Sperry Fifth "Ward Samuel M.T.Scddon Sixth Ward., James C.Watson Seventh Ward '. .William Thorn Eighth Ward Elijah, F. Shetta Ninth Ward Samnel A. Woolley Tenth Ward Aam Spelrs Eleventh Ward..v... Alexander McKte Twelfth Ward Qlram'Bl Clawsbn Thirteenth Ward Mlllen Atwood Fourteenth Ward....George-H. Taylor Fifteeatli Wardli Ellas MorrU Sixteenth Ward......Fnderjck KeaUj'r Seventeenth Ward JohnTlng'ej Eighteenth Ward-.-OraonFtWhltnef Nineteenth Ward baas Barton Twentieth Ward Georgofiomixt Twenty first WardWiUiam L.gfJlln" Twenty-second Ward..AlfredSo!omMl C'oMfrr Jfonty. F '". Big Cot'nwood (Brlnton) D.BiUrlnton' Bluff Dale (Monaley)LewIs H.Monsley Brighton Frederick W. SchocnleUl, care E. Schonfeld, Z.C.M.I., IJi.. Cift Draper A WX'C.AlIrj East Mill Creek (Seff) ...... Jobn N'eft Farmers (S L.Clty)...Henry JfrBurtoBC Granite (BaUer) AlvraOlotlsl' Granger (TajIorsttlIel...I)inr; McRaV Herrlman Robert Dxcsle Hunter (S L.City) WiHls,&r Miller Mill Crelr. Barnes C. lfabiljtpn Mountain Deil William B.'Hardy North Point (S. L. Clty)..LeTi W.'Rein Pleasant Green (SX.) LJf.IIard man RIverton (Gale)...,.:..0rin P.sMlller Sugar nouse ...Apollos O'l Drlsnca, South Cottonwood... .Jos. S. itawQna. Sandy Kieklcllloaij Santh Jordan. I Gale).. William A-Biil- Uclon:...,- IshmielPaliapst North Jordan (Taylorsvllle). Heber Benalott WestJordan.y...ArchHiald"ordnVr ST. JOHNS STAKE. Peesidest. David K.Cdall.S't Johns. Counselors. E. N. Freeman, 5VJnQ Gibbons, St. Johns.- ? . Apache County, Afoits. wards. " . uisnoV."!-. Alpine - Edward NeMC Erastus C. I. Kemp Nutrloso John Brown E."K"- Sprlngervtlle (Union).. ..G. I!. Crosbj St.Johns. .-.-..WIUvdFan Valencia Counly,'A'!2t Raman Janes K.McNrJ? Socorro County,Xi2fi Luna meber Ward)..OIIbert 1). Orefj' SAN JUAN STAKE. ",0 Peesidext. F. A. Hammond, BIuSi Counselors. Wm. nails, Mancos; Wm. Adams, Monttcello. v San Jam County, Utahl WARDS. BISHOPS. BlnS City JensNellsen Bneno Geo.W. McConkle, P.K, Eaery County, Utah Moab R. U. Stewart North MontlcelloXBInS).... F.I Jones La Plata Co., Colorado Mancos George Halls 2ft is Mexico Burnham.... Lather C.Bumham La Plata Jesse Steelt SIN LUIS STAKE. President. S. S. Smith, Manassa Coti.NSiLoRj.E. Dalton, Wm iChrts-tenson, iChrts-tenson, Manassa. Conejos Co , Colorado. wards. Bisnors. Manas-a J.C.palJon Sanford.r J. C. Berthelsen. Los Seritos L. M. PeUrson, P. P Jerosa J. If. Jack, P. F Richfield (La Jra)...E.r-omab, P.P. Morgan (La Jara).. J. J.firaples. SANPETE STAKE. Presidekt. Canute Peterson, Epbralm. Counseloes. Henry Beal, Ephralm; John B. Malben. MantlT SanpiTe County, Utah. wards. manors. Chester... Christen Chnstensen Ephralm, North Ward..L. S. Andersen Ephralm, Sonth Ward..C &K. Dorlu; Fairview. James C: Peterson Fayette John Bartholomew Fountain Green James Yorgason Gunnison .t.C. A. Madsen Indianola Hyrnm Sciley, P.E" Manti, North Vm.T. Held MaatI, South- Hans Jensen Mayfleld Parley Cnristiasen Mllburn Wn. Stewart Moroni j. w. Irons Ml, Pleasant c N. Lund Spring City Js. A. Allred Stirling , J. L. Peacock wles John E.Reese SEVIER STAKE. President. Wm. H. Seegmliler, RIcbneld. Counselors. George Wj Bean, W, H. Clark, Richfield. Set'er" County, Utah. W"DS. BISHOPS. AnabeBs Joseph S. Staker Anrora JJarry M. Payne BnrrvlUe Wm. H. Cloward Eklnore .Je'ns I.Jensen Glenwood Herbert H.Bell Invemry .Barnard H. Greenwood '""Pb Gideon A.Mnrdock Monroe Thomas Cooper net roca Hans Rasmussen Ricnfleld, 1st Ward .pan! Poulsen Richfield, 2nd Ward. Joseph S. Home Sallna ,.,., James 8. Jensen Vermillion (SIguard)...P. Gottlrcdson Gooseberry (Sallna) A J.Rcssell, P. E. Ptute County. Blue Valley (Tcasdale)..., Henry GUes Fremont -Jamea A.Taylor Grass Valley (Kooshsrem)..C. Jensen t WlIUs E. Roblscn Teasdale George Coletaia Thnrber Wm. Meets SUMMIT STAKE. Presuent.-W. W. duff, Coalville. Counselors. Alma Eldredge. Coalville: Coal-ville: Wf EPack, Karaii. Suaa't County, Utah hards. BisnopJ. CoalvUle, East Ward Job. Wright Coalville North Ward... Wm. Hodson Coalville, South Ward Geo. Beard Echo KIIasAsper Hennefervllie,., Cbarlea BIc.hi3 j HoytsvUIe Wn. HxrsenT Kunas S.F. Atwood Park City Jno. Holmberg, P. E Parley'aPark..,.. o. M.Pace p Stephen Waller Rockport :..;j. jr. Malln Wpton John CUrk Wansblp JE. R. Young, Uintah County, Wyoming Almy James Bonus Evarston -. Jamea Brown Sicett Water County, Wyoming. Rock Cprlnes..; Joseph Sonlaby, P.E ST. JOSEPH STAKE. President. Christopher Larton. Thatcher. , Counselors. Wm. D. Johnson. M U. Merrill. Thatcher. Gruhm County, J T " BISHOPS. Cari M.M.Car.U Central Joseph W.Clnfl Graham p. o. Pstersoa Larton JohnWelker Matthews D.H. Matthew. Thatcher Saaiel CUrldgs ..John Taylor" Cockite County, A. T St. David Peter A. Lclgree Brlce Nelson A. Matuc TOOELK STAKE. President. H. S. Cowan, Tooele. Counselors. C. L Jadeion,Grant- vUIe; Geo. F. Richards, Tooele. Tood County, Mtah wards. srsBora. Clover F. D. St. Jeer Deep Creek ....O.H. Barrel E.T.CUT..................W.F. Mom GrastsrUle Jasa L. WratnaU Lakevlew (Tooele P.O.). J. O. BaMda St. John D. H. Caldwel) j Tooele City .'.....Taox.Atkla eraon ..JrCJSharji.l. ' '' UTAH 8rAKK Peesidext. A. O, Sraoot, Provo Ci.txjelors. David John, U. U.Cluff totoT "r" -j ' - - JRah County, Ulcn WAEDS. - BISHOPS. Alpine..." .T- J. McCuIlough American Fork Geo. Halllday BenUmln Andrew J. B. Stewart Cedar- Ell Bennatt Goshen .' Wm. Price Lake Shore Lorenzo Argyle Leal I. R. Cutler MM Fork." John Bagley, P.S. Parson J. S., Tanner Pleasant Grove, IstWard, John Brown Pleasant Grove, 2d Ward, Jas. Cobley Pleasant Grove,1 SJ Ward, K Swenson Provo, 1st Ward....?.j; P, R. Johnson ProTO,-2nd"Ward ;!..!....'. Provo, 3rd Ward..?.'.J.yronTanner Provo, 4U. Ward .V. E. Booth Provo; 5th Ward .., ..... PUr Madsen Slem f......ti. RTatlor Santaquln .' BllOpenshaw SpanUh Fork G. D. Snen Springvllle NepbiPackard Tlmpanogos .Peter M. Wente Emery County, PleasantVaUey (Scofleld) T J.ParnLey ScoSeld UINTAH STAKE. President. S. R. Bennion, Ashlry, (Vernal P. O.) Counselors. R. S". Colfett, Jamis Hacking. Vernal P. O. Uintah County, Utah ? WARDS . BISHOPS. 'Ashley IVernal p'.OJ.-Geo. Freestom .Cllces (Vernal P.C.)..Peter Abplanali IcrrlUs (Vernal P.O.!.T.J.Ca!direll IU1 tVernalP.O.).....Wm. ftFn fountain DeK(VernalP.O.)SJ.Merrlli lUverdale (Vernal P. Q.)..X. Unntlcr -1" WEBEU bTAKL. President. L. W. fahnrillff. Ogden Colnselors C F. MTddlcton, i. C 0 r ilypueOfflen-. .r "' Weber County, Utah WARD5. f BISHOPS. , Eilen. ...... -...."..' ..J. M-Ferrot ilarrbvUle V. G.Tayloi Uooper Wn. W Cbllrf HhcUtille David McKay Lynn D. F. Thomas Marriott James Richii Mound Fort...... v.....Dxvid Moon "NirthOgden.5. Thos.. Wallace 'Cgden, 1st Ward.... Moroni F.Brown Jt)gden. 2nd Ward Robt.McQnarrie gden,-3rd Ward WIcslow Fan jOgden, 4th Ward.... Edwin Stratforc (XiAeu, nth Ward... Thos. I. Steven.. Plain pity O. W. BramweH, Jr Pleasant View E. W. Wad. RIverdale ....,.Sanford Blngtan .SiiteiTllle l..'.....T.J.A. Allrcf ,WcatWeber,r.rZachariah Ballantym WUson .11. a. ninghan Kanesville PeUr B. Petersoi K Uintah ,.Almi K'v WASATCH STAKE, 1 Tresidext. Abram Hatch, Htbcr. Counselors. T. II. Giles, 11. Alexander, Heber. , K Waiateh County. Utah I WARDS BIMIOPS. ,Uentre (Heber P.O.)....B:o)amm Clot Charleston .. N. (3, Murdocl Daniels Creek (Heber) J. Jotdan, P.E HiUatoce (He(-ei)...,.. .Henry Clo .Heber, East R. S. Duk Heber, West. Henry Clegi , Midway D. Van Wagonei Wa'Xsbur; F. Fraughtoi .SbrmiC County, Ut h. Woodlap.l (Kama)....... Jnn aiopr " S9-n ben xry: enacxe. ooeor in tne lore-XOtnr lore-XOtnr list, tLe Mua pmidin oCcerj vui coaler a favor Lr reportinx iLe tarac lothi Dat eskt N Eva urricc. m (be lut mar oneeiert. WHY THE LKCTCTNtW-mOwT BE SUBSCRIBE!) FOR IN PREFERENCE TO ANY OTHER PAPER. L It ! tne Orzu ef the Church of Jeni Chrut uf Lnatr-aty Stlau, and the aotlior-tzi aotlior-tzi median taronru which the v!cwi.wiih. t and lmtmcuoni of the Charch An tloriLei ar capreneJ. and xl7 to tit SaoiU. . II cr AlTiya le r.-Iied upon adra taungoraterdlnrtlir rljnl ride C eTejy ceitun preerfor&ic liuru jtii 4pn. 1 It Jj 'deroled to lb. jcierrsu of Ui tauar-iirEalati, iad bu, trua -it ep ifcaVilIantiy 'deftadaJ ti.r nrhu an idrocaled the pnndnt In nhich thty be here; aad tery LaUer djy Silnt ahoald ibenrort feel under vhlg atiou (a at aw partiahaiplngtaiULrcu. ' (. ItUnotpablUhtd for ipeealikon, ana never hu teen, tint for the good vlilch It 1: upalle of aceompluhlng; tbeVn.it a.'if aay taere be derived from It. 'jr.f Aerclti t eendig Itspnere of tifaJneai. x.t henttiing tha commsally. a, I In dotsg lu stmoit (a ejlAWiia.ini Indci tries, imonj-which are piper.iuklnE, Irpe fnnndug, itcrtitrplng u electro tjplag-tiraaeaej aeceuary to a develop. ot aid Independence of H cecunsniiy, lul which, during their infancy Kwhica Is Ihta Territory they hara not yet paued), can n!j b eanlad on at peeaalaiy loaa. a. Than la no danger tt any nbaerssat ta UnMwa faniagtatttwkMkanBhMzihet for throsck fallara f tka kuinent and a napesaln of the pnhllaaUon.a aoanua renitin tt earn cf hndnis of aawsnaptr rsatitta every year. T. Vis avr priyad tknaaknt In nrw aadHadahlo rjpe. that ove ueagM taa paruo It withsat siaenlt c danger U thavayalfhL a,yia froo troaa oblantininbla advantM-Beatfao advantM-Beatfao thai no parent nnod faac that hU aaadiaa wfll hava taahr nabada eomated frt3iarss;aetnUH;ufaaf.tt reraaM thonaaada of dollars won at Ik bait pay. tnc adrenlMmanU aaasalry. bteaua It li dev;tlti the moral and splntaal tatereau of ItMlUdextUjieadof-iogettUggala at Uetftiiaaja, , oplaJNr)toT the hop f 'fataug sshtertben aataemeau. It advocate that walci rU kid eondaaas thatwnleh U wrong, I regirdWi of rtnla tnanelal or oiheiwuo. MtU ijtver naajeatea Its raadera by palm-b"gjfaWnj palm-b"gjfaWnj of atlf-fralM far nrwj U-rCkeXswa yractlen a decepUoa aae rtaarta. fa n sabtnfcgtsllo udaee pea r ""frrjo; im, oa.tat contrary, proferrto uand sjwn lu own SMrlta, as the eople-a ntwipaptr. wi i protaM only U do lt-,stactito gtre lu patroaaUe fan rata of their moaay-a promiao whlck it aai'endeaTond U talthfallx keep ir the aat K. te ceaelaalea. If a Latter-day saint eaa afford to smbseziba for only one paper, that paper ahonld be the DssexbtSsws ; and it mora thaa eai,tha News aboald Invanabli be lb Jut, nascBrmoB xatbs: ' rti rvJTr. 4ato.bfi.iil ?i2fio;4" p "" IBW.WBLT, JJO 1.T5 U M aaxuTWaxaxT. zjo Ue AaditM all amleatloaa u THxoxaxBxrimveJ6a, . KAuincuT,trafa Graefenberg pILLS. Theiy euro Headache, Bit- Ufiusness.LiyorComplaint 8d IndigGston. No grip-. , irig" of3Wausea. These Tojdo up the system and rotoro health to those suf- . f erjnB from general debit-ityind debit-ityind n6rvousne3S-iSold byAaall drtirjSisfs.25cp"er, bo. i - , "... -. -. -' est ici women: GfillEfflBEfiC CUTHQLip 'Cures all forma, of Female ic,0Diplaint3, weaknessj'oitjr-vousness weaknessj'oitjr-vousness and genetalldcb'ility."t gold hyll druggists. ''F AjCi. hJOnt: Dtt.,TJo3eW5f. nmrtmT. i The latest, largest and. beat musical musi-cal work yet published in the Terrl- toryrwnta!mrijn-tur,0'Xe77T; piece In the Latter-day Saints' Hymn Book, has been, issued from tho B-Eaaurr KKWB'preas, and is now for sale in 4 different styles of binding; n , - : Paper Covered Boards, Cloth Back, $1 JO each or $10.01 per dot. Cloth Bound, Jl.COeach, $17.00 dox. Cloth and Leather Bound, $1.70 -each, $18X0 per doa.-w ' FuUMoroccoGllt,$SJSeach, $86.00 Aperdos- If sent by mail IS cents per book additional Vlll be charged. The liest musical talent la the Territory has been employed in the arrangement and compilation of tho work, which contains the choicest or the sacred melodies to wliichthe LatteMlaySaints'Hynras have been sung in the" past, and a rich collection of original tunes, many of which are sure to become favorites as soon as known. There are 330 pieces of music, with words accompanying. In the fsalmedy, making It a large and valuable Look. Not only should every choir be fully supplied with this remarkably cheap and most excellent w ork, bat: it is equally well adapted for home use, and no family In which musir ts understood or cultivated should be without it In ordering, state how ycu want them shipped. Address: Desebtt News Co., Salt Lake City. SUMMONS. Ih the litnet Court m an'f or thr TMntJifhaal Dittntt of dnh Territory, Ter-ritory, County of Salt iMkr. Lizzie rccxix. llaintiff, ) -Mvt. S Summon. IIacw " fviaiA, ltf ewiant. J rbereorlc of the Territory of Utah eni l.recUn; To Mark .s rnrman, Xetendant. You ui: m.uKnv kliiuikeu to arcar in an action bronrnt airainu Joa trjr ihe aborn named plainim in the linnet Court of In: Tsird JudiclM Ui.tnct rot the Termor? ct Utaa.an.1 lo eoiwcr tbe complain: filed thercia within len dajt ex clnt.Te oC the Uv of service) after tne icrrire ml you ot tnl nramona if f erred mlhtn tb roantjr or. If served oat ot thU ronntr. lnt in ini rtblnct. irllnln twenty daj: otherwise within forty days or jndjr-ir-eal 1 y delaoll wjl &e lalen azalnst yoo. acrordio? to tbo prayer of aiI complaint. Tbe MUd neUon U broexat to bare n de cree of hU Conrt dusolTlns tbe LoKd of tnalrlinony ealaUax between plalntuf and defendant, and for saeti otter and f nrtner relief la th premlies at may bo lest and esnltable. Above relief 1 rayed on tbe grounds that for more than tareeyears lut pit defendant baa failed to provid? tor plainUfl the common neresanea of lite not bavins contribnud at alt ta ber snp porrdnnn; that time. a:d Ihat plaintlif and defendant bare not !.v ed together as hB-band hB-band and wife tor jnore than three years last pa. L And yon are hereby noUScd taatit yrn fauto-apvear and answer tfee sat I com-pUUtas com-pUUtas above reqered, the said plalnuS w U apply to Ian Coait for tta rclle de-tcanded de-tcanded there n. Witness the Hon rnarle S.Zane. Jntfe. and the seal of the liutnct Conn of the Tbird Jcdiclal Otstntt. in an 1 for the Territory ot I tab. Uu 12lh day of Notemberjn the year or our ljrd ono thousand e-ht bnn drcdand ninety. flL. IIEM:V U. MCMILLAN. Clerk. "lyUii. l. Looau. doaw t Uepcty Clerk -R E A DYi REFERENCES. THC SECOND EDITION, Enlarged and Improved, of tl:!a nest excellent v. ork, has lately been published pub-lished and it ro "or Siia at tht DESESET 1IEWS OFFICE it la Almost Indlipenra!)!. to Zverj 30ME 1SD FOREIGH MISSIOMHI, ud isapxaiE-raa acgcui-iox auoro xrcsr srcsxxT or Tszoboor axr oraxx rxaioic who valcxs tbs asaxt or iDTOCiTixo aso DirrjrDoa scsi-tux. ixLT a-t Bisroaicau.z rats rarsczrui ar txx cosriu m wiaxaa oi- Tax coatr-Lxaj. Tnat rax woex as rcsuaaas' wrraoci rxorrT ao as ,o ax wrrni-r raa asses or xvxbt rxxsox -Diauuxa rr, axvt txxx aicprxo ia xais aa wxu. as tbs rtarr xsmo-r, lao tbxxxtobs so stscotrxT sxexrr xox ccrr or ron-soa ron-soa is atxowzo to caatxas. tbs sooc is socxa ct roca TTxa bxt tTTUta asD ixsr rosTraio to xar isoaxta ax Tan tollow-so rJiiuu! 85 cents,' andSUO FitiserFMokKt MILL- No. 58 North Temple St, East OFHCE: 21 South Temple Sb, West BJlAIVrDS: High JPatent, Halter's JVo. 1, Superfine Whole Wheat Flour. HIGHEST CASH P3IGF Pi!Q FOB W5UT. Mill Telephone -X OCce Telephone J7. ELTAS MORRl's.Prop 31 FRASER tt CHALMERS, S CHICROO. L- C- ENT I Salt lalvo City, Utah, General Western Manager, Helena, Montana. :mj-ojlin:3- cA.CHrr33i.-Srr, UDGERWOOD HOISTING ENGINES, ELECTRIC MOTORS Klotrlo Zsiglit Plaats, 6NG1NES, BOH7ERS, EIVEvXtORS, SAW HULLS, - LOCOOXXs7t STEAM MOXOIIS. gZZ. uitLCToas: , G. II. Taylor. Cleo. Oomney. Geo, Komncy.llanaj-er '. 4m-sirona-t 11. j. Uotmey, (eo. If, Taylor, Aislstaat Jtanaaer "V. . Annstronx. - , Geo. "iCoroaeyecynd Treasurer. LmnberYard & SteamflaningMill TAYLOR, ROIVIliEY-- ARMSTROJiG 60., One Ploolc Cunt ol CT. I. K. R. Depot.; -BTJ-S- V.-ET3B c " MOUNTAINEER overall. ;: nr IS THE best. t - uns. u. isjDELL.1 hobxb, ma. mbst. j- ttic swBiTT.TaoirAsJsv WOMAN'S J DRESS GOODS, co nPFRirwF ' Wm mm v wurcmiiiic Unm ,, j j -MERCANTILE ami' DRESSlAKlBG'-fJaffiy-" MANaFAeMiN STm -1 -fle-Qpptributor. ESTABLISHED 1379 f$F VOhUmE TWEliVE. TsVitWSsV HE Twelfth Volume of The Coxtridotor bfoi, y) with the November, 1800, number. The foUasT! 'j- will constitute its leading features: - Illustration: Twelve full page engravings of n, finest execution a frontispiece to each number besides n merous outline drawings illustrative of the scientific pane" Life and Labors of Orson Pratt: The fir number will contain an elegant Steel Engraving of theUio Apostle Orson Pratt and a carefully prepared biographical sketch. In the succeeding numbers choice extract froa hU wrilings and sennon3 will be presented. The Church Emigration: Early in 1-9-will be commenced a serial detailing a historv of tl Chufclt Emigration, from tho first company to'the pn sent time. "With tho opening chapter will be a fine Stet! Engraving of Elder William C. Staves, from -rao-e journal some extremely interesting incidents will be cnllei Descrintive Series: Several narars .iov.: Scandinavian Countries and People will be written Lv Edward II. Anderson, President of the Scandinavian Mission. Pioneer Sketches by Santiago, describe local scenqs and incidents of interest. Scientific: Dr. James E. Talmage will continn his delightful illustrated studies of microscopic and othn animal life. Short 'Stories: Wcliave arranged for a shortstop in each number and serials running through the volume. " Studies from Froissart, by Ds roStiu-, -riii acquaint our readers with many surprising adventure of Knights and Squires in the heroic days of Chivalry. Short Talks to Young Men: These n! be brief, pointed addresses on timely topics by some c the best known and most capable men in the comraunitv Among the writers and subjects may be named: llfct Thatcher on "Ceurage," Heber J. Grant on "Riche-," Samuel W. Richards on "The Bible," I). H. Roberts - "Public SpeaT-ing," E3n Stephens on "Music," C. V Penrose on "Language," fcc. Musical: There will be a page of mu-ic in esc number, to accompany a series of songs and chores specially composed and selected for male oices, and d signed for use in the Y. M. SL I. A. t 5500.00. - PREMIUMS, t 9500.00. For the purpose ot stimulating interest It the Musical Exe-osr ot the Y. M. JL I. A.. and ot creating; a frierullj riraJrj- ationj&tt vre, in connection with the General Snperi&tenilenr-, shall gin tl following premiums, to be awarded at the Annual Conference cf tt Associations In Jnne. T-3l: I. To tbe V. JL M. I. A. of the ward haria- the Iar-?t aal Im Glee Club, ot not lea than twenty five m.-s!e to.c, JiXiPl IL To the Y. JL 1L L A. of the ward harmc the be,t Glee CL: of not leas than fifteen male Toice-, SlM.nn. IIL To the Y. M. 31. I. A. ot tie ward Latin;; tee lot Do-Quartette Do-Quartette of male voices, 33.W. IV. To the Y. 31. 31. 1. A. ot the tonl bavins tie ' Qaarttf of male voices, JCO.0G. V. To the Y. 31. 3L, I. A. of tits want rendenne Uhn beit Duett Bass and Tenor voices. J-J5.C0. VI. To the Y. 3L 31. I. A. ot the ward rendennj: tlie bestEs Solo, J15.CO. Second Prize, 10 a. VlL To the Y.3L 31. 1. A. of the ward renderin-; tbe Us: Tes Solo, liCO. Second Prize, $'0 OX -5--CON01TIONS.- 1. The corc-etition wiU be tinder Ihe dirwtio-i of Evan Slrfte MaCcal Director of the Associations, who will prenbe th ttuilr manage all tbe details, of the earnises and prelinunart- work. j communications In relation to it rtnst lie oildressex. to luir. 2. The premiums will be paid to the o filer rs of tbf Y. M. -M.L. J to be disposed ot br them far the lenelit of tf.e Miigrrs. as the itpfl ' ; ttve wlnmnK .Vs.-ocialions may Uiro't. , a. Iljt one premium will lie cneu to the Assocutioa of any 'W-ward, 'W-ward, except the premiumv for duet and oto. 4. The competing or-anizatiom will nil"" usU part of xMp musical eaercises of the Y. 31. M. 1. A. Annual Conference an.l C.f-, cert as ruay be assigned thtui. 5. In consideration of the liberality- of these premiums we tilM there should be not less than from iwenty-tlve to one hundred i-m acribers to Til c CoNTKiBtrror: in the Trinnin wards. But we da ' impose it as a condition that there s.n S be, only reaueslinR the o&S , and members of the Associations to as-ist oir local and t""relMjC agents in their efforts to procure them. H J Subscription: The subscription i Two DomH g a year. Binding Fiftv Cejits voluioc. For Tfl Dollaes axd Tavexty-Five trEXTs, in advene; v il send tho magazine, bind it at the end of tbe year aK Jj return it post free. We rerommend every snltcriler ai order it thb way. The magrizine is thus doubed m rsI.H being read as it comes out, and still preserved, a record the best thought of the tiraes, which may be rei.ei to 9 J years to come with untold interest. We are 3-'el W" i subscribers, who have all the back volume, tint tit would not port with them for any price. Ba Binding: Volumes bound in cloth at oO xm r each. Slissing numbers supplied to sub-cribcrs at 20 each. Binding Case3 for any volume. 25 cents each. Fil &1 Bixdixgs, Half Srorocco, gilt, ?1.00 each; Full Monr 34 gilt, $2.00 each. Bound Volumes: Complete sots, Eleven oj times, cioth, 24.7j per set; Half Jlorocco, gilt, $- ke We -vill exchange any other Bound Volumo for vo'siB J 1 and 4, unbound, if in good" condition. H ' - Special: We have a linuted numlcr of large e:gB an ings of Lieutenant-Gcneral Joseph Smitlt and of Frea- Bricham Youncr. Until our supply is exhausted, we will a copy of either to subscribers for Volume XII- ' g pay $20 in advance (which also includ.s bicdirB rflj These engravings sell ct $1.00 each. H " --Eemit money by P. 0. note, registered letter, or orfl Jj - Stamps taken for. amounts less than one dollar. j' Address, THE CONTRIBUTOR CO I Herald Bcildlvo, I Q P.-O. Box 305. - Salt Lake City, ViaM m it & "m mi DAYID JAMES & cl sa-aa-e u I1 Plumbers, Has and Steam Fittl f DttfTlt HI H Wumbln Material, Pumps, Pips and Flrtlnes. StwS - HMtUnff Sup-alias. Tin and Iron Roofing, uai- H j0 vanlzad Iron Cornlca, 'Cutterin-r, Etc. jm " iNo. 67 S. MAIN STREET. Jasflssai. ssl .'j s-1 ssl 'ke V5 --&3 ssi 116 S. MAIN STREET. K |