Show BUILT TELEGRAMS The strike of thu llerne printers ended in their complete defeat Lorc nzio the YnquI chief who refused to surrender has been killed A nephew of President Harrison died at River Forest Illinois iled Fort Ilnois yes terday t The bark Teiy was wrecked at Holy head and l seven persons were drowned irwle By the burning of a livery stable at Trinidad Col forty horses were burned to death Oliver L Harbour the famous compiler of law reports died at Saratoga yesterday rpr h I A thousand coal miners have struck at tho Walston auJ Adrian mines near Rochester A futile attempt on the part of high officials to assassinate prt 1lng of Cores Is reported By kite premature explosion ol a i sr n blast at Ishpemlng Mich two ewer e-wer Instantly killed Ex Congressman Lyman of Council Bluffr has been stricken with apoplexy and Is not expected to recover Three miners were blown t atoms by a premature blat In the Osceota mine at Calumet Michigan yestcr ilay Henry W Grady the Southern orator arrived at his home at Atlanta Atlan-ta yesterday lila illness Is not dtngerou The UrltWi oohooner 1al has ben seized at Gloucester Mass for discharging a cargo of lint without a permit Another plot against the life of the Czar Is reported I and a number of military officers have been arrested arrest-ed for complicity I Is reported that a deficiency cc IOOOUO has Iwcn Incurred during tie administration of Syndic of Homo by Duke Forllnll The Indictment against Frank Voodrulf for complicity In the Croiiln murder will not bu pushed ml he will be tried for horse steal II The government of Tanglera has gain demanded the recall of United Stales Consul Lewis on account of his action II seizing firearms |