Show TEE LEAGUE SOW TO BEGIN A call fur a arb within ahe club fill iab ran HOW TO ORGANIZE A caul 1 circulate for signatures of aa many the following paper casp a meeting wethe abas 0 beliy ioK tha atie humane industrial and american Ane rican principles plea and policies of the party are best tor abo drosc iou of life tiber y pod the of of happiness ot abo american people and that ches interests can be by the ot A republican in ity hormby enroll for that pur joae and tu attend u at on the day of for perfecting aa at the aff t elect 6 temper ary chairman and adopt constitution aa herewith or by the santo or tilliy the same 3 elect aa provided by the constitution ution I 1 elect aa officers only men who will ahsu elected receive the united aup port of all ho elAt cents in the club 5 every elected in tha club hould ass persona whose h unquestioned WORK CLUB 1 it la ditc itc tbt hefta tare ba established at buon ajr that tha rooms r to the iren attra during tha dav and evening 2 meke the cani booma the center of political activity in tats and the school where the voter receive bia tion 3 malra ahn policy of the dab BO broad thai evera republican can work ander it gnep knep out of iema bad egand on the great cardinal principals of the party i invite to membership ayery who ezeb with the party and aho vho intends to support ita candidates 5 SOP that every republican in the vicinity ina the club 6 have agular of tha club at les once a month 7 the officers should sea that an in pro gramme of work ia pro pared for thia ie OB to the existence of the club 8 the should never be made aub to tha inte reata of any indi sidnal Q never 01 ft an didat for office antil katr ue i nominated by tha party convention conven tinn abort foam or A tw t w and iiii edaily thi to local require morts I 1 name cl club fidall be iba of II 11 the object of thia club ahall be t to advocate promote aad maintain tha principles of aa enunciated by the party to direct an 1 interest in politics those who have hitherto oeurn more or lean indifferent to poetical to encourage attend at the caucus v primary meet inci in order abat boncea and capable men may be to guard an detent the purity of the ballot box to work in and carry out the plan ol 01 league clah or thrones the republican of abia state and tho national and to beform cuch other world as may beet conserve the interest int erett of the republican parly nationally and thereby the moat potent ia behalf of good ment III ftp this clab ahall not be used in ay a y dav to futher th of any can for the domce previous to nom ina tsun but abail ita force to bo in of all candidate nom inetie by republican IV adv over eighteen years of ae who i A republican and in with the 0 the republican party na A ean porter of its candidates ahall be to of abia club ARTICIE V the of ani cina ahall ba a president two alco a secretary B freaa crerand an executive committee of rivo membra and the aind secretary Secre tarr tz all ahall be bembera of the club and ala 1 l be elec teil by ballot at anch times ai may be in the bylaws by laws VI 1 the regular of tha beall b held a on the 2 div mem bers ahall a as aaa called meeting of the blob VII ra arc section 1 all bv lawi aud ReBo lations of thie club iball a majority vot of the bembera at any regular for their adoption section 2 to abu constitution abail only be made upon previous notice of two waha in and ahall require tor their adoption an affirmative vote of two thirds of the bombera t taft aioo to ba ant gaea than one quarter ol 01 ahe bembera of ahto chub provided that no mendt nent ahall at any b made that will conflict with tha pro of the constitution ol 01 th na tionne leclarce Le flarce or the K leaeu of thia bbate clab lf corn nt ba a cembor of thal re abri can 0 abia state and b io all hippi hip yi |