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Show A CONTRADICTION. Inasmuch as the, statement has been made by a certain ceml-weekly newspaper pulllsbeJ in this city that Its clrculatijD, which for one particular week Is quoted at 10,7o2 coi Its (wbleh woutd be 637G copies ier Issue,) Is greater than that of any other paper In tbe West, If be-tonus be-tonus tbe duly of tlie iirvvs to say that THE STATEMENT IS FALSE The News is not in the habit of Loasllng of lis merits as a uews-patter uews-patter or advertising medium, preferrlug to allow Its c&scx. to judge for themselves; and under uo circuinstancrs has It ever resorted to tbe despicable practice prac-tice Indulged in by some of Us eaim-petitorsof eaim-petitorsof seeking to build itself up by testing others down. It bas no disposition to e!o so now, but by way of correcting the false impression sought to be made by the statement referred to. It may be said truttifxliy (and affidavits substantiating It can bo furnished If necessary) that DURINC EVERY WEEK FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS THE CIRCULATION OF THE DESERET SEMI -WEEKLY NEWS HAS BEEN FAR LARGER THAN THAT QUOTED BY ITS BOASTFUL BOAST-FUL COTEMPORARY. Dr. J. Thomas, Dontlst. Herald Block, corner wnt and 1st South st, S. L. City. Vitalized ail (dmlnls'ered. tl STAKK CO.NTKKEXCES. ,V'l"0lnlnircls Kor Iburlcrly Confer-cncfi Confer-cncfi Ciitll April 1 :'l. Juab Stake Saturday aud Sul-efcty, Sul-efcty, .:bber ISth and llb, 1S9U; and Saturday rod Sunday, January ITth and ISth, 1S9I. Weter and Casla StakesSunday StakesSun-day and Monday, Octobrr ISth and SOth, 1S90; and Sunday ana Jlon- day, January lUt. nud ltb, 1S81. Box EJJef, Tooele and Oneida Stakes Sunday and JioHny, October Octo-ber 2uth and 27tb, 1SW; and tVitf day and Monday, Jauuary SStli and 26tli, ls91. Wasatch Slake. Saturday and 3und?y, 0"vembe-r 1st and 2nd, ISIH; and Saturday and Sunday Jauuary 31st and I-ebruary 1st, 1691. Cache Stake. Sunday and Monday, Mon-day, November 2ud nnd 3rd, ISM and SJnday and Monday, February IstnndSnd, 1SI. Summit ftake. Sxiturtlay ami Sunday, Xovenibef 8tb and Btb, Is); and Saturday and SunJar. February 7th nnd St.'i, lbSl. Besr Lake, I'meri aud Uintah Stake. Sunday and Monday, November No-vember 9th aud 10th, 1SU; ami Sunday Sun-day anil Monday, February S'Ji aud 9th, 1S01. SiCp"te Stake. Satunlay and Sunday, Novemter 13tb awl Ibtb, IsSO; and Saturday and Sun lay, February Htn aud 13th. lSfil. Sau Luis, Morgau and Bannock Sales Sunday and Monday, .November .No-vember loth aud 17th, ISW; and Sunday and Slouday, February 15th and 16th, 1591. an Jtiau Make Saturday aiwl Sunday, November 2Swl ami 23rU, lSeU; awl Sttunlay rod Sunday, February 2lst and 22ud, ls9I. Millard aud Sevier Stakes Sun-liar Sun-liar and Monday, November 23rd and 21tb, 1550; ami Sunday and Monday, February 22ml and SSrd, 1501. Utah, Panguitcli and Suowllale Stakes Sunday and Monday, November No-vember Will and Decemberl't,lS9J, and Sunday and Monday, March 1st I aud fud, !S. n)avis Slakss Suttlniay and Sunday, Sun-day, December bth nnd "tli, "- nud Saturday ami Sunday, Mart li 7UiandSth,IMI. , Kauab and St. John Slake Sunday Sun-day and Monday, December 7th and bib, lSJ; nnd Sunday nn-l Monday, March 2th nud tb, ls9l. St. Goorgi', Malad and rjt. Joejdi Stakes S j nday nnd Monday, UfC-emlrl4th UfC-emlrl4th and nth, ISO); aud Sun day and Monday, March loth and ieth, 15PI. I 'uron 2 n. Ilea ver nnd Maricopa Stakeis Sunday and Monday, December Dec-ember 21st and 22nd, IS90; and Sunday Sun-day and Monday, March 22ud and 23rd, IS91. Kka.nku.n D. Rkiiakd?, JiK-i:rii F. S)inn. SALTLAKETHEATKK Cues. S. ncsTox. 3IasaGEX. Tlfltl :jtil JCTXCSrXX'J.'3 THURSM.pcl.O First ITotlucUan in UniCitror HOYT'S :-: MASTERPIECE! -ttil Greatest SaceeM. A MIDNIBHT BBLL! Pot lltrly and VIolutflr iailirrly Dlfirrrnt front all Prrtlons Productions. Presented with tne Original Cast, USUAL IT.tCF.. Cnrtsls at S p.m. naa Office ou Vfelac.lr BornlDic WAXTKD. Auood gim. roc nouscwor.K IX iiatilliallr. yngiilrsatlhli Office. A PIUPETENT SCHOOL. TEAOI1EU-?k TEAOI1EU-?k ' Pr""Tra- - WlT to J. scboea feM. Iltuhton. o&t We A (.till. rORUES RAl. HOUSEWORK. Spplr to Mrs. J r. l.naus a Sunt! eryosi-e ma warn atttunx HojieT '" ASJOOD OIKL, TO UO t-ENERAL trooiiwort. Applratthuoate. A CJiOD.Pi,X COOK-lNBatCONli COADiiiEi: wajiTrn at casttJ? gate s.4 scorir.i:rx aS ii1M' f.r J" '"al Valley oil Co!. Koom H.iseott-ADrrtucli Block, Salt LUe A V00" JCI' "Jl1 eTETESAI. V HooKSrork. Applr at U ThllU ls.l Slrecl. bctivten l.rtihim and ririt sonlhfftretu. ,11 C'SpeEU-. JXt TUACK MEV ON tho Utah Cutnl fcaUsrar. G004 races pM. Appljat th Depot or at Office A nor to anicr tiil. evening - hl- App'TtoTnos.. IIioium, atLws Office. ait Merchants' Collection Company, Incorporated.) A TAKES A BPTCIAlVtr Or COLLS CT a)-- lar Btlt. Notts, Aeronnu r loor tlindiDictlse brrruoeat d.blor. or thnsi la atf3lnlDe State. 5"!, mK'rat-by per reatsjs on aetnal colttctioa A AROS S. POST. !!; r. Koow a,T asairb Biuiin-. V. n. fw- 07 FUR -;- DEFT, li SPECIAL NOTICE! I j Shoulder Capes .' I Aslracliau, lustot, Alaska Sable, fMlnk, Alaska Seal, Nutria, j; Beaver, - Opossum, I , Cape Seal, Pulled Coney, Coney, Persian, ' i Krinimer, Raccoon, Lynx, ' - Thibet, j; Monkey, Wool Seal. Hulls, Boas, and Children's Sets. X1 . O- "Vv7" EBBER, Wupt. ibUHi-I Ln otdillCLianUbL! TILE SALT FAKE IttVMC JJILM-KKS -J. re I0 r in jl 1- ' 'l-'lne ' - Largest Stock of Huslcal Goods 1 l nil: KttDRVCIM. rue rl3It, WpIip v IW m WtjUijl llS ENGLAND Pianos. HBb5 pianos. K-roramenccdtT BffTSJT , ,;,,, MNsonKrllo?? af5Jg -nla-s! Aaa Hl.rcat S- ' ' .m e.i-i.rtt. lVi-tTrnx at.rvrs 1111: Till ESTEY ORGANS - 235,000 in use ' VTe have the Best and Largest Assortment rf MSICAL GOODS 'within 700 Miles of Salt Lake City. .Coalter "& Snelgrove. T-i 1MLUS.X7ST STREET. Hannfactnrers, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia 8POHTTNG GOODS. BROWNING BROS. 155 S. Main St., Salt Lalcc City, Utah. If yon want Cans, Rifles, Ammanlttoi, Fisbisg Taci!" & Bal! Snpphes, Bicycles or anything in th? Sp3rti"g Goods I ne, come and see ns, e are your friends, and can sa?e yon son money W bny larger ani sell mora go;ds than any other house in the vOWirr, because se fcny and sell closer. We caution vou against doa'ors who advertise to se'l Guns at cos. and Invito you to Examine Our Stock. Cr-pare Cr-pare Our Prices, and satisfy yourself that WE are eh'", Guns, btc, Lowor than what thesa parties call, their co- We sell tin Highest Grada Bicycles for S125.O0,and a Good Wael with Ball Bearings all round for SS0 00 PJKOl IX AND GET A CATALOOlj SPfieTIl.lEi, rnirnoi! jagBpsBaaaiiKSEasw Warwick High Crado-Saroty Bicycle, SI35.00. Safoty Bicycles, S135.00, S115.00. S75.CO, S6O.00, 5.4O.0O. S35.0O. S25 OO. icarclaa nncs Velocipedes. PCds' Guns and Ammunition. Pocket Cutlery. Razors. Strops, Butcher Knh'os. no..Ho!a and Toilet Clippers. AKent8fTaCkia-,,Tents. Base Tall Goods. Rihh "sraPh Writing Machine, Catboni, Ribbons and Paper Dcs Collars. Playinff ca Pokor Cnocks, Etc SHOT GUNS AT COST. M. R. EVASTS - U . Snd South g npnc 1 "l SALT LAKE CITY, WAE DEiLEBS. C0H5DLT IOUS MEREST BI GETTING HI FRICkl |