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Show TIB BE S IE RE T NES;: " TRUTH AND LIBERTY. TiT" GREAT SALT LAKE CITY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1867. WO "m LOCAL ITEM. J THBiTftfCAJ The performance oa HaiarUny nlgUt wh very ucoewruL The weUier w more favorable and there was a very good bouse. Mr. Couldock Master Walter wn, m we expected, an exceedingly fine MIm Couldock merit portraiture. great iralte for ner natu- rual mud vivla playing In Julia. The character a moat pleanlng one, and Ultra a Onu hold Xn tne sympathies of tbe audience, while It fine scope for fresh, youthful aud vigor- ous powers of Impersonation. Miss Coutdoclc's Julia was neither hackneyed nor singly; its only fault was a trifle too much force lu the fourth act. and a trifle too Utile In the early part of the fifth act, the overmastering poorer of the frenzy which selves her, is she realizes the Irretriev- able steps which she feels ulio la forced to take, not being marked with that illsUnotuewi which Invites comparison between Hand the melting tenderness or wounded prldo that characterise her interview with Clifford in the previous a-- All that Miiss Couldock requires is time, to give to the character that study which It required, to make her impersoaation of it most ilntsut d. Miss Adams was very warmly greeted on her a'ter h.r Klckne. Her Helen was very good; so wer Mr. LlntUay's Cltlfind, Mr. Graham's Modus, unl Mr. Duubar's Fathom. Miss Nunn Rang a pit Ity ballad, wns loudly encored, reappenred and sunif another none. In the farce or "Mow I d Out," Messrs. Mar-gett- s, Graham and Maiben, Mrs. C1:wmiiA1i-- n Alcxunder and Miss Coleblook, played with touch fidelity and spirit. evening Stinkewpoar's great i Imv of Henry IV. will bo peiiormed. This bus Ut n called by competent critics hlitilc ('Mienr'a creafc-e- st play; end though be evidently designed Hotspur for the lending character, the keen Sfitlre, biting wit, humor, repartee and peculiar clinriicteristics of l'ulht.iU' have nmde fiitn 4v cidedly the grent fet.lnre nfthepinv. Yet every character lu It is distinctly marked, aud t!'rdt scope for eood acting, while the fiery and lmpo-tuoi- Hotfj.ur with the i::ict;:uu:,':i ms of ILt fiit kuight, Hlr John, elvo tutui it prominence which cannot be reached by nn v ef tlio others The bills tell us that this ik tlio greatest dra-matic treat of the season, and there Is no doubt Of it. Mr.Couldoek's Kalstntr alotio will aflbrd a treat tuoh us wo seldom Lave uu opportunity of wlinei.ilug hero. derailing the action of the English Gor-ernme- nt la the executions at Manches- ter: asking Congress to declare that the rights or American citizens abroad must be respected: and calling ou the Presi- dent to enforce this principle at all hazards. Havana. 8. It Is expected that Jamaica will soon he in telegraphic communication with the United States, via Havana. Mexican dates to the iiath say the ex-clusive privilege to build and rum a railroad from Vera Cruz to Mexico, Is granted to the old company of English capitalists for 200 years, the Mexican government paying a subsidy of half a million yearly. ' The salary of Juarez is fixed at $30,000. Several State Legislatures have com-menced. Jtomero is elected to Congress from Guaradjuato. Kt. Thomas. The Inland of St. Martin has nearly disappeared. Kt. Bartholomew is al-m-destroyed ly a volcano. Philadelphia, . The rinderpest Is prevailing very in Baltimore County and portions of the a lacent county. By a conspiracy at the Jersey state prison,. Trenton, "nine were ' eycaned; eight, In the case of Spencer, at Newark, charged with counterfeiting govern- ment noted aud bonds, Wood testified thut he had no evidence against the prisoner; 8p6ncer aud wife were dis-charged. ; New York, 8. The HtruhV speeial ays tho Rich-mon- d Convention has decided to sub-ject the members of the Convention to the Congressional tcet oath Probably the Conservative delegates will retire if the oath is demanded. New Orlcan?. S. the Bubtect of Impeachment, after con-siderable filibustering, JLogan aid if Wilson would withdraw his motion and allow the rote to be taken on impeach-ment, the minority would withdraw its opposition, Wilson assented and th House proceeded to vote on the resolu-tion submitted by the majority for im-peachment; yeas 57, nays 118. Schenck, from the Committee of Ways and Meaus, reported a bill sus-pending the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to retire greenbacks. A running discussion followed, and Schenck finally moved the previous question. The bill pafed: 127 nays, 25 yeas. The House went into a Committee of the Whole. Stevens made the usual motion to refer the President's Message to the appropriate Committees, includ-ing a portion to the Committee on Re-construction. Ross objected ou the ground that there is no Committee on Reconstruction in existence. Tho Speaker overruled the point and the House refused to btrike out that portion, of the resolution. Aftor debate, the re-solution wa--i laid aside toby reported to the House. Washington, 9. The Matemcnt of the public debt howjs the tctal Ottawa, 8. The House of Commons resumed tho debate on the North Wtstern tr rritory. After a long discussion a resolution passed requesting the annexation of the territory to Canada New York, 0. The steamship City of Paris was a led for carrying excess of passengers. The vessel was released after giving bonds, and sailed for Europe. The Monument on Plymouth Rock was completed on Hatnrdav. The ashes of some of the Pilgrim Fathers were deposited In one of the chambers. Havana, 9. TMrly nortnnu iAriliol Uv mn uik. quake in Ht. Thomaf. Volcanic erup-tions prevailed during the earthquake, vhich ceased after its fcubsidenco. A company la being formed in the Republic f Honduras, to promote Im-migration. They propose to establish three large colonies at Saraguer. Olan-ch- a and Olanchits, to engage in tne cul-tivation of grain, olives and grapes, raise tilk ana propagate silk worms. Oswego, 7. There M as a terrible accident on the Oswego and Rome railroad last night. A frsight train ran unto a tree blown across the track. The engine was de-molished, and five cars burned. The engineer and fireman were killed. Florence, 8. It la reported that Garibaldi has again disappeared from Caprera and it is Fear-ed that tho party or action will make another attempt on Rome. The speech of the French Minister Rouher, declaring that Italy should cot take forcible possession of Rome, gave rise to an angry debate in the Italian chamber of deputies. Menabrea said he had asked the French government for an explanation of the speech, and ex--' Fected to receive a reply on Monday, that Italy could only obtain Rome with the concurrent consent of the European powers. At tbe end of the debate a 'vote was taken and the government sustained. Paris 6 Fears arc entertained of a Ministerial crisis in consequence fRouher 'a speech. on the Roman question. Dublin, 8. The obsequies of the Fenians execnted at Manchester took place to-da- y, and was the occasion of an immense mani-festation of sympathy. Fifty thousand men inarched in funeral procession. The whole ailalr passed oft quietly. Berlin, 8. inImportant changes are contemplated the present tarai'of Zolverein. Chicago, 0. The Times special says, General Mc- - CI era and has again been offered toe Mexican mission. Recommendations for the purchase of the Dnih West India Islands are coming In. Senators will delay aotina till further Indication of approval Is re clved. In the Convention, a negro member named jCfomwclt. ilJ"i, V will rule tin the lattt one koos down forwer. The negroes are goiug to have their r lights in spite of Johnson or any other man." He declared he was ready for a evolution. Another colored delegate said a war of faces waa all a humbug. The Herald' a Rome letter says the American Consul, Cushman, recently accompanied asmall expedition against the Caribaldians, picked up the musket of a dead soldier aud fired several shots at the Garibaidians, himself being slightly wounded. English mall adviocs to the --Oih say forty-eig- ht lives were lost on the trans-port Rosphorous, which foundered in the Indian Ocean. Russell intended to move In the House of Lords on Dec. 2d, a resolution to the effect that tho education of the working classes in England and Wales ought to be Improved; that every child has a right tot lie blessings of education, and it h the duty or thetitate to guard and maintain that right. Tbe report of the safety of Dr. Liviug-stou- e rests on the testimony of a trader arrived from Zanzibar, who picked out a sketch of the Doctor from several por-traits shown to him, and said "that's the mau." Washington, 8. Several members have elaborate speeches on impeachment, and will de-liver them in a Committee of the Whole. London, 8. In the House or Peers to-nig- Earl Mayo deplored the bad taste and the evil effects of the public funerals for the Fenians executed at Manchester. London, 8. The (Hole editorially says, the present attitude of France renders a Conference of the European powers, for the settle-ment of the Roman question, utterly impossible. . Florence, 8. The Italian Government has granted universal amuesty to the adherents of Garibaldi. London, 8. The present state of political affairs in Italy, creates some anxiety and distrust in monetary circles. Washington, 8. Jloiisr.- - Pending the question of Wil-ieon- '8 motion being laid on the table on tSiadaJ to tbe Dtcret JCut'iM Yn; EUROFK.IN COKKKHKNCK TUMULT t! rAIUS I Theatre Jiurncd in London ! MOUK VFSTT?I)IrANU3 HAVE yi'F- - .1 .Wgro In the liOiiUlann Con von-lio- n ' ppeakw out I UNlVr.KSAT? AMNESTV To'thK ADHFJt-- KNTs OK UAKIBALU1I Tin' JTouac rrfutw to Jmpainh Prt sklent Johnton t ANOTltEU EA I tT HOTTAK K AT ST. TUOJf A3, JU LIVES LOST! Itailroad Ilniler ! OARinArji"Ti'inA?rKREn! an-- UTUKK A ITEM IT ON ROME KEAUKM Spain vneany at the pvrchatse of St. Thomas I Furl, 8. The Prcisc nays the Conference will meet in Paris instead of in Munich; and the envoys from the various powers, resldentln tuiicity, will represent those powers. Lor-don- , 8. Her Majesty's Theatre was burned last night; no lives lost. Florence, 8. The Italian Parliament has elected Count Lfiusa President, by large ma-- ; jority. Chicago, 8. Immense meetings wereheld lu Jioston ; and Bt. Louis last night, to consider the rights of naturalized citizens traveling abroad. Resolutions were adopted con- - iTFdeseret NEWS-- ! sF.MI-WEEKL- Y. publihil Every - JATURDAY AND TUESDAY j MORNING. I . orricB:-..- - . ' ' Bolivar Robert.. a&B 1 BASSET T & ROBERTS, I Ea Tmftt St., Great Sal Lake Ciljf. Lv GOODS, GROCEKIKS, HARDWARE, r QUEENS WARE, Xtori'Mt, Shot, Hal; yditmt, nid Ml-t-nf UnfTV Of1. . pjg in C3 W XE2 Si A .V I riNWAEE IX flit BAT VAUIETV, A T II0IM& MITCHELL'S, ; Sharkxy's Or--n Stasis ;UST TEMl'LK STREET. i s HOME-MAD- E CLOTH! VT';Y N HAM., and for Ka! at iiSToT ' A I'A,WE ASWORT- - The Best Home-Mad- e Cloth in the Territory, At President it. Young's WOOLLEN FACTORY, tHa moum or Kunj on Creek, rlt lt. Xrfiko Olty. tfifr V'rht,J0J HonWadt Cloths vyohan,l of. t! Factory. CSTHAY. I 1IlY EiD5?lyK1'1'on.on diirk o" wy $1 left h p T?,fLwhu. wit" iliglble SUS w'at.AN.D fRovrsroN JIvuuukia7J'ro',,. wtaw FltOM Tire East, Hy letter tc IT. VoiiDgfrom Elder 11. (J. Uoyle, datcti Spring Vllle, V.i.', N'ov. Ktli, we larn Ifiut lie aud br. Coray were.Rt tli tiiweof wrltln?, v 1! andlmb ily ent;f(sei la fulfilling Urn diui.ix or their mis-sion. '1'lie nuseUled coalition of Hllulr In timt 8tulc 0or not lnillc&te a Kreeily to Hie full ll?lniH or pouws vlill tli ptpi are r nrewnledRs having to a great extent lost con-fidence in tltr leaders, their cleigy, ru1 In themselves. Gloomy forlwJlrsss of future rill their ralnUs; ami they think they yet. have to pas t hrounh mill ruore bitter tcenes in the fu-ture than lu tl paxt. Ily letter from Elder John r.ron'n.to the rre-6lden- t, dated Ardoen. Miss.. Nov. 21, we learn tnat lie and Elder Imscuherry vrere v. elU They found eonslderahla lminirj' ldui? made for our work. Elder Brown vrn about ftliirti ntf north for Illinois; while Elder Lueuberiy wuld re-main lu MUsUrpl. |