Show farming out the the dispatches tell us that tha ad-ministration at washington feels safe under the private protection of the morgan syndicate which has undertaken by contract to keep up the gold reserve of the united states treasury in a current novel issued not long since the novelist depicted a war which this country let out on a con-tract to a great syndicate how would it be to farm out the govern-ment stielf to some private corpora-tion that be democratic the sultan in turkey pursues that plan with more or less success he soils the government of a province to the pasha who can bid the highest and the pasha who geta the govern-ment of the province is an independ-ent despotic quite as much so as the the sultan if the tributes are kept up ot course we asa to think anch despotic systems incompatible with the grand government of the repub-lic bat the democratic administra-tion by letting onic the protection of the great united states treasury with such good result to a private syndicate rather dispels that idea there is too moch sentimental pat-riotism in those old ideas why if the treasury department can be farmed out protection to a private corporation why not also the war department T it ia said we ara about to have a war with spam why not let out the protection of conr boass to gome priva e syndicate there is too much trouble involved it sseenoi in a anntotf of the deop aad democrats are at the belm they show quite incompetent of run-ning the government kold reserve for example B never could ba kept up to abo limit by the administration but the morgan belmont syndicate is keeping it no before the syndi-cate was engaged it will be remem-bered that bonds were issued every few mouths until the wai run behind poma that explosive the syndicate will not cost abo people more than a tenth of that amount and then the people and thir have no worry jt ia a grand we will admit the matter look well it seems that great n a tian like ours ought to be able to han-dle its own and to protect its own treasury bat what ia the ampe appearances of the situation com-pared with the success the democrats are making by farming out the gov-ernmmeenntt listen to this which cime ovar the press wres yes-terday and is evidently from head quarters by borne officials it is thought the withdrawals of arild are made anh the aole purpose 0 forcine another bond iseda it can be stated however on excellent authority atiat there wiil not be iesue of bonds and none will bo needed those cognizant of the state that aba morgan syndi-cate under the terms of the ccoonnttract undoubtedly will protect the gol i re net the ineada of speculators and will sea to it that reasonable bal-ances are maintained now that anicet in the face of that who would care to criticize the government for a lack of ability WITH hon prank J cannon sc |