Show tt l mG del ON BIll a aP P TON April 7 AP AP- AP II and farm leader leaders s t apparently are aro still sUIl a at t relief reHer and despite a ir t Conference today be be- be M president nt and Senator Senate r S thor or of the pending sen- sen ose to the SQ Q b another veto Vale e. e controversial equals equal equal- s retained In the legis- legis h there were v some somo today toda td Mr Coolidge would to most of ot the lions i ns of the pend pending in leg- leg tl he returned returnee another fagen bill he be would do doe doI I e suggestion that it be the equalization Ol f the pending the equalization dently predicted by its w Furthermore S Senator after the White he was standing bills bill's provisions What i ln his conversation with r f tt bout about the bill was not nott Esl Pc t the he day Mr 11 Coolidge so o with Secretary ether the controversial sial m ii m was the subject of Si sion n was not revealed has broken Into the theon on oh political row low with lean can n presidential candlIng candi- candi Ing irig directly opposed to on the Lowden of Illinois atson of Indiana If d the president believe I fox behind the ruling of eral Sargent last year jear ear fee is IThe he modified McNary- McNary l Ic ary- ary I now now before both the house jo se still sun would resorts resort s San an alternative Ising ising funds by a tax oIto o or ont t Ito to market the surplus t develop lop for any comM comee com- com M ee oi the farm declared for foi the i there are some falE al leaders who believe president Vetoed the jure ure it could be equalization fe fe With With- out thIs provision the legislation Would set sefe up a revolving revolving ing ng fund with which a farm board would be permitted to assist farm organizations In marketing crops It Is thought that presIdential sanction would win in over most of the he the eastern members who are aie opposed opposed op- op posed to the bill in its pr present sent form while farm faim leaders for the most part would support a bill offering relief elief Nevertheless there is nothing definite from the White House The president resident is is understood to be holding definite decision on the tho legislation leg- leg legislation until he sees just what hat congress congress con- con gress ress sends to him him him-he he has been een told old congress will pass a farm bill While some obstacles were struck during the week b o by proponents of the he the bill in the s senate its passage before the end of another week was predicted toda today Senators from the producing cotton states have 1 been een Jeen busy fixing up some amendments by y which they hope to protect that commodity and ether commodities from rom complete domination of the proposed farm board The rhe amendments amendments amend- amend ments have not been drawn but there icie are indications that the they will willbe willbe wille I be e accepted by sponsors of the bill billo to o assure its passage I |