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Show SOCIETY NEWS Mrs. Allie D. CaH'oll of Salt Lake City, formerly of Sprinp-ville, Sprinp-ville, announces the mar nape ot her daughter, Miss Coba Calfell, to Dr. L. Paul Rasmussen ol Salt Lake City, which took place recently in the Manti L. D. S. temple. Mrs. Rasmussen, a former for-mer student of the local high .srnool, is a graduate of the Salt "Lake General hospital school ot nuisinK-. For the past year she has been connected with the U.S. Veterans' hospital at Fayettevillc, Ark. Lr. Rasmussen is a son ot Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rasmussen of Mt. Pleasant. He is a graduate gradu-ate of the University of Utah and Duke university at Durham, N. C. He also has done graduate gradu-ate work at the University of1 Chicago, 111., and the Duke uni- I versity. The couple will make their home in Salt Lake City. The Gleaner Girls and "M." Men of the First ward, held their first Sunday evening "fireside chat" at the home of Miss Ver-laine Ver-laine Beardall, with Margaret Pierce, Gleaner president, in charge. The officers of each class acted as hosts and hostesses. hos-tesses. A feature of the evening was a book review "Spring Comes Again," given in excellent manner man-ner by Mrs. Mae Huntington. In conclusion, refreshments were served to 24 class members in attendance. Mrs. Carrie Jolley was hostess to Ave Dclma club members on Wednesday evening at Valley Tavern. A well arranged and tasty lunch was served early in the evening, followed by bridge. Mrs. Gladys AveretL won high score prize, and Mrs. Lucille Packard, the guest prize. There were nine club members in at tendance and Mrs. Ann Stewart, Mrs. Velma Jolley and Mrs. Packard, guests. During the evening, eve-ning, new officers of the club were elected as follows: Mrs. Coe Straw, president; Mrs. Gladys Averett, vice president; and Mrs. Inez Chader, reporter. Mrs. Mercedes Anderson. Mrs. D. B. Welch, Mrs. Ada Straw, Mrs. Nellie Burt and Mrs. Philda Fmley represented the Federated Women's Clubs of Springville at a presidents' conference of Federated Fed-erated Women's clubs of District Dis-trict No. 1, held at the Ladies' clubhouse in Provo, Saturday. Ad Libitum club members were guests of Mrs. Bernice Angell at her home Monday evening. Bridge was the feature of entertainment, entertain-ment, Miss Margaret Pierce winning win-ning high score prize. There were 13 members in attendance. The hostess served a delicious luncheon. lunch-eon. It was decided to hold a no-hostess no-hostess Hallowe'en party at the next meeting date, October 23, the place to be announced later. Ollerton, secretary and reporter. A delicious luncheon was served during the evening to the following: fol-lowing: Mrs. Guy Strong, Mrs. Dee Adams, Mrs. Maurice Thorpe, Mrs. George Wilson, Mrs. Elmo Ollerton, Mrs. Bert Childs, Mrs. Harold Averett, Miss Wanda Wilson, Mrs. Fred J ex of Spanish Span-ish Fork, Mrs. Bill Nelson and Miss Lucy Ollerton. Members of the Home Culture club were pleasantly entertained last Friday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. C. F. Packard. Mrs. D. B. Welch, president, was in charge. The program followed by a dainty lunch, included a report re-port of the recent conference ot presidents and chairmen of women's wo-men's federated clubs held in Salt Lake City, given by Mrs. Harold Christensen. Mrs. A. M. Lyall in an interesting manner, gave a paper on "The Spiritual Home and the Financial Home," which was followed by a discussion. discus-sion. Music was furnished by Miss Melba Merritt and Miss Virginia Bird. The next meeting of the club on October 20, will be at the home of Mrs. Elmo Coff-nian Coff-nian in Provo. instead of with Mrs. Helen Thorpe as is scheduled. sched-uled. Mrs. Paul Thorn entertained at a party at her home Tuesday Tues-day evening for a number of friends. A well arranged luncheon was served early in the evening, followed by contract bridge. High score prize for the evening went to Mrs. May Groesbeck. Other guests included Mrs. Mercedes Anderson. Mrs. Hannah Callister, Mrs. Helen Haymond. Mrs. Glen Nielson of Provo, Mrs. Naomi Thorn and Mrs. Maurine Haymond. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Welch and Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Martin attended at-tended the musical and faculty leception at Westminister college last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Law, on their return to Oakland, Calif., from a trip to the eastern states, visited one day of the past week with Mr. Law's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Law. , Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Davis and sons Keith and Clark, of this city, spent the week end in Ogden, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. McGowan. ' Miss Verona Condie is here I from Afton. Wyo., to spend the i remainder of the month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Con-die. Con-die. Mrs. Sadie Kelley McTavish of Salt Lake City and her son, Attorney At-torney James S. Blaine, and daughter Janet, of Oakland, Cal., spent two days of the past week with relatives and friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison and little son Bobbie, of Washington, Wash-ington, D. C-, have returned to their home after spending three weeks as guests of Mr. Harrison's Harri-son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Harrison. Mr. Harrison Harri-son accompanied his son and family on their return trip and will visit in the east indefinitely. Robert is now employed as auditor audi-tor in the deposit and credit department de-partment of the U. S. treasury at Washington, D. C. During their visit here they were extensively entertained by relatives and friends. Members of the W. N. O. club were entertained Friday , night at the home of Mrs. Carlyie Ollerton. Oller-ton. Monte Carlo wnist was played with Mrs. Harold Averett and Mrs. Bill Nelson winning prizes. Officers of the club were named with Mrs. Maurice Thorpe as president, and Mrs. Carlyie |