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Show COUNTY OKEIIS 12 PROJECTS Throe FHRA projects for Provo city, which will provide work tor 169 men and will total $16,067.31 in cost, make up a big share of the projects signed Wednesday by Charles Hopkins, county chairman, chair-man, and which are being' sent to the state officals in Salt Lake for final passage. For the entire county there are 12 projects in the group, making up a total of $28,884.34 and with work for 364 men. In addition, three projects have Been received from the state office as finally approved. S. F. Sower Okehed One of the state approved projects proj-ects is the first unit of a sanitary sewer for Spanish Fork, costing $8486.88 and with work set up for 66 men. Eradicating grasshoppers grasshop-pers which are threatening the crops in various parts of the county, coun-ty, is another project scheduled for 12 men and costing $287.45. The third was the final approval of the Payson reservoir dam, which was transferred from the CWA program to the tune of $2390.77 and 27 men. This is practically prac-tically completed. One of the Provo projects, the grading, filling and gravelling of severaj streets, calls for the expenditure ex-penditure of $7457.53 and the hire of 64 men. Under this street improvement im-provement program, repairs will take place on the following streets: Sixth West from Sixth to Ninth North; Ninth West from Sixth to Seventh West; Seventh West from Ninth to Tenth North; Tenth North west from Seventh West one-half mile, and Fifth South from Fourth to Fifth East. Creation of a recreation area and footficld at the North park with the necessary grass-planting, together with the completion of the levelling of an S.3 acres addition addi-tion .at the cemetery and the removal re-moval of trees there, constitutes another project. For this 46 men wiTT be 'used and $3890.18 will be expended. pool at .the Genola school will cost $835.49 and will employ 17 men and digging a cesspool at the Springville high will mean the employment em-ployment of 9 men and a total cost of $313.82. The Leland school grounds will be improved by the addition of a 640-foot fence which will employ 5 men and cost 157.33. Utah county had one project passed, a job of graveling roads in the Pleasant Grove district, which will cost S1SS9.S0 and employ 16 men. Sixteen men will nl.so be employed em-ployed on the Benjnmin Drainage district the job to be the deepening deepen-ing of the main drain for 7-S of a mile, 18. inches. This will cost $569.06. Work will start Monday on the road improvement project in American Fork canyon, under the supervision of J. A. Forbes. Some of the dangerous curves in the one-mile stretch between the mouth of the canyon and the forest for-est boundary will be straightened out. Twelve men will work on the job. Wilford Hurst has been appointed appoint-ed supervisor of the Orem project for the laying of sidewalk parallel with the state highway, Mr. Hopkins Hop-kins has announced. Improve Park Areas The third Provo project is the improvement to several park areas belonging to the city, including the removal of dead wood, brush and rock and general renovation. Under this will come areas at the lake front, near the brick yard on the river bottoms, in south fork and at Canyon Glen in Provo canyon. can-yon. This will cost $4719.60 and 59 men are to be used. Orcm's project for the development develop-ment of water at Steele Springs, a 107-acre tract owned by the town in Provo canyon, was passed on by Mr. Hopkins. This will require re-quire the use of 46 men and will cost 52020.74. The men will clean out the springs, rearrange the collecting col-lecting lines and make general improvements. Two projects were passed by the county for Payson. One calls for work on four miles of streets with 60 men, the project to cost $5403.77; the other is for the development de-velopment of irrigation water and will mean the digging of 2500 feet of trench. Twenty-six men will be used on this project, which will cost $1627.02. Genola Sidewalks Constructing of a cement walk 60 feet long, a 20-foot cement ditch, a painting shed and a ccss- |