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Show TIRE SERVICE? YOU'D BE SURPRISED! v'sl 'ill ) I Your tire business is desirable to us. We bid for it on the basis of quality merchandise at a fair price. Then we throw in something extra for good measure. That something extra is SERVICE. Our service is ready for you whenever you need it. Just phone us at 84-J we'll leave a meal or get up out of bed at night, to look after you. Our road car is maintained for just one thing to take care of you. Give us a chance to use it. We want to show you we deserve your trade. POWER SUPREMACY Is Found In STAR CARS ' Fours and Sixes The power and flexibility of the Star Six is amazing. The Star Four, too, gives a wonderful performance-all performance-all at prices within the range of all. SPRINGVILLE GARAGE Phone 84-J First Class Repair Work fsflifl!!,iISi - n he memory of mjfmmii 1 i v IMiC the lastdevy 6 Your mind will go back to the last services that wen held over the deceased friend or relative, and if we hav' served you in our capacity of undertaker you will remembe that the appointments were perfect, that the funeral va well conducted and that the bill was a fair one. AX WHEELER HONE MORTUARY TEL. -4-4- LADY ASST FOR KALE Ford bug and good . saddle. 3!() East Third South. FOR SALE German Tolice pups. Sired by '"Buddie"', Utah County Champion. Prices reasonable. l:i5 S. 1st E. EXPERT MARCELLING, call 172w for appointments. s-1 1 WE OFFER THE Highest Cash Price The Market Affords , For Your FRUIT AND PRODUCE Cars will be loaded at Springville, Mapleton, Spanish Fork and at other convenient points in towns of South end of Utah county. See J. F. Smith, Representative i I Pacific Fruit and Produce Company with offices in Salt Lake, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho . j CLASSIFIED ! . MALE HELP WANTED Wo need eolleetors in stores throughout I'lah and have several fine openings for men lietween the age of Ihirty and forty. Married men preferred. Steady employment. Good sahiry ami bonus. Car and expenses furnished. fur-nished. If you do not earn more I hnn .S12UO.hi per year it will pay you to invesligate our offer. We want only first elass men. Seellie appplioatiou blank from Ibis paper and address to Maying Intermoun-laiu Intermoun-laiu Company. 21 L Suiilh Ml ate, Salt Lake Cil.v, L'tah. . niT FOIt SALE 'One child's eart. one used wagon; also nice furnished iiplrement for rent. Call 1IH-J. n2." FOR SALIC l'ure broil pigs. S weeks old, SO. l'llone !l!l-.J-2. Springville. a25 I-Oll SALE ol! KENT 1 liaise at I'.K) S. 2 V. Impure W. II. Mon-eniry. Mon-eniry. -'! 1 . . GET ONE OF GORE'S SUITS I L-Q F0R FALL AND WINTER 1 iL'iv'y JT"' ) Last year we sold a great number of I t'"VypA-1- finely tailored suits to young men of f AvW - 1 V'V'-'lV) Springville and every one fit like a glove. y. y fcZx '' ''' 'I J l 1 livery man who got one of our suits looked 'J f ijiWljJ just a little more dressy. I A'Si) V-Vy""; - 1k&$$ Let us fit you in a fine suit for fall. I v i.-' '-:." J' It will cost no more, and outwear most i h"-v i t ' 4 ' suits. 1 J I M , - r -t i ! A i , . J : 'n Try One They range from i Jt;t 521.50 to $18 r Gore's Cleaning & Dyeing Co. like an arrow from a bow Euick for 1928 gets away in traffic like an arrow from a bow! V7 atch the Buicks next time you drive downtown. See how easily they step out in front when the signal changes. And note how they give other cars the slip in the friendly rivalry of traffic. You cannot say you know the full meaning of "performance" until you've driven a Buick for 1928. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. Dit hion of General Motort Corporation BUIOO-1928 Teliuride Motor Co. I'ROVO CTAII l!ukk Dealers In Provo For 12 Years HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for ' 1 " Fresh Cream and ' FRESH EGGS OUR WAGON WILL CALL ' When you want BETTER BUTTER , Ask your merchant for TIMPANOGOS BRAND TIIONE 313 TIMPANOGOS CREAMERY North end Provo-Springville road PROVO UTAn Ro 2nd Liberty Loan Bonds p j Will cease to draw interest November 15th. j - Should you desire to cash your bonds now I j ! ! we will purchase them at current market prices. Jjj Or tliould you wish to 're-invest, we have Ijji , available an unusuajly attractive number of .1 ''i current investment offerings, and will be pleas- "A ed to take care of vour requirements. W m Bring the bonds in at your g first opportunity MENDENHALL BANK1 P |