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Show Mk I Baking 4)stBv rowder ABSOIITCE1Y FORE jljweet Vihofoome Bread Delicious Pastry Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. Found c;penor to all others in Strength and Leaven--r Power. U.S. Government Report, 1889. r-S HI. TRADE. flftiW Shades, t-TNrt ROLLERS, 1- the SrU - - calers. d -z ais r j. ttjux. B RYER & CO., t:- LsTLItV GOODS, I. - Certain Materials. ; Ecw York. iiuj, rtuix. r. JSS33 BROS. & KING, and Gerau :?ZA:D C3K3HTS, C - Ne York, .. - Si sute stmt' , -3 -wid .let Si. ftj r7u J'aper. rr -'-itit dialled rasa daa JJ2T.D F3WDEH. .,;5?' Su.'-nrTorli. r ? -. eato-kottila r t x t ce e.rled Gin powder ! i - r .7 U."r. rtr j .. Jc ..metric I R3w f- l 4 iraH tha ani fcr r i-Jitl & CO.. -r: :?.cs. s, co. - - riTTBrRt., I'.l. ii-:ldLead -3 I- , E liS4n J; 031 ice ben " tJ SACS ju&UJ . - i or r "-JliotrtMiU ir I'gf 'ag Grates. H" " LOU SYILLE, ET. Hi riT T , '""" Bra' " J'" s kejioiber" I BWSm It .. "ib HI ' ' -at n' T311- I nrlchi. 1 e .. , , Ralrbrr, H. '-'c 190. "' -in KVEK; H 'iiir r'n,n IronsTKriucs ft - rC4TT wirx run 1 " H4Mriai. bHQ H . itkr oT Mi lnlbeba , K Uirrim HV c "Centre CItIt3AGOTIlADK. 1. 1VOLTTP 3tFC CO. FINE - BATHROOM - OUTFITS. Hanltarx Np-lIIIr. Itnlh Tnbs. .AVntorir. Halrr Cloarl.KIIrbM JiSiL" ,J"""'"-r Inbm. All tas UXMJ ctalKBa and iaot inodem dencca, COalvrm tjfrkUl are CUrrfmZf WxiOnl fj aZ isltrtsied. Cexeiui. Omcrs Weal Laie St txuiBir CcriKreEtT 73 Drtrbori st IMcroucs 93 UrWcitljtoSU SCKULTZ&HIRSCH FEATHERS 5 FEATHER PILLOWS, nivuricTccxu iy CQKFOaTtRS AND HATTBrsSES JOSSlBa is ' Curlnl Unlr. Jtn.nool. rxrrlator "Sua. Ticking. He U.8iS.D.ji4uBtaSt..aXllcJo Mttated Rational Folding Bed ManstaclsreU by Iho Suy; Blerwlorf TcraUcre Co C 11ICJGO, - A Ltrtx TtnJy rcr tilo u S. R.MARKS &COS CptosIl Trntplc. d uD0WN WITH HICH PRICES." A i or s.T.InrJIrh;np....iH on V 00 lb. rlairorm Srale . IVOO Aito rp Borer........ ci 00 5Ton Hon sralr to 00 1 810.00 Ho.I j-i,rt 10 00 A 813 00 Ilacsy HarnrM -.30 l lolbjroMVl'lntrarnisile too A 4 lb rmnllj-orMoi-EKc-Ur... .oo 71SS&f:nS for Citsloric of 1000 Articln at Ixxceat rri"a. CHICAGO SCALrCO.. Chicago, III. ff Star Horse If oils M rollthed or Blued. l llaTf Va aoU by Z. C. M. I to 'J otcr M yean. Tby are ta a j iitrlho bnt ot aaUafactioB. nrt t toM a ELoo en Ionrrr this as ' WIDE ST TSK 'I UNIOKHOHSENAILCO, I Chicago, 111. Is ZX5 n uu ar r.c.v.1. axi f r&uicB rrozra. : aportera and MMafictcrtra ot Ibe S"JJSE3ST SPICES Flavoring En tracts, SMlffS Til THE TC1UE. rroprielora of tba Faeoaa flraad ef nxD cross Xjvi:. 30,32,31,38,38,40 So. Watsr SL. UNDKin-AICRKS. ESTAiJUKiirn ikes. JOSEPH eTtAYLOR Pioneer Undertaker of Utah. niira'tnrer and Iea!er In An Kada cf jr-talllr, IVooi ana Ooth Courcl COFFINS AND CASKETS. raUllueorCOI 11 ltnMMHM.i kept ronlAullx on baad. rtlepaoooandTe'cmphOrdtra rrorsrOT ruled. HaiieaFreaetTed in their .Vitnra ConJi lion, wltbnat extra cbarse. Factoi and Warerooms: ?SS.E One and a bait bioclta Eaat ot Tsealre. Tzxrrnonc Xo TJ. JOS. WILLIAM TAYLOR I ITAIIS U.1D1NG jUMRTAKER&EPALIER - I CASKT IIIB UlEf.EST A5D XOST COMrXCTE TOCK or J COFFINS, CASKETS I And Undertakers' Good in Utah, HI10LK11IE AD MXllt,T Iumuuaeli UKIiUVKD J'SJCVS, Lsm-er than were CTtr ollered In Utah. I LOTS o! GRAYES Cemeurrtn the City. -ABOrdera Killed Dty or Mjhtin the-I the-I fcnortefWortibleTiae. Ol KX AM) VlJlxiooi tBTEat CUMED. 21 and 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. I r o BiMl. Ttle?hoael. j rnrsjBi'KGH tiwdk. 1 HOaEYANS & CO. . Limited, I Sorrr"n to rvani A - xinrxcnrKza or tnnealcdClimaxChimneys 1 liar. Aaatan4 Pp'ae Jar. SOTered IK I ei.lderinpa.ndDeeorateJ 1 UHtaa-T'. rwnu. mn' GIbea,aa Dantora ot Iran saatfea. arj.T30T?n.&g iy A.H.USI(Er AatDtTfCAX. I GEO. DUXaVN & SONS, aiATiraCTCcia or I I I E BTST II. aod COLOHEn ! Glass Table Ware, j Itarf.oo, Jan. lAtnira, Ktr. I IftUit-RS. PlfTSBURGH. PA. f it a by Z. 0 Jl I., dealera ttnerallr 0 I Aaoy a MMir tVemnn antlers nntold Tahors trna ttaelt trhe. If she only knew how easily she could get relief by using Ballard's Snow Liniment she would bless Uie day sho read these few lines. It is a grand remedy for Headache and all Neuralgic laics. No ioin can withstand Its magic Inllueuce. It removes the fire from a lurn or scald in one minute. It will cure Inflammatory Bheunuttism and Sciatica: applied to the Throat ami Chest In Croup It will givo immediate immedi-ate relief and make breathing much easier. No family can be without It if once they know Its value. Try It. Trice 50 cents. Bald by Z. CM. I. 2" Mr. John Keown, the worthy iiostmaster at Keown, Allegheny bounty. Peun- says: "Chamberlain's "Chamber-lain's Cou,:h Remedy sells better than any other." The rr&ion of this is because it e-en always e depended de-pended upon. Let any one troutded with a severe cold give It a trial and they will find Uiat the first don Will relieve the lungs and make breathing easier, and that I's continued con-tinued uae will free the system of tall aymptoms of Uie ttW. The promptness and certainly of this remedy In the relief and cure of colds lias won for it many sincere friends and made it very popular For sale by Z. C. M. I. 1 irug tsbirn. There may bo persons In this community com-munity who are at times troubled w ith the colic, or sutject to attacks of bowel cormilalnt. If so, tiny should try Chamberlain' Collr, Cholera and Dlarrbrea Remedy. It will atTord almost Immediate relief, and when reduced with water Is pleaaant to take. If taken as soon as Uie first Indication of Mm disease Is felt It will ward off Uie attack. Many people use It In this way, and find that it never fails them. A S3 or 50 cent bottle may I obtained from Z. C M. I. Drug Deportment CoDinmpllon. Ballard's lloreboand Ayrap. No single disease has played such cad havoc with the human race as Consumption. No other disease approaches so stealthily. lis early symptoms are Ignored because it Is thought only a Cold or hacking Cough, which Is neglected until this grim monster has such a hold that nothing butdeath can relieve It Ballard's Horchound Syrup has removed re-moved the grip of this grim monster front many a throat If taken in Ume It a ill give surprising relief. Try its soothlngjind healing virtue. I Do not put it off until too late. I Z. CM. J., Agents. 3 ' Extraordinary Sale DURING CONFERENCE AND FAIR IMS OF SILKS, DRESS GOODS, Flannels, Tea Gowns, Dresses and Ladies' and Children's CLOAKS! AT : RKELMER'S - p o c o c go coo sL.ooa"o oooooocoooc"c- DRY GOODS STORE "o 6o oooooaooooooooooooooooooo Never before has such an EXTENSIVE AUD CHOICE Line of the above named goods been shown in this City. Our SILK and DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENTS show the very latest productions of the FOREIGN and DOMESTIC markets and in our CLOAK DEPARTMENT we show without a question one of the handsomest and choicest lines ever shown West of New York. We will hero slate thai we have bought more goods this-fall this-fall than our store can well hold, and wo take this opportunity of sel ing off a very large portion of our Stock, knowing that our SPECIAL SALE PRICES are LOWER than any House West of New York are at present selling similar good3 for, and we feel assured that the manv visitors liera na-sr atianrlinn trm nnnfarencA and Fair, will take advantage of this Extraordinary Sale, to lay in their Fall and Winter Supplies. NOTE QDOTATiuNS BELOW: SILKS, MejaUiobllk creort color, entirely new........ $l.U0peryd., worth S1.75 Regence Silk, iueveningshales ........ 1.23 per d , worth 2.00 Very bot colored Faille Krancabo Silk.. M'l pc r yd , worth I.W BUck extra quality Faille Francalso Silk . M per yd. worth l.-H Black heav tiros Orain, warranted 1 year. . .tiTJ perd., worth 1.50 Black, superior quality, Oros Grain Silk, warraiilit 'or t earn .. 1.5 per yd., worth ZM Itlack Satin Man elleaux..... -........ .75 ;a.r yd., worth 1.23 ISlackSatln Marvellfsux. very lntqjahtyn.. 1.4) ir yd., worth 2JH) All othir PI liu an I Fancy Silks reduced in the same proportion. DRESS GOODS. Worsted Dress ,ouds ..........$ .03 per yd., worth $ .10 orsted DrrM Goods ...............-.... . .12) .rd , worth .!!' All-wool Sere. Fall biiailer.. ...... . .52 J ir yd., worth .75 Novelty Plaid Dre-s Goods .. . J2 iryd., avorth .73 K Inch HenrlcUe, ail color".. ......... .2 jar yd., worUi .9U W Inch Henrlettr, cry finest Imjurted .96 per yd., worth l-5- Blick Jlrllllantlcc. . per yd., worth .70 " " . ...... .... i1 peryd worth 1.00 " ...... . i5 jr yd., worth 1.25 A I inch all-wool HIack Henrietta... .70 r yd., worth l.'W tti-lucli ery tlnft Black Jleiirlette.......... 1.05 per yd., worth 1J0 Very flncet half-silk Drapd' Almai...... 1JW jr yd., worth 1.75 All Black and Colored Dress Goods at the same rate. French Klam.ti... . . JO per yd., worth .ft3 52-Inch wide I-idle' Cloth . ...... .C jier yd., worth .70 iS inch wide Iaillea' CtuUi, ver best mede. t peryd., worth J2& 8 4 wide Broadcloth ........ k3 r yd., worth 1 5u C-l wldo llrvoilekth . . .. 1.50 per yd worth 225 H wide Broadcloth, very best ....... 2.25 jar yd., worth 3 3ti FLANNELS. While Shaker Ilaunel ... $ .07J iryd., worth $ .15 ' " " . .12i ivryd., worth i) " " " .IS ier yd , worth -TO ' " tl -rd, worth .Ml White Klaniicl, nil wool .... .... . ..0 -tr ., wu.ili S " " " ............ Al ptryd worth .45 ' " .45 per yd, worth .70 " " " ........ .7J iryd., wortli 1.00 Ikal Twill FlanncL . . 23 per yd., worth .37 " " " .... ....... 32 per yJ., worth .So ' ' " ....... . .4T1 jer yd , worth .Wl " " . . ... . .50 iryd.. woith .70 " ' . ... .7 iryd worth 1 .01 Navy Blue rlanncl ... .30 jwr yd., worth .40 " " .... .. 4 J peryd., worUi .55 " " " ......... ... M ir yd , worth .70 LADIES' CAPES. Astrakan Capes ....... . ......... $ ZJoO, worth $ 6 OU Bbuk Fur Csjs . . ......... 4.25, wortii 70 Real Seal Plush Capes ... ... . 10JM, worUi IS 00 Seal and Fur Cujitdnation Cu.r.... -.... 16.50, worth 25.00 Novelty Fur ........ ....... 19os), worth 32.50 Black Monkey Fur .. . 2lai, worth 33 00 Best Quality Genuine Seal 53.00, worth 75 00 dAUlavt,JLi. Fancy Fall Jackets .... .....$ 3.25, worth $ 5JK " " " .- .... ... . 40, worth 7.5(1 Klegant Fall Jackets in stripes and plain col 80, worth 1X5' Blick Knghsb Walking Jackets .. 10.00, werth IS.eX Beautiful Novelties in Fall Jacket, Fur Trimmed, lt.50, worth 25 00 " " " " 19.00, worth 320M " " " . 32,30, wortii 50 Wl Genuine Seal Plush Jackets ......... 10.00, wortii 13.00 " " " extra quality 19.00, worth 32-50 " " " " Iiest quality 34 00, woltii SO OU CLOAKS. Genuine Seal Ilush Cloaks.. ............... l.J,50, worth $J0.Oi " " " ....... IS 00, wortii 27.50 " " " .. . 2i50, worth 35 00 LADIES' NEWMARKETS. Ladles' Newmarkets, Rig Bargain.... . $ 4.25, wortii SIO-00 " " " " ....... . 0.50, worth I.t5l " u " .... . 10OO, worth IS.'W " " " " . 13.00, worth 21.50 "' " 19.00, worth 30.1 ) " " " " . 24 00, wotUt 35 0" " " Imported Novelties .. 30 00, worth 50.00 " " ' ' 50 00, worth iO.OO CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. v Children's C!o.iks 4 to 12 years oIX. .......... J 1.15, worth $ 3.00 " " " " ... 3.75, wortii 9.00 " " " ' 4 00, worth 10.00 " . a.50, wortii 13J0 " " ... 11 5-, worth 1S.0O LADIES' READY-MADE DRESSES. Lailes' Sateen Dresses. .. ....$ 4.75, worth $10.00 Ladles' Colored Cashmere Drews. 7 50, worth 1X50 Ladles' Colured Cadimcru Drews, Moire rriinmlng, 12.50, worth 19.00 Ladles' Black and Colored BrilllanUnc... .. . IG50, worth 2400 ladles' UUck Hcnri-Uc.. 19 00, worth 30.00 Ladies' Black Silk Dresses. 2S-W, worth 4d 00 TEA GOWNS AND WRAPPERS. Ladles' Calico Wrappers.... . . .$ 1.15, worth $ 2.00 Ladles' Calico Wrapjiers ........ .... 2.00, worth XnO Ladles' House Wtappers . ......... . 4S0, worth 7 00 Ladles' Flannel Wrappers 80, worth it 00 Ladles' French Flannel Tea Gowns 10 00, worth 16.50 Ladles' French Flannel Tea Gowns - ..... 17 00, wortii 25 OO Ladle' Kleeant FancvSerm, Tea Gowns 2S00. wortii 4100 Indies' French Flanuel Dressing Sacques 9.00, wortii J5 0 Ladles' Black and Colored 811k Dressing Sacjues..... 10J), worth 1700 Very i:irgant Black Morvelleux Basque 12.00, worth 20 00 Wo will also direct your attention to tho Very Largs Line of Ladies', Children's and Gents' Hosiery and Underwear tat we are showing, also to tho Extensive Line of Blankets and Comfortables. Bear n mind that all of our goods not on Special Sale are sold at New fork Prices, and that we have but ONE PRICE and SELL FOR CASH ONLY. Respectfully, 205 & 207 Main St,, Wasatch Bloc, Near Post Office, PWFAIfl SB MOST PERFECT 3&D. L'j 'HB UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, K jj ,' Brfl Washington. D. C K " J p r jBH By an analysis ef Dr. lMcc's Cream Baking Powder I And I " il ! It carefully comjoundrd, aud I regard It as the Wt J I j baking powder in tho market In every reacect I bbbbbbbbbbbH rKTEP. JOLLIER, ilaaaaaaaiaaB Lau Clemljt at ta UnlteJ Slates Oapaitaeas ' BttH ot Axrtcalnra i v fH i M MARGETTS BROS., l & yyX (DWYER-S OLD STAND). B rmKK IVH0LESALE AND REfAILl f M EatraaaBo.ea. , jm V JH BaaelcCaaJa, aalB3ffiAn Dn.mr Eookt. 9 , H Ltroisu.i.f. nnTTflni TifipLin t ! X HiiiiiiH rrflHarr,. Vj Hi Hi SI Aa-snaas.ka. t, t H Sehoo"5s uL.nUlJL! DMIJ11 l'. . at saaaiaaiaaH BaiatU. UxdftCj, I H TUta, . trapen. . j H ztttOVS tS: FWCY GOODS . S3 ! M Drnwlne Instruments and Papers. HH 7a S. MAIN STREBT, - - SALT LAKE ClTv aaaaaaaaaaaal ;C0HN BEOS. aelaaaaaaH saaaaaaaH ; Dress Qoods Much Uader Price! We offer about 200 Dress Patterns consist- ing of 9 yds. 38-inch fancy Striped l M Wool Suiting-with I, yd. plain H Silk Velvet Trimming saaaaaaaH ! A.T S3.25 .v. a0ATTJjR. iH iH saaaaaaH 46-incb Dne quality Colore' Harjis, at Mc. per yarJ; Oar H ; regalir 75c. quality. iH 40-ia Tery tandsoms Stripsd FfeacaSallliSj.Jl 45c, worth 65. j H i 36-inch IlFaminated Tricots, at 2c-;.; Mi is uceptional ralae, , H as t 'is cloth is actually T?ort& 48c. ! " H 34-inch ileonetlas at IS 2-3c; oar rvslir 2Sc. ality. I H ; 64-incu Fancy C&ecS and Striped GIdt'Q Sshiig, at S5 cfs.; wortii H ; 52-inch ?ery lino Imported Broadcloth, at $1.00. Goods is H posltiiely worth $1.50. H 19-inch Silt Vclifts in ail colors at 7cc; sIis at $i cicry- M aaaaaaaaal H ' CLOAKS AND "WRAPS. All Wool Je'sey Jaciels, at $3.75, 54 50 aad f.00. Bsantifal H ! Walking Jackets la a yariety or Re Fas&ionabfe Clatbs. at 55.00 6.O0, , H I 7.50, 8.60 10.00 and upwards. ' M Seal FInsh Jackets, Reefers, Fittin0 and Yest Fronts at $15.90. jH 15.00. 17.50, 13.50, 21.00 ani npwds. jH Alaska Seal Jackets at $110.09, 115.00. 135.00, 165.00 & 200.00. tH Plash Sacques at $17.50 ani 23.00; worth $25 00 and 40.00. H Great Bargains In Hisses' and Children's CkKks; sizes 4 to 12, fl at $3.50 to $6.00. iH Kisses Newmarkets in Great Yariety- M Misses' Reefer Jackets will b a Greit fwturj tkis smmd. Wa H are showing a large assorimest at very low prists. H Far Shoalder Capes in Russian Ea r, Pentta LaeS, Bener and H Fine Mink. H This Una is offered at rer att.actue i-rkis. h H eHEAT HOSIEEY BsASGADBrS. h I le offer & Great Birgaia in timi 210 dezea Misses' and Bays' 1 H bist qnality Colored C. G. French Ktttod asd Eaglish Cashmere Hose, j H in siies 6 to 9, at 30.'., 35c. ani 49c a pair The pric quoted are III It .IH m 1 ! OlVK-IIVIi; ACTUAL VALUE. lj v B 10 doien Hen's CoIord Wool SKks at 25c. a pair. Regular . MM H price 40c. 1 W lH Hen's Katnral Wm1 aad Fancy Colored Shirts and Draw.rs at iH 75c., $i, $1.23, $1.50, $1.75 ai $2 a-pttce; t'ae Ehola liae is innch Ij. M snder iegnlar prices. j H Bindsone lot or Silk Scotch PlaW Windsor Ties at 25c. eac'j. ' HANDKERCHIEF BARGAINS I- We ue offering seieral hundred dozen Ladiss' liandterchiefs at wj it J 15:i-pl!ce. This lot mri'cs erzry rirlcty in shit? nad colored m . j 1 bordered Eaaikerchlefj, and are reduced from 40 and 50c. & h H gohnbhos. I . .; I a l iH |