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Show HEAVY KA1N STOH.MS. heteral llathoala Along Ilia llurllng- ton and Jtliaourl Itnad In e- krailia and Kanaai. THC TOWN Or .BATTIC CRCCK INUNDATED. .Scleral l'ertonl Slrnck by I.lgMr.tng aud Klllrtl. Ureal Damlje lo llio Crept. r TelejTirh loitaMwa lu trill t-Tlli. ariiuna. .1 Teten llttrllaweil eail thee. I'.e-n. I'.e-n. KllleJ. Oiiaiia, Juno 17. The lieavlm rain known forytari Ml laft Hightail over IheHtate, Along Iho line on the llolllinton and.Mlaaourl road In aouihern .Vehrai-ka .Vehrai-ka and in Kanan. MVerul waihouta mulled, the nioal terl nia l-eiog lu the vicinity of Orleant. Heveral waihouU occurred uu the branch Una between Orlcanaaiid Oxford. On Ilia Klkhorii Valley road a la I waahuut occurreil at lUllle Creek, cauaed by a walertiiout, which Inundated Inun-dated the town, tweeplng awayaevt rat houae. All In danger were hel-od out In wagon., and no Uvea were loat. Tho town It half overflowed at pmeiit an J lhe-oilo havo to go about In Unit. It la thought tlio mill dam will go. (Ireal damage haa alieady Uu done to the croj-e. Heviral mllea of track have I ecu waihedout and a num. I. et brldget, which will delay the tratnttortwodayt. At Oakdalo the precipitation waa live Inrhet; cellar, am rilled and ildowatke gone. It It. till raining. At llumi hrey, llartholemew Ilot;ui, a farmer, waa Ullr.1 by lightning, Atl'ntmer,tliewlfeandgrandmnlher of li. Anton wcroiltuik by llghluluit and killed. |