Show 14 john E booth president john henry smith J 0 graham 0 D gia W D A bacr wilbina Wil kina M H graham john 0 grahm kaasch at the Poat office att prova ac claar 1 TEA OF sa MAII PBS rAID dahy edition one yer in advance paria of ft year per mon thin advance 80 wee clyone vo boarin arin advance TO fatt baily banday excepted except pd 80 cents per month in advance or 25 ceata u week address ENQUin BE co provo city where la irregular please ea so at te alhona no 27 bay a oiron lation that every week excelda that of all tha other newspapers in central and southern utah combined in utah county it iw a that ex leids that of aia the other territorial now arnica sulva in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fedei sores totter chapped borna and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required to eive perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 per box for sale by excelsior drug paint cc to lonn on farm and city property low in labeet apply to B union block provo good advice to do not contract your potato prop unless the parta same pava down at the time the ie made at least ten cents per bushel call on us and we will tell you why utah county fruit and Aeri cultural society gw F J mane for sale ona north of tha provo opera hocee with a aeden roomed adobe and hrick building buil dini apply to wm bumbley provo utah ahlm DR J H MCL EAiS RS B 3 ay a S 3 a i aa a aa W AN atmore rok taw stomach a aad ami pala ar til laddis priced cwill eifim H afes CO sit io i o djs rio at amont drug co castoria is dr samuel pitchers prescription for infants and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other karcotis Kar cotic substance it is sa harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee Is thirty years use by millions castoria destroys Worms juad allays castoria prevents vomiting sour curd cures diarrhoea and litins colic castoria relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency cantoria assimilates tho food regulates iho stomach and bowels giving and natural sleep 1 castoria ia the childrens eatho mothers friend castoria castoria castoria is an excellent medicine for children castoria Is so well adapted to children that mothers have repeatedly told ma of its I 1 recommend it as superior mcany prescription good effect upon their children knowd to me da G C H A M D so oxford st K Y castoria Is the best remedy for children of our physicians la the childrens department which I 1 am acquainted I 1 hope tho day is cot have highly of their expert far distant when mothers will consider the real enco in their outside practice with castoria interest ot their children and use castoria instead and although wa only have amons our of the vanous quack no strums which anro medical supplies what is as regular destroying their loved ones by forcing opium products yet we are tree to confess that tha morphine soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of castona idaa won us to look with agents down their throats thereby bending favor upon it Ho apiTAi to them premature braves daar boston kaaa caaway arl C SMITH pre the centaur company TT murray street now york city weaker than she was when you married her she chows lack of energy lack of vitality poor digestion and from ills common to women have yon ever tried to help her if so yon gone the right way abent it if yon got a case of br CELERY BEEF ab nb aroh for her make her strong and well and bring back the roses to her look to her eyes dont waste a moment get it for her tb n for suit by J do wagon and buggy wood and a large stock of iron tires drill steel etc the best cook stoves in the city baals aai feba lea m w crapol give us a call for anything in the hardware line PROVO HARDWARE AND COMPANY jj D waters mar bakera of engines AND BOILERS AND BRASS CASTINGS MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS MADE AND REPAIRED BICYCLES STOVES AND LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED ALL kinue OP DONE P 0 box 91 UTAH TUB cultivation of jalap has been undertaken in madras and other parts of india with eminent success it is a plant resembling sweet potato in its manner of growth the medicinal jalap powder is prepared from the tubers anc pastoral estate of belinda vale victoria australia comprises some acres is owned by sir V J clarice and forms only a part of his landed possessions the stock consists of sheep besides cambs iambs cattle and COO horses DR LIVER PILLS A PHYSIC ONE FOR A noe A ot the each day u decesary for pilla cupply chit the lack to e it they care headache brighten th irot I rot and id cloar the comple aoa better doaa aney neither aripe nor to convis ce TOO y will free or f nil for csc JEi ere mr CU faolu by exna A u PROVO ml and capital surplus W reed prest D T dark vice proba john jones jamela A bean roger farrer E R L 6 hille J R OA shiite banking transacted FIRST OF W bushings logid DIRECTORS W B PIKE Pre aMent 8 8 J 0 GEO GEO Q CANNON E D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york san francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from buo per annum and upwards MINERS outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT BOB B OB all kinds of minere supplies astoli ari 3 0 rc giant powder capa and flae fancy groceries etc special attention P 0 nw SALT LAKE IN ALL KINDS OF c afi r f f LUMBER LATH SHINGLES GLASS PAINT fe OILS and BUILDERS ALSO eba 0 DOORS find and STAIR WORK PLAS nyO BAWIN and telephone Tele 82 boyo COT WAS A CARD is enough to write when youve nothing to say but if ou have anything iny thing in particular to communicate muni cate write a letter make it the rule of your correspondence 0 use only the best stationery obtainable A good letter ought to be well BO to speak ow you know we are not exaggerating ge rating in the claim that we carry more stationery finer and a greater variety of the latest styles and novelties than can be found anywhere else in this 01 any other town in this part of the state come to us always for the best values aad the lowest prices PROVO COOK stationery CO the finest mountain resort in the west excellent hotel accommodation good balbine Bat bine fishing Fis hinc hunting etc no better peace to your wonted digor all trains step at abia resort except no 4 train no 2 loaves prevo at a m no 6 at 0 m leave Op 1123 no 5 at no 8 at p m gastilla hot springs co 0 K mer CAW I 1 OBTAIN A PATENT for prompt answer and un honest opinion write tc ailenn fc CO bad nearly fitly ye ira experience in tha patent business tlona strictly A handbook ot information antenia and bow to obtain them ben free uso a of mechanical and books sent free patents taken through giunn co receive notice in the and ahn ara brought widely before the public pat coat to the inventor this tD lendil issued weekly slee antly illustrated has by fax tho circulation of any work in ilia world sa a year K SO a year angl cent number conta taa beautiful in colora and of plans enal to show the des lEiis and nemoure contracts addred co NEW aai THE IF YOU ABE COING TO cansas city st louia chicago anew york or any other point see that your ticket reads via the missouri pacific ry elegant coaches quick time and superb roadbed road bed make thie line the peopled favorite route leave provo p m palblo aco p m arrive kansas city p m bt louis a m chicago gall upon aba nearest ticket agent or address H B KOOSER commercial freight pass abt trav pass agent salt lake city utan H 0 TOWNSEND general st louis mo BANE salt lake city open saturday from 7 to 8 6 per interest paid on do posits of 1 00 or more and compounded four times a year UTAH 1 CO capital f 3 E DOOLY W S me eife president A L THOMAS secretary and cashier delivered to aaa aari of the city bock springe lump castle gate lump pleasant valley lamp winter lump rock springs nut leGate nat anthracite llou YARD 17 agents 5 S rt af pf y f rf bf ES 3 laic ica delivered daily to any part of the city at HALFA CENT A POUND lave at bombard A gr aery store W aus store C A ALLEN send for prices forge FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES AND ORNAMENT ALB SHRUBS CLIMBERS LAWN GRASS SEED HARDY GARDEN ROOTS BULBS HOUSE PLANTS FANCY BASKETS FUNERAL AND WEDDING DESIGNS PAMPAS i lum ny w irja Es timUes made on parky and landscape gardening part payment ial 1 I to suit the times provo city only gold medal in utah held for fancy japan plants zions sayings bank and trust company sail lalie iby itah paya five per cent interest per annum on any d yon mace write lor particulars allford GEO M CANNON cashier ian f IS t t SERVICE TAKE R C W ry leavins Lea p na oon necking at denver with the burlington ROUTE tor omaha K enins jita bt joseph st louis aid chicago T rough sleepers free roaming dining cara A la carte secure tickets at egway office R F nealen V F mcmillan arit kaaa ap several agat boom 11 over no 10 W bt salt lake oita utah bior ROLLER MILLS I manufacturers of and dealers in first class flour and feed quality corn and 2 aiza J W WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND ATCHISON lopaka AND sania FE RAILWAYS tho onla line which rr adlice sleeping cara between oada salt lal city and chicaro and palace chair jars between ogden salt cay denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if po be barb and tickets reading oter th sanra FB roure granlia and Rai roid on lave salt lake cita or prove on the evening train in order to bee the robet beautiful in train eio grande western depot provo at m 00 50 W second south Otner ai abent department SALT LAKE UTAH THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has giyei to every one of its subscribers who haa one year ia advance ane years diee subscription fo the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce this popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to bend postage prepaid pre paid THE WEEKLY ENQUIRE Rand FARMER for one year to any residing anywhere ih the united states who will for ward to A j we have recently introduced another feature to our premium jl s one anat loessi abl 10 f ahia iliin I 1 sd liso for only we will mail to any subscriber in the united stales postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE SEMI WEEKLY an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that hw already become a home necessity among ehg ladies of utah |