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Show Dancles; -lallnee. Christmas afternoon, at my Hall, No. 21 West, Second South Str-tt, commencing at four o'clock. H. B. Yuunoeh. DONT IMAGINE That Din woodey keeps nothing; noth-ing; now but tho most expensive expen-sive Furniture, for ho keeps all kinds of Furniture and at tho lowest prices. Examino his Mammoth Stock. II la the Experience or 3Inltllalc Or intelligent people that a per-severingiire per-severingiire or Dr.Davld Kennedy's Favorite Itemed y,of Rondcut,N. V., will cure Fever and Ague, Billlous-nees, Billlous-nees, RheumotUm, Debility of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and Bladder, and all disorders ariting from an impure state of the blood, when no other medicine or treatment treat-ment has been of any permanent benefit. Bnelilcn'a Arnica Halve. , The Best Salvo In tbe world for Cuts, BruUcs, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, r Fever. Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corn, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively posi-tively cures Plies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. For sale by A. C. Smith & Co. now Severe eim are Broken aud In Montana. ITom the trrlau Pitr, ihttt. BaJlmiaa J When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit, we consider ft a Huty, nnd wo take pleasure in telling the public what it La. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Couch Remedy, Iat winttr. when la grippe vtas prevailing. prevail-ing. We are satisfied that we warded ward-ed off. several attacks that were threatening by tho use of thlssyrup, and wo have since relieved, iu a few hours, severe colds, and in tbe course of two or three days, entirely, broken them up by Its use, as have several of our friends to whom we have recemmended IL It is all that It is represented to be by tho manufacturers. manu-facturers. If you baoa cough and want to stop it Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will dn the work. For sale by 2. C. if. I. Drug Dept. Buy your drugs of "the boys," Johnson, Pratt & Co., 4S Main si. Halljr and Xoaaa arcane. Tlenty of cut floners, the choicest choic-est In the city, at Cramer's, Floral Avenue. dst Cmor Bra. Plane. Cbrap. A great sacrifice. A rivate party will sacrifice a magnificent " Octave, Tripple Strung, Patent Action, Conovcr Cabinet Upright Piano at great racriflcc Klegaut Pluth Stool, and Box for shipping. Rare chance to get a fine i'iano, cheap. .Call tomorrow. 75 w. 1st South. RUGS AND CURTAINS. Tho Latest Novelties In Daghestan and Algerian styles at Dlnwoodoy's. Caaoeer Bra. Plan. Cbrap. A great sacrifice. A private rarty will sacrificet. a magnificent 7!j Octave, Tripple. Strung, Patent Action, Conovcr Cabinet Uptight Pianoat a greaTsactlfice. Klrgant Plush Stool, and Box fur shipping. Rare chance to get a fine I'iano, cheap. Call tutuorrcw. 75 w. 1st South. Get a wire door Mat at Z 0. M. FOLDING BEDS. A most complete line at Dlnwoodey's. CeaaTrrBne. Plana. Cheap, A great aerifies. A private party will sacrifice a magnificent 7j Octavo, Tripple Strung, Patent Action, Conover Cabinet Upright Piano at great sacrifice. Elegant Plush Stooh- and Box for shipping. Rare chance to get a fine Piano, cheap. Call tomorrow. 75 w. 1st South. d3 Calabratcel cmickerlas; Plane. Elegant Rosewood Case. Chick- erlng&Hone. OolytlTS. Makers price, $900. Time if desired. Call Salt Lake Music Co., 75 w. 1st South The New Sofa Bed is the best for Offices and Physicians. fMstrraiea Cklakerlac Flame. Elegant Rosewood Case. Chick-ring Chick-ring & Sons. Only 1178. Maker price, JSo0. Time If desired. Call SeJt Like Music Co., 73 w. 1st South a rur. siiriiT. One of tbe most attractive places in the city la at No. 54 Main Street, where can be found she largest stock of art goods in tho shapo of beautiful beauti-ful vases, glass wares, china In sets and In ornaments, In variety to saM tbe most fastidious, while upstairs up-stairs Is an art room that it would be hard to excel In tbe excellence of its display and fine selection. Little, Roundy & Co. hye always carried the best of class of goods, but this year they quite excel all competitors la their line, and no one who wants to make a useful and pleasing gift for (he holidays should fail to pass them by.- PrOaMmOed Hapclaaa, Te SmvcaL From a Xrtfrr written by Mrs.Ada Huidof Groton, B. D., we quote: "Was taken with a ll euM. which settled on my lurup, rcngh set in and finally terminated in ransoms-tior. ransoms-tior. Four doctors gave mo up say Ing I could livo buta abort tune. I gave myseir up to my Savior, determined deter-mined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hm-bami was advbed to get Dr. King's New Discovery for ConxJtnption.Cougbs and Colds. I gave it a trial, tcok in all eight bottles; It, has cured me and thank G xi I am nw a well and hearty womaiK'Trial lollies free at A. C. Smith i Co.' Drug Store. Iteguhr size, 0c. and $1.00. 4 SALTLAKGTHEATRE. Coil. 8. Iicbtox, Kajussa. THREE PERFORMANCES! S.r M& 22, 23; 24 ff EtlPORTANT ! Kcraitment ot ta DniioraiiLcd Trjr.c Actor. Ms James an j his Fxeelleat Company, attt fa low-' low-' lo; CUnlcPiiji v DECEMBER 23. inUlfflal' Wednesday Eien'gj T.1. , DECEMBER 24, MaiDlE Halt. Sale ot Seate Ilrriae Satarti J. Decemcr M l'KICLS AS USUAL-SUMMONS. USUAL-SUMMONS. la Us Dutriet Court in and for tke Third Jadicial Uutrict ot Utah Territory, County ot salt Lake. John K. Ce&"a and dbi Deaaloa Ltndear, ttaintiE't, EUubtth Pnraire. Uconrd it. Vzt-mire. Vzt-mire. James M. mriairr, EliiaUeta M. luca. Lilward M. farmlre. Nasrr 15-" mire, adulu; inccnt lLI-nxmlrc. Lcltoy rnrmirr, iuea l'urmire. Jonathan ILrnc-tnire ILrnc-tnire Landon K. rnrmfre and James K. INirmtTe, talaon: said ancyK. t-nrmlre, raardlan cf auducrnt IL rarmtrr, ltkoj rncmire, rftich llijmlrc. Jonathan iLlsc-xaire iLlsc-xaire James tLPocmireend Landon IL rug-taire; rug-taire; Maria N. rarmtrv. an adult. Grace -furmira and Came J-armirc. minors ; said liana .l"nirmlre,(,aartuo or said Oraea E l'urmire and Carrie l"Ermlr: Ileurr N. 1-urmlre. William X. l-ujtmlre. Ellen X.Keetch, Thomas - 1-urmlre, Anna 6.rnr mire, a Jafu . band V Parmir- and Nora -V. ruralre. minors; Caroline rurnurc. an ado.1 andCuardlan ot saal Hand N. fur-mire fur-mire and ora N.l-amire. Jiebcr S. Pa. mire, Itlchard tf. l-uicmire aad Moroni 1-urmlre. minors: Marr E. l'urmire, an adult aad guardian ot said lleber a ua-mlre, ua-mlre, Jchard S. l'onire and Moroni Pnx. mire, and Saraa Itiley. Joseph II. Fuemlre. Elu-lhTajIor(forucrlr aUiuoethJoseph) and liaunah Jloren ; oeorre M. l'urmire. Junes M. l'urmire and Ldward M. l'urmire as administrators ot tae esuta of Jonathan l'urmire. Jr. deceased; framuel J. Itich and adward al. lumirc as admin s'rators ot the esuta ol iceent U. l'urmire. deceased; de-ceased; Henry Lliniroodey aa executor ot tha last will and tesument ot Jonathan faralje, Sr deceased, adsltr. IletenianU. Tho t'eople of the Territory of tub send Creeuox: To luuahrth Furrjlre, Ceorye M. l'urmire, l'ur-mire, James M. l-uroure. Ellaabeth M Ulch. Ldward U rnrmue. aacy E- rurmire, aanlu.Mnccnt IL IMrmtie.Le It y rurmire. rur-mire. ulch Puzmlre, Jonathan IL rucmc, Lau ton K. Jur ire. and Jamca U luf mire, minors: said .Nancy E. l'urmire, tiuardian or said inrent IL l'urmire. Le Hot lur-mire.Uich lur-mire.Uich rurmire. J nalhtn ILliimtre. James K. lurrair and Laodou U rnrmire. Maria N. lirmlre, an anlt. eirae t-lMr mire and e,arr! 1-urmlre- minors; said Maria . ruzmire. Gasraian ot said brace L. l'urmire, and Cam I'lirnlre, ileurr N. furmlre, William . furintre. Ellen V. Krctch. Thomas 8. iur-mir. iur-mir. Anna i. Purmire, adults, Parld A. Pcrmirn and Jora J. rcrmire. minors; Caroline He mire, an adult and raardlan ol said Dartd S. Purmire, and ora S Pur-mire; Pur-mire; lleber S. Purmire. mchard Purmire Pur-mire and Mo.onl Punire. minors: Mary e. Purmire, an ain't and ruardiaa ef said lleber 3- Parolre. Iticharu a luirmtre. aad Moroni l'urmire; and Sarah Itileyi Joseph IL Purmire, Elisabeth Taylor (formerly Elisabeth Joseph) anJ Hannah Han-nah Roren; Oeorre M. Purmire. James 1. l'urmire. and Jiirard M. l'cr nire. aa admicistratora of tho estate ot Jcaaihan l'urmire. Junior, deceased : samuet J. Elchand Ldnard M. Purmire. s administrator admin-istrator or tho estate of lucent M. Pux-mtre. Pux-mtre. deceased, and Henry thnwoodey, as exreutnr of the last mil and testament ot Jonathan Purmire, senior, deceased, adulu, DefenaUat. Tu arc hereby reuiretl to appear l,aa action brourht against you t the atore samed plaintiffs in the tilstncl Court of the Third Judicul lliitrlctof the Territory ot Ltah, and to answer the complaint Sled therein wilhia ten dlja (excluslre of the day or serrtce) alter ths serrice on you cf this summon If scried within t&ia coun-tr; coun-tr; or. It scried oatof this county, but to this district, wirtln twenty days ; otherwise within forty day or judgment by default will be tatcn sramt you, according, to the prayer of said com lalnt. Thasaidacticnis brouxhttohaTeadecree of thia court rtquirfoir defendanta to set fortn the nature of their claim to the property hereinafter described, and deter mialar alladrerse claims- adjudging- and ttccrecmr that said defendants nave no estate or Interest whatever In or to said land or premiss, or any part thereof, there-of, and that tha tiUe of plaintiffs thereto la rood aud Tlid and quiet d, forercr enjoining defendants and each of them from ae-erunx anT claim whatever in or to said land and prrmlsea adrert a to plaintiffs, and for snea other and lunarriTiKiHiuuictuBiiiiMii mm ui and equitable, and for costs of suit; said premises are decnbed as follow, to wit Apart ot Lot J. Woes SO. Plat "A." rtll Lata Cny surrey, commencing SJ feet south from the northwest corner of said Lots, aad runnln thence south CV feet; t enc eatKfcet: thenca north Ul, feet: thence west V3 feet to the idarc of commencement, situate In Salt Lata City ted County.Cua Teriltory. And yea are hereby notified that If you fail to appearand answer tha said complaint com-plaint as abore required, tha said plalnUSs will apply to the Court for the relief demand, de-mand, therein. Wltorss. the lion. Charles S.Zae, Judge, and the Seal or tb District Court of in Third Judicial DutncL to and for the Territory Ter-ritory of 1'tah.this Kth day tf December. In tho year of our Lord one thousand eight honored and ninety. 'ir-tU Uli.Iir G. McMlLLAV. CIrrx. St Geo. I). Looms. doaw ricpalT. LEGAL NOTICE. la the rrabate Court in and for Sail Lake County, Territory cf Utah. la the matter of tbe L'tale ot Thomas B. Knowlden, Deceased. NOTICE IS IIKUEnr GIVEN THAT George II. knowlden, administrator of the esuta of Thomas B. Know.dea deceased, de-ceased, -has rendered for settlement, and al d in said Court, his Anal accouat of bia administration ot said estate and petition forflnal distribution t-f the residue of said ce-taie ce-taie atnongihe persons entltlrd Ihereto.and' that Thursdav, the lth day of January, A. D. ltoi.at 10 o'clock a.m al tha Court Boom ot said Court, in the County Out House. Salt La. Cily and County. Cuh rernlcry, haa been duly appointed by the Judge ot saidexiurt, forth settlemeet of said accauut and hearing aad pctltiou for distribution, al whteh lime and p acs any per-en lulrre cd in said eiUte mayrp-ar and show ciuse. ir any thrr b. why said account should not be settled and syprored and Bnai dl.lnbatlon made as prayed for. Ua:cd December. 1O0. tvcAUJcy. Clerk of the rrobat Ourt-BrCC. Ourt-BrCC. Stsnox. Deputy. d Janla LEGAL NOTICE. In the rrobat Court, in ami for SaUXaat eouaty.Teniiory of Dub. la the matter of tha kstetc of Joha T. Thompson, deceased. NOTICE IS I1EKEBT GIVE.V. THAT Mary Ana E. Thompson. Kaecutrut of Ue last will and testament of th Esut- of ot John T. Thompson decaased, na rendered for settemeai, and filed la aald Court, her Seal acraant of her admta-Htratlon admta-Htratlon of said estate and pcttuon for final di-lribution ot the reaidn of aald stai amonsT tha persona entitled thereto, and that Thursday.!!, LMh day of Jaaaary.a-D. 1891, at I o'clock a m.. atu oart Boom ot said CosTt. ra th UonlrCort House, Salt L City and County. Utah Territory, haa been dnly appointed by th Judge t aid Court for th setuemeat of aald aerogel ae-rogel and hearing said pelllloa for distribution, distri-bution, at which tim and plac aay person per-son interested ta sals estate may appear aad snow cans, it any there b. why said account should not b settled sad approrad and Seal disinbuUoa mad aa prayed for. PaUdlembr.lLafcAutx. a-rk ef tb rrobat OourL By C E. Staaton, depity. d Ja. la ADTICC Tea JStsTHEaVSk Mas. Waatows sooranio Braor aaoaldarsraysb 3d tu children testa-inc. testa-inc. It soota Ik child, aottaaa ta nu, allay all rata, cure wind coIk'. aad la th bat remedy r dlrrihos. Twaaty-Src I "aaasaVeetta. dc4wL Z. C. MT"i EXTEAOEDIirAIlY Holiday Offer! From Kow Until Curistmis Ws Make the Unprecedented Offsr 2uPerfatReli On Our Entire Stock of the Following Goods: 1 1 1 1 i i ) i n 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 n riTrjTrjT CLOAKS, WRAPS H jll TnillMlllinTTll:IMIMilin INCLUDING PLUSH & CLOTH GOODS for Ladies, Hisses Ghildreu. Furs, Capes, Muffs And MUFFS and BOAS, IN LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S. Special llcduction on Imiiation Seal and Imitation Astrachan Capes. WOOL SHAWLS, Knit Goods, Hoods, Fascinators, Skirts, Etc. These are Elegant Christmas Presents 20 Per Cent. Reiluction. T. &. WEBBER. Supt. Tommy Dots Letter to Santa Clais. SALT LAKE CITT, DECEHBER 13, 1890. DEAR SANT7 CLAWES: Sec'n as Christmas is so dost by and heeria that yon want to heer from all the little boys and girls as is good and likes nise things, which is cause why I tail ray pen in hand to let yon no as i am I. Yob know when yonr place hear was opened vMck was last Monday, Pa called it yonr headqnartes, izi so be took me and ma and sister Kate and Jimmy vA Eddy all down to see the place which is at McAllisters and Company's, 72 Main Streat, rite dost to where lis streat cars all meats, the third store abo7e the place with the Elefaat on to it Well there was your headquarters head-quarters and hind quarters too, or a feller in the front winder fixed up Just like you. of coars i never seen yon, cox i am always asleep when ja get to our hons, bnt i jist no it looks like you as mutch as can be. But yon ought to go inside, and I do hope you will havo time to do iL We went in and it was grand. If you run ont oi thing before yoa-git around, don't f:rgitto go rite there and you can get anything you want. I never seen so any dolls in one plase in my whole life and they was as big as sister Kate clear down to as little as a boni, some with black eyes and some with blue, and o such party hair they was books enuf to give every boy and gurl In town 1 apees and then be enuf left for sum other towns, and Then the .toyso Goodness, i can't begin to tell you how many or what they all wuz. waggons, Sleds, rocky bosses, drums, thorns, and everything that eay Boy could want ftmore to, and all so cheap that i would bar busted my bank ft bot some if i hadent nowed yon was cumiig soon, i doant beleev eny boddy could tell all aboat the lice tblbgs there, you must see eo for yerselt a Feller cam git eiy thing he watts for ear kind ol prise sure, and wea we got home my big Sfctsr Nell's bow was hera'axd he staid till it was lait and sle weat with bia to tbe dore when he loft and they didn't so ikfleriea. b sea ke'i goin to git her one of them Bu albtUat at McAllister and Company's, and then she sed 19 wm a deer aid the samthia sounded like he hit " rite ea tae cheek ft i gees she hit him back fer i tbe same send 3 or 4 times more and then he west of deer Saaty, pleete get my things at acAUi aad CampaBy's-i weed rather have em from there the aywberee. Seaeawreatpreaut from yum TOMMY DODD. v9jtK3HiilHflusSfvr' I aPgTn9snikdKfwKd H |