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Show CLASS LARGEST IN HISTORY OF LOCALSCHOOL Dr. A. N. Merrill Will Address Graduates;' Exercises Friday Eveneng At Auditorium Commencement exercises for the largest graduating class in the history his-tory of the Springville high school will be held in the auditorium FV1-day FV1-day evening, May 20 at 8 o'clock. More than sixty students will be graduated from the school, Principal Princi-pal E. E. Knudsen announces. Merrill To Sneak The address to the graduates will be given by Dr. A. X. Merrill, member mem-ber of the faculty of the Brigham Young university. The program as announced is as follows: processional; selection, "Xight," high school chorus; invocation; invo-cation; selection, "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming." high school chorus; address of welcome, Clair Gudinnndsen. president of the senior class; selection, "Till We Meet Again," senior class iiuarlet; address ad-dress to graduates, Dr. A. X. Merrill; Mer-rill; solo, Melha Condie; presentation presenta-tion of junior and senior high school graduates. Principal E. E. Knudsen; presentation of .junior high school certificiatos and senior diplomas, .1. Frank Bringhurst ; selection. "Goodbye", "Good-bye", senior girls' double trio: presentation pre-sentation of medals. Principal E. E. Knudsen: Valedictory address, Aleene Wheeler; selection. "God Bless Yon All", .senior class ipiar-tet ipiar-tet ; benediction. Graduates Are Listed The iXM'sonnol of Ihe graduating class is as follows: Fern Bale. Margaret Mar-garet Bird. Marie Child, Norma Child, Olive Chllils, Vera Chader, Louise Crandall. Clara Brown, Penrle Gore, Idona Harrison, Sarah Hill, Helen Hughes. Minerva Johnson, John-son, Marie Jensen, Lucy Lavauger, Elizabeth Lyond, Jennie Marsh, Helen McKen.ie. Thelma Xoakes, Mane Xelson. Arvilla Olson, Mclba Hoylance. Edna .Reynolds, Alien Rolhwell, Wenltha" Spafford, Ma-belle Ma-belle Smith, Bessie Sutherland, Dona Salisbury, Lola Strong, Josephine Srnford. Blanche Weight, Bessie Weight, . Wilda Weight, Aleene Wheeler, Ellon WluVder. Jay Anderson, Elden Ashernfl. Alden Clark, Howard Dallon, Heid Ferguson, Fergu-son, Harold Goales, Claire Gud-rnundson, Gud-rnundson, Aiinon Ilarmer, Fred Hoffman, Harold llollcy. Crede Harmer, Oris Huntington. Edward Hntchings, Garnoy Johnson. Itnah Johnson. Willis Johnson, Howard MoKenzie, Fred Murray, ltnphol Palfreyman, Raymond Parker, Ger-win Ger-win Biding, l.'ourtland Slarr, Hugh Ward, Ormnn Weight, Alton Wheeler, Wheel-er, Grant Whitehead, George Young. |