Show Til IT 1 EKEK VL VJE > C ITOCS without saying that one of tin nini8ofUieantiUonuon lioeral ot Utah has l > et n to rob the majority thelrpolitica rights their twin project being necessarily Ute f ioliatioii of their property Some degree of wiecs lias at toiled the e1rr of theielf teking i nirators but they havefallen liort of accomplishing their full purpose As often al thej have filled 1 In the attsininent ot their implelu oljtCt they have perlodi i ill > returned to the 3SRIult The attempt of the laic Govenior Mumj tolil1 all the county ii ms by Ins own appointment fm 51 < fresh in tilt public mind The 1o lders of the Imiyo political pack n me cngajc < lincau < intjafre < hanli Morman howl to reverberate tiruuijhout the country were < elect i I as the favored ones They n pd the Dead Sea fruit with u < lh < 4i avidity but it tumed to itiltsill their hand there were tieS tie-S ituncles The autocratic cJieme m llaped < iovernor Vett aLo consj ire > l x 5 itli the active joliticians to e tab Itch a oneman lower In the IttpmV tic with himself as the head cen tn He lobbied l in Washington to how I himself made killg with 11nt I ef poH i r to = atif his syco Inntic courtiers The Tucker dmunds I net containing the itcmtte iwovico jaed the H m1 of Keprteentativts with i rllh and a roar and Caleb was dltl 1 but a high authority pu hed a piu j into his luuble in the shape e of stage whisper inter hs ear that he h 11 better be off to L tail aud ntteud l t his pOperan kit i mate > uiness Witeit the measure reached the > mte Mr IMmnnds tuck his 1 intorml scalpel into it and cut out the clause tint created Caleb the h ad of a desjxitisu The central i aioti plot was oimiy broken not innihilAkHl The fragments are atliered again and it assumes a IKIH iouseeitsnduoi you donV shape In his last report to the Secretary of tin Interior our mek and gentle < 0 ernor A It Thomas made this higiil casoiied recommendation Some federal agency should be au homed to appoint the follow inr iounti officers selectmen clerks re onlcrg superintendents of district schools and assessors Vow that looks OH top as if that federal agency to exercise iK > vr that belongs to the peoptr into have a right to vefect their own ofhceTs tloe > irt mean Mr Thomas Ilutthatgentleman IinsliLsow getting at things Whuu lie Ink uii tiling on hand lie doesnt get on the roof of a high building and vhout the details of the scheme to tin Iietis ly His style reminds one of the man who was tramping N tramp-ing oer the country and railed at I 1 house Instead of asking directly for what lie wanted J he said to the good laity If jou plea > e Madam could you oblige me by giving mea me-a drink of water as I am so hungry hun-gry that I do not know where I can geti place in whlcii to sleep tonight to-night The jueMiou is what federal agency Is referred to Let Senator Paddock of Nebraska an old asso i laiei 011 tins Utah Commision of Governor Tlionia explain That astutegentleman on Deceinlier4th IESO introduced into the Senate Well was refened to tue committee on udciarv lilsbncfbul significant measure I Io it enacted bv I the enate and Houseof representatives of the United I Stat of Amenea in Congress as J enibled That the Governor of the I 4 J Territory of Utah be and he Is hereby t authorized and empowered to appoint idcilinen clerk recorder assessor I jt and superintendent of district schools j J In and for each and all of the counties Jl of said Territory And tho term of office of all persons holding such of fires and not so appointed shall e < eave and determine on the appointment i appoint-ment and qualification of their site restore as provides in this act Sec 2Alt amits or part of acts inconsistent in-consistent with this act are hereby repealed re-pealed As the first drafts of bills for Fxrclil antiMormou legislation are as a rule framed in the ofllcc of some active politician of the w Liberal party in this city It is fair to Infer that this one is ne exception ex-ception Of course Mr Thomas has gone east In the interest of an appropriation I appropria-tion foragoAeminent building Tak lug into consideration his recom meudatlon for the destruction of the elective power of the people and the entrusting of the prerogative to appoint > ap-point local officers to some federal I agency it is not too much t presume some that his labors may take a conglomerate shape The fact of a I friend of his having solved the iljgefltyi problem gin addItional force to such a proposition Sometime it is convenient to ge Into a big building when I is likely to rain |