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Show RbHu 10UX1 NTS (IX 10M IM'.UION. IpflMMi Tiik Chicago 71icliu a ttrongedl. 'BfltlBedl torlalln dtnuurlatlon of tha Uemt, Rmm r tho Kupreiu Court of Iho United iBfltHfam Hlatea, toflud a way out of thadllem. 'VKMbln '" 0OTMl"nJ '7 tha Act or Congrru BlHaHal furtbaieckeat of "Mormon" Church ,MWMB rorty. It calle tha dtcreooftha Mu MylS u "bvatlug the dovll round Iho Bfln IE ?l luib," and tho law a "an auault 'Si W) 'ill U10n "" "''! mnicleucv." At to HI fi M tha Utter, It uyc BE Bj'll , '",I"D '" l""ne to uiektepecUl Dfl Cyi eUUUonilaetruUl by Inlltedlon cf IK St4l 'ou.lroaom. It It woreabuelueM Uii W m IV l7 "P""" Judl. 1.1 tribunal of the Mf? g Vjil ,,,," hul koi.M ., ,. ,u, f lilfli j4 ,',' "" eontUtullontl direction tbtt ir.fl iraHhT "UU "uU " '- if S If Ji1 ", 'blUbmnit of re- Fl " , ' "i "V '0"d'.nUl P,ollo a. w.t ' l ta7;',i,Co,'l'lMaetUlraol bin of tha mrpnrellon kuown ae Ibo !urUy Klnl." The ew York .tfalf and JUjmu puh. Ikhc a learned legal dlanerUtlon on tha tulject, alleintlng to defend the no I Ion of thacourU lint ltdrawi a r-allrl r-allrl Mween tha power of tboklngln KnglUli Jurlipnidenca and that of tha Morernraent of tho United Htatea, which will not Lo recognized at part of our rational polity. Ai a way out of thamuddlo In tho dlipoiulon of tho prorty,th writer rayi: Tho deereo eiprwly proeldee Ibtl Iho fuodt ehtlt lia dtrotcl lo eherlUblo utr lawful In elmraclcr Would It not l a eognati. rbatllabla purpoeetn deroto lltolbe lnctln or clillJren lrn of fKilrgiiniout marring In Utah, or ror the MUbtl'timenl or hopllale In Ulali for ike relitf or tbo tick and tuifrrlng or Iho Mormon Mill? Thoeo are elmply In-euneee In-euneee which aould be lawfol, not op MMml to ubtla iollcy or morale and eumclently cognate, Ibllik, totha In. leotlon of Uio donora to oouia wllliln Ibo elolty JnrlallctUm of Htm Huprcme Court oflhoL'ollo.lNUtel." The Oakland, Cal., IkJiM hit 'an editorial an tha luljcct, from which ws clip thafellowlng: Tblt la Ilia laleil phlM of a tnnaao-tlon tnnaao-tlon that bat a big precedent In hl-lory. Henry VIII, that Immortal KnglUh Mterelgn, lorled tribute at arbitrarily. That futindcr or tha Church ot linnUnd, allat tha rplaeontl denomination, de-clarcl de-clarcl earheat all tbo abbeya, nunnerlea and trreeureof whatarer material valtio or Ibo I lmun CetMlo Chnrch In hie domain. do-main. Ho eooalllutfrl the throne aequoa-Irator aequoa-Irator r all thai evrlralMlloal Lnuly Had lhai raptelaiia moturdi poaeevnl teinpornl amero( ainplo Jtirlaillrllon ha would beta pauMiled Ida Itoman Catholld Church wherorer that hierarchy ha I foothold. Henry VIII when ha do! hlaeyea for tbo latt lima. January 2, IJI7, Utile) realltod what a nuualra In. lluenca hla oarrar would have ou -ulerl. ty. Hlepollcyorronnerallnn.loUMilang, waalmJy Immont Ha.1 Hit Italian gentleman then holding orflraatHuprenia IHniUrf foreeectilhureaullor hltdevllna Hon lo pronioto lha Kngllah Klng'a luatilinonlalmeaturoebanioit cerulnly would hava roren hlmaell IeM antagon MIc. In tble larlleular tba Mormon Churthha.1 no ground for lllinacy. Ttia llatuudtlaw waa lha eonaequenea orheary oalinnnadlng, ao to aj-mk, by eulmoralUU, Polygamy, which waa all right when practiced by Solomon and uthor Illbllral iratmagee, wat all wrong when made a rellsloue tenet lu Ihowt timet. lleceuM a ayetem of ptural nur-rlagra nur-rlagra waa In eunomnil oiierallun In Utah ana llicreaboiii, the-- aealota, who re ganle.1 unlveraal ootublnaga with un concern, bombarded OMigreat until re preaalta elatutea were enart.l," The Waalilngtou Jndrptndcnt ruakea lheai reiuarkii "Ilia Taeoma l!ny Aea (ay eery lltne-ly lltne-ly lleelarea tba lata deelalon or Ibo Hup tenia Court or tba Unltod blalra a U.I prcvdeiil In relation lo ibo pntperly or the Mormon Cburrh eecbeatlng ao far to the Rule aalo leave It to Congrea to ay what cliarllabla Uw It ahall ! put In, I-tt Ibat money alone lo ba nerj by former form-er If not prevent raTinlra of Die Mormon Church lu dlapoat o". It will not do for courla lo Interfere with religion roulrl hutloneof any kind. U ahow a tendency ten-dency to meddle where IbouMdler boa nobualnaat." |