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Show BY THE 0H""CRS Mrs fins A.l'.u-rson. Von- rr0'i; in. .: I romembcr n lit-I,frSV' lit-I,frSV' ' ; "n store nt Frankfort. . tle ' Hlf of the counter w;.s ,ndianaA with screen wire to keep C,,flf nut of the enndy. A kerosene h!,n , ,' th a hnd pump took up bar 1 , the little space in front P3rt ,,i.m- If wo nde the,nus- ; rfUlCfCa"K 'or the oil bofore xve 'for bfend we got a good 8skf Lm the storekeeper be- ' soold",gh had to wash her hands ; , I'Upt: I remember one , ! old-fashioned remedies used """' chUs and fever. It was " Z a bitter cup. The cup 'was cal of an hourglass and ; .ST-Scr made of yellow ; a ,5 nr yellow from mediation. w flUed with water and : The had set for three or four was ready to drink. The dose . :aT r peated e'very three or four hours. There never was such a ' bTjTv. Hale, Mart, Texas: , member when we put table salt ' S oU lamps to make a brighter Um Mrs. C. W. Flodin, Rio Vista "California: I . remember when' baby sitters were known as mother" and "grandmother. From Mrs. J- William Deppish, junction City, Kansas: I remember long long ago when we would buy auar't tin cans to can all fruit and vegetables in. We sealed them with sealing wax. . . . |