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Show TRADE 0,; SAW FRANCISCO ; , ; ' t r THE MARKET FOIJ UTAEE. ;' JAMES LINFORTH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No, 3, Front t, near Market, SAN FKANCISCO, Cal. WHOLESALE. i WHOLESALE! ' 1 f ..... ! f ' f;A WALKER BRa'S t , 1 ' JJAYE low a. MAGNIFICENT STOCK of niHE relative value of CURRENCY TO GOLD L i more permanent than heretofore and lacilities for getting goods from California at all sea.song of the year, with quick dispatch, have largely Increased of late, renderln Ban Francisco pre-eminently the Market for Utah. It is not generally known to the people o! Utah that all kinds of goods of foreign production, produc-tion, such as Teas, Cwffees, Sugar and Spices; English, Frnch and German Dry Goods; Hosiery and Uag materials; Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Chains, Shoeshapes and liorse nails, Glass, Oils and Faints, Fartbenware, Glassware, Glass-ware, Ac, & c, can be obtained from San Francisco Fran-cisco at low er prices than from Eastern Markets. Mar-kets. California and Oregon-made Woolen Goods, both pieces, poods and clothing, are superior to any thinitn ported and cheaper: They have been shipped to Eastern and other markets lor sale with advantage. Mining "and Mill Machinery of superior Manufacture can also be procured here at short notice. GOODS DELIVERED at Carson In six days, at Austin in seventeen days, and at Salt Lake City, la lots of not 1 ess than ten tons, In forty-five forty-five days from ran Francisco, by good Mule Trains at lower rates of freight man ever before. be-fore. Shipments to San Pedro every ten days. ORDERS respectfully solicited. Merchants and others desiring purchases made here will be furnished with prices and all necessary Information on application to JAMES LINFORTH, sSlwlltf X. Froat Street. Saa Francisco. i MERCHANDISE, On hand, embracing a Full Line of the following follow-ing Goods: PRINTS, SHEETINGS, DENIMS, HICKORYS, BED TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, DELAINES, BLEACHED CLOTHS, SATINETT3, TABLE LINEN, , . CASSIMERES, Ac, TWEEDS, i SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, CANDLES, TOBACCO, INDIGO, MADDER,; : : ' LEATHER, - HARNESS LEATHER, . CALFSKINS, . STATIONERY, . ' ' , NOTIONS, COTTON YARN, CLOTH UNO, . . HARDWARE, . FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ' HATS & CAPS, i BOOTS SHOES. And the Best Assortment of KAIIN BROTHERS, COMMERCE BUILDING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALWAYS ON HAND Moat Complete A X D C ZEE E .A. PEST S3 xd ciz: Ea. O F ASSOltTED MERCHANDISE IN THE CITY. The Highest Price , PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF X.O 3DITJ O 23. , i KAIIN BROTHERS. siwlm -In this Market. All of which will be Jobbed out at Low Rates, to suit the times, and to the satisfaction of all our Customers. ' ' WALKEtt BROS. |