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Show I'nlilrnl rritronl YVoodruIT I want to say to oil Israel that the step which I have taken in issuing this manifesto has not been done without earnest prayer before the Lord. "I am about to go into tho spirit world, like other men of ray age. I expe-t to meet the face of my Heavenly Father the Father of my spirit; l expeet to meet tbe face ot Joseph Smith, of Brigbam Youug, of John Taylor, and of the Airittle, and for me t-i havo taken a stand In anything which is not pirn-lug In the sight of God, or before be-fore tbe heaveo. I wmild rather bate goue out and been shot. My Hie Is no bitter than other men's. I am not ignorant of tbe feelings j that have buen engendered through lliu course I have pursued. But I I have dotle nly ddt, ami tiic nation of whkb wcrbrm a put must l reonible for that which bin been I don- lit relation lo tilts principle. Hie Ijord has required at our I hanJs miny tlilnjs that weliave not j done, many thliigs that we were! prevented from doing. The lord 1 required u io iiulld a Temple in Jackson County. We wire pre- en ted by violence from doing It. Ho required us to build n Temple In Far Vtt, which wo iiaVe not been able to do. A great niauv things hav betn re , quired o( ti, .iud we bae not been able to do them, because of those j that surrounded us In the world. This people are In the hands of God. Tills work Is in the hands or God, and He will take tare of Jt. Brother Peorget Cannon MM Jts slont the lies thai arr abro-vi. It U A ilniC when tljere have been more lies told about Mormonlsm than almost any other suljcit ever presented to the human fsmllr. 1 often think of what lioreuso Paw said with regard re-gard Ij the doctrine of election. Say lis "It Is like Ibis: Vou cam and you can'l; yod will, -ugiI , you won1!; you shall, and you -shan't; you'll be damned If you uo, and you'll bo.ditm.ied If oii iloiVi " That is about the couiitt.jii we as trtteriay Saints are In. If we we-f 10 itudrrta'.e lo please the world, an J that waSour obj-cL we nillit as well giro up the shlj;we nilgut Ilivo given It up in the beginning. But the Lord has called us to labor Iu the vineyard; and when our nation iasscs laws, as they h tw done, In regard to this principle which ?u have presented to the t 'onference, It is not wlsJom for us to make vrz upou sixty-five ra'.III j .r itMp'c. It bncl WisJom for us to go forth and carry out this ptitic'ple ag4lust the laws 0 tbe nation na-tion aud receive the citisequence!'. That Is In the bauds Of GjJ, und He will govern and control IL Tho Church of Cbrt Is bete; the ZIon of Gsd Is here. In fulfilment of time leTcla'luni of God that are contained con-tained In these holy records In which the whelo Christian world prof-s to beliare. Tne Bible co.iIJ never bate been fulfilled hvl It not been for the raising Up of a prophet In the list Uaj. The revel ulous of St. John could never havo beeu fulfilled If the angel of God had not flown through the midst or heaven, "liarlug the everlasting Gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, aul kiudrJ, and tongue, aud people, saying with a loud voice. Fear G hI, and give glory to Him; for the hour ol ills judgment Lscome." Was that nugel going to visit New York, Phllajel-phla, Phllajel-phla, Boston, nnd tho world, and call the people together and preach totbem? Xotatall. But tlie Ird ralseil up a Prophet, Tbe atigel of God delivered that Gospel to that Prophet. That Prophet organized a Chutcb; and all that He bas prom-lscd prom-lscd iu tills code of revelations t the , Bjok of Doctrine and Covenant) lias been fulfilled as fast as time would admit. That which Is not yet fulfilled will be. Brethren and slsters,ULs our duty to be true to God and to be faithful. 1 Make your prayers kMown unto the j Iiord. The Lord has told us whati He will do concerning many things, j He will fulfill Hb word. Let us be careful and wise, and let us besalli- fled with tbe dealing of God with us. If we do our duty to one an- ! other, to our country and to thai Church or Christ, we will be justl- lied when we go into the spirit ; world. It Is not the first time that tbe world bas sought to hinder the fulfillment of revelation and prophecy. The Jewish nation and other nations rose up and slew 1 tho Son of God and every Apostle' but one that bore the Priesthood in J tint day aud generation. They I could not establish tho kingdom;, the world was agai nst them. Wbeu tho Apost-s asked Jesus whether lit sou!d at that time re-tore again tb kingdom to Israel, He replied: "It is not for you to know the times 1 or the renom which tht; Father hath put In hb wn power." H did nil say It would be "tablUhcd then; but He taught them to t: "Oufyather which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Tby kingdom king-dom Cotce. Thr vrllt " earltn as It is in heaven." Itls toT time since that rn.mas olfefed. e'l it has "lJ" ulflTh unUl the present ee'rjff Lord Is preparing a people to rccu HISrlHgdo'nBnd His Cliutcb.anil tobulldupIIUwo.'t. TTiaf, bfelh-reu bfelh-reu and sisters, is our labor. I want the prayers of the Laer; Uay Saints. I thank God hl 1 liave socn with my eyes this day that Uilsiopte haVo been ready to Totntssu'talu rae Iu an action lust i iouw4 In ono sense, has pained their hearts. Brother Ororse Q Cannon has laid before you ou" position. Tlio Lord has givoU us commandments concerning many things, and we havo carried them out as far as we ccuIJ; but wheu wp cannot do It, we are Justified. The Lord does not require at our hands things that we cannot do. Tills Is all I want to say to the letter-Jay Balnts upon this subject. But go Iwfore the Ijnl aud ask Him for light and truth, aud to give us such blcsslBgsas we stand lu need of. Let your prayers ascend Into the earn of the God of Sahaoth, ami they will be beard and answered upon your heads aDl upon tlie heids of the world. Our nation l Iu tlie hands or God. He holds their destiny. He holds thedestl-rJw thedestl-rJw of all mu. I will -ay to the latter-day Saints, as an Elder in Israel and si an Apostle of tbeI.onl Jesus Chtlt, we ore nppfoachlrg seme of the most tremendous judgments judg-ments God ever poured out upon tho-wjrld. You watch tho signs of the tlms the signs of the coming of the Sou of Man. They are Is? ginning to be maJe manifest both iu heaven and on earth. As has been told you by the Apostles, Christ will not come until these things come to (Oss. Jerusalem lias got to bortUiilu ThcTenipIeliasottobe built. J Uilah has jot to be gathered, and tho House of ferae!. Ami tho gentiles will go forth to battle against Judali and Jerusalem before the coming of tho Son of Man. These things bive been revealed by the prophets; they will have their fulfilment. Weareapproachlng these things. All that the Latter-day SAln' have to do is to be qulet.care-ful qulet.care-ful and wife before Ums lord, watch the signs of tbe times, drfd bo true and faithful; and when jou get through you will undersUnu many 1 things that ycu do not today. This work baS been raised un by the , power of Almighty Uoti. These El-dersof El-dersof Israel were called from the various occujnlious of life to preach as tbey were moved upon by the Holy Ghost. They were not learned men; they were the weak things of this world, Whom God chow to confound con-found the wise, "and thlniswbicli are not, U Ifrldg to nought things that are." We are hcf tte that principle. Others will be gathered ou that principle. Zfen will be redeemed, Zlin will arise, and the glory of God will rest upon ber, and all that Isaiah and the other prophets have spoken con-cernlng con-cernlng her will comu to pass. Wo art: In the but dispensation and fulness of time. It li it grratclar, and the eyes of all the heavens ate over us, and tho eyes of God Himself Him-self anil all tbe patriarchs and prophets. pro-phets. Theyarewatchingoverjsm with feelings of deep Interest, for your welfare; and our prophets who were slain and scaled their testimony .rrith their bkxxl, are mingling with the Go-J,p!ead!ngfor thelrbrrtbten. Therefore, let us bo faithful, ind leave events In the hanJof God, and He will take cire of us If w c do our duly. I pray God that He w lil bleM these Apostles, Prophets and Patriarchs, these Seventies, High Priest and Elders of Israel, nnd there Latter-day Latter-day Saints, who hare entered Into covenant with cur God. Vou have a great futun Ufore you. You have teptthuron'mandniifiiis of CI I, so far as you have had the opportunity; aud by receiving the UopeI of Christ and being futhful your reward Is before you. Your history Is written nnd Is before be-fore you. I will say thatthls nation, nnd all nations, together with presidents, presi-dents, kings, emperors, ju iges, an-1 all men, righteous and wicked, have trot to go into the -pirlt world and nnd SlaUd tcforc the bar of God. They havo got to give an account of tbedeedsdoncin the body. There-tore, There-tore, we are safe as loug as ate do our duty. Xo matter wliat trials or tribulations wc ntiy be called to pa- tllroIi, the hand of God will be with us and will rttitalu i. I !ask my Heavenly Father to pour out His Spirit upon me, as His servant, that In my advanced age, anil during the few days I have to spend ben: in tbe flesh, I may lie led by tho Inspiration of the AI-mlchty. AI-mlchty. I say to Israel, the Lord will ne'er penult me nor any tther man who siauds as !e President of this Church, to lead you astray. It Is not In the programTc It l not In the mind of God. If I were I to attempt that, the Iord would 1 remove mc out of ray place, and so I He will any other man who at-1 at-1 1-nij.ls to leal the children of men .astray ffoni flic caclea cf God and from their duty. God lijcgj Jou-J Jou-J Amen. |