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Show A MEMORABLE DAY. Pmtuent Harrlsoa AWreei the Cltlxtni at Galesbnrg and It AppUadetl; HE ALSO POLLS THE WHISTLE ON THE TRAIN. The French Cabinet Etcponcred to 3ake Certain Tariff Concession'. Con-cession'. SENATOR HOAR ON THE MANIFESTO. MANI-FESTO. It is a Wise lineament, bat He Djs 'ot Favor Statehood for CUb. Dj Teltfraph U tlt.S'IKS.I "SK Tiir;rrtEsitK.vrATUAi.csncitu. t lsTtlita 3.000 PrroiBt Greet The t tiler Maclslrmtr. GAUsnrnta.Ortober S. Tbe prln-Clp-il event of the day was the reunion at Galeburg of the first brigade, .VUh division, 0:h array cor, of Ihe former command of General Harrieon. Tho occasion was the gtheriog not ouly of old veterans formerly ar-oclatcd with the president, but of thrOrandArmy rani from all sections cf the west. Excursions from nil the prlncirJil cities withtu a radius of 200 miles, added to the assemblage, and It was estlmaU'd that the audience which greeted President Harrison ntGales-burg ntGales-burg was not less than 23,000. At the depot the presidential party was met by tlie mayor and council and an ar.ny cf veteran, and escorted to the hotel where an hour's reception of dlstlnzulslied e-Itlzens from all parts of tlio stale aud west, greeted the t-mUent. Decorations tlirough-out tlirough-out the eity wt re profuse and elaborate. elabor-ate. GAI.nsntrna, III., Oct. 8. President Presi-dent Hairlson anM? enrly this moriiloc, but lie was Lot early enough to escape thousands of eager Pcorlins who had awemWnl around the hotel iu Ui.it city, struggling for a fight sf TltK blSTI.NcriSHED VISITOIt. At 7 o'clock the band lercnaJed thu i'rtildcut aud a few minutes later the mayor and city council, accotn4iiIe-d by G. A. It. posts and a company of Illinois National Guards escorted the jarty to the Iraiu- The march was a triumphal one. All Peoria turned out lo do humageto the chief executive. At the dei tt over 6000 isrople w e-ro assembled, as-sembled, an-I Ihe rresiiletit, belag Introducetl by MatorcHnrkers spoke as follow: "My follow citizens: It Is not pa-slUe thkt I should introduce intro-duce tliis morning any serious theme. I have greatly enjoyed tbUtrlpthruugh my old Statu and yours, sisters iu loyalty and sacrifice fur the Union, sisters sis-ters a!o in prosperity and honor. (Applau'c.) I find myself my-self simply saying "thank you," but with increaslug tense of tlie MndiitMof tlie 4-nple, If anything could ae'd to the solemn sense of the responsibility tthicli my official oath plans upon me, It would be thrc evidences of friendliness and confidence. The great mas of the peopleof this counlo are loyal, loving, lov-ing, daliful citizens, ready lo sup-artctcry sup-artctcry faithful officer in thedis chargeof his duty and to applaud tvkkv noMaria's-oKT for their goo-1. It Is a source of great sht-ngtli to know thl,and this mornlu; not less from this bright sundilic and Ibis crisp llllnel air than from these kindly faces, I draw inspiration to do what best I can to promote the good cf the peoplo of the United State. Applause. I go today to meet with some rum-radrsoi rum-radrsoi your State, who stood with me in the army of the creat Union fur Ihcdifensc cf the flag." Applause. Ap-plause. At tlie concUiton of the President's Presi-dent's address KIsIn Itslie Iyde, child aetrrssj of "Little Ionl Faun-tleroy" Faun-tleroy" fam. presented the l'resl-deiit l'resl-deiit with alsiitlful bouquet on le-lialfoftlMiti. le-lialfoftlMiti. A. It. ots and citizens citi-zens of Peoria. Tlio President ex-pre-etl his thanks by kissing the little lady, ami, amid OlIKEKS OP 7HRC1I0WU, the train pulled out for Galesburg. At IVoria tlie I residential arty was met by a delegation from Oalrs-burg Oalrs-burg on a special tralu. Near Galesburg the President, after according ac-cording a reception to oil veterans uu loar.l, Serteitry Tracy went forward and gnt-teVi Knginrerlliltoii who was member of the 'resident's brigade. On Invitation of the enig-neer, enig-neer, thu President and Secretary Tracy mounted thu engine and rode In tlm rah Willi the engineer for miles. To tlio President the eiigl-nver eiigl-nver gracefully yielded the resiou,I bil.ty of puiliug thu whUllo fur stations and ciossiugs and tlie fireman fire-man considerately turned over the bell roj lo Secretary Tiaey. Upon an ar.-li on the reviewing stanJ, l-eurfltli whlrdi Ihe President et-xxl, wero the won's, -We el come our President." r-hortly after eleven o'clock tliercpasscd tn review tlie veterans of the Twentieth Army cnr, io' school children ol the Central Illi'iol, and thousands of citueiis. Among the dl-tlngulshcd . frawx u.v tin: srAM were A !Ji-t it fleneral Vr.uce, of Illinois, w.ioaj-jiwirt-lx" represl.ta-tlve represl.ta-tlve of Governor Fife-r. who was un-I un-I a'l to leave Ills official dutle, SeC- retary of Stite Piersoii, Mayor Stevens, Ste-vens, Congreesmeti Post and Ilen-I Ilen-I derson, G.'tieral Arthur A. Smith, I General Miles, U.S.A., G.nrral P istin, I)eiity Comiiander 9f tie I G.A.1U of Illinois. At:heC3ncluslonoflhoparatIettlie I party rrrnlreil to tho speaker's stilKliil front of tho court hone, here Miy or Stevens welcomed tho PrrJideiil to Galesburg In a somewhat some-what lengthy perch. Tlio inl-dent inl-dent responded briefly to theaddress of welcome, thanking tbe cltlz'us of Galesburg and Illinois for their cordial greeting. To tlie ok! veterans vet-erans here assembled ho extended greeting of comradeship. (Cheers.) Tho presence of so many former members of hlsoldhrlgadeandaraiy corps was a pleasure to him, but tiie ateence of lhoo who had answered their U-t muster roll, and gone to to their last home, mingling sadncs with that pleasure. Hu hoped ttio-er annual r.-t.nions would continue for mny year to come. Cheers. .to ronntl-iflon. Lo.nvhi.s-, Oct. 8. A dispatch from Buenos Ayres says the rejnrt cf au lmndlng revolution are without foundviju. Tlicre is no reason to fear trouble. Tlio city aud the whole country are trawnjil. Sienalnr ltatr lit Ihe jlnulfralo. Boston, Octobers. Senatorlloar yesterday ixprrrd hi gratification of thu action of tiie Moruiou church in nliolUhlns polygamy as au attlc.'o of faith. "But" he said: "I am not (uqiriscd that the leiders now set. that th-iita-of C 'tigress Is pressing them an 1 ths.t theGentlleelemeutlu Utali Is growing too rapidly to permit a coiill: uanceof their cdious prao tire. Twenty years ao, some one, I think It wis Oliver P. Morton, while travrliinr In ITLih I..II Itri... ham Youn; fiat It would be tho best tii Ing fur him to have another revelation and then arolish polygamy. They have stood out as long as thry could." Senator Hoar regards the action of the conference as confirmatory of his settled belief that all sectionalism sectional-ism will disappear as thu .Nation becomes liomogcne-iu. "When you can talk with pooplo by telephone," tele-phone," he said, their prejudices aud lxullir local Intluennrs will disappear. I think tint is tbe way tho Sjuthcru question is to be rtied. llailway, telegraph, leleplioae. hringlng iople of all sectio:is lulu c!oe rtrnuiuulcatlon, are to sweep away provincialism and p.-ejudlrv, and tbe nation will become out in sen'.itnent on all grea; iueUoiu. "IJ it," he MiJ, 'we will irt ivlm i O'Lth lo R'ate-lioo-I." l)rpnoney tbe Canse. ClttCAOo. Oct. 8. Time Seattle special: Wlttiau. 2?"". 't ""ly son of Ex-Goveraer Sprague, Ilnodo Island, aud grandson of Solomon Sol-omon P. Chase, suicided today. He lias been wotklng on a paper here a short time, having come hero from Chicago. Despondency is supposed to be the cause. Asaitst lasted. ?o-io.ni-:Ls. (hi., OcL 8. Last evening J. C. Fon-ythr, secretary and trea-urer of tho 'ormonda!e Lumber Company, and one of the bel known men iu Georgia, was killed by an unknown assassin, who fired through the window. For-sytba For-sytba was tho princital srltnesa against Luther A. Hall, a lawyer, whoso trial for perjury was penulng in tho Oujte.1 Htatrs court here. Tb Trench Cmblorl " TarllT. PAIiW, Ocl. S. The Cabinet has charged tho mlutler of commerce to frame a bill fixing the maximum tarlfl'upon Imports and giving the government power to inake con-eeslons con-eeslons to countries whose Lulff t,or favor French products. |