Show DAILY HEALTH SERVICE SERVICE- I SHORTNESS OF BREATH I If f IS SERIOUS SYMPTOM I v s' By Dy DR MORRIS FISHBEIN Editor Journal of the the- American Medical Association and of Hy g geia ia the Health Magazine A A. person may be short of ot breath as a a. result of ot man different many con eon con In some cases of goiter the tho chemical changes that go on In the body tako take place so rapidly and are so much over- over stimulated that they are from BO 60 BOto to per cent above normal Such people are not likely to be short of breath when resting but the extra demand placed ui uIn uan n the lung Is likely to make them short of or breath when they do any work I They have to liberate an excessive amount of energy to get anything done and as a result are forced to breathe rapidly to get sufficient lung lunA ventilation CHEMICAL CHANGES In n some Iome cases eases of kidney disease disease dis dis- ease chemical l changes take t place In the blood because the kidney Is unable to get rid of acid substances substances sub sub- stances as it does doell In health Therefore Therefore Therefore There There- fore the mechanism that controls breathing is stimulated and the person may show definite signs of shortness of breath Till Tile increased breathing l Is il an anC C to restore the normal re re- action of ot the blood by getting ri rid rId of carbon In the same wa way an any substances that may give rise to excessive amounts of acid Inthe in inthe inthe the body may bring about shortness shortness shortness short short- ness of breath this being particularly particularly particularly the ease case in diabetes when abnormal acids are formed by in inabilIty inability In- In ability to uS use up fats and sugars In the bod body Such people breathe at first slowly and easily but increase their pulmonary ventilation so much that actually they are short of breath and suffer with air hun hun- ger SHALLOW BREATHING In some nervous diseases the breathing is shallow and the Insufficient in insufficient In- In sufficient ventilation of the lung results in shortness of breath Heart disease particularly rl can cause shortness of breath Lecause be because because Le- Le cause the heart is unable to force sufficient amounts of ot blood Into the tissues to take care of ot their requirements The lungs are un unable unable unable un- un able to eliminate a a. sufficient amount of carbon The Tho blood vessels of the lung become congested and interfere with the aeration of ot the lungs As Aa ma may be bo suggested b by these facts shortness o of breath on an any I. I exertion is likely to be a serious symptom and should be given I careful attention |