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Show HONOR WILSON IN SPRINGVILLE All the business houses of Springville Spring-ville closed and all work was suspended sus-pended Wednesday afternoon, as a tribute of respect to the memory of Woodrow Wilson. At 2:30 p. m. a 'memorial service I was held by the citizens and high school students in the high school ' auditoriuril. I Mayor George R. Maycock was in I charge. Seated on the stand were the niavor nnd members of the l Springville Citv council, Principal It. L. Done. Bishop J. F. Bringhurst Kev. W. H. Ensign, Prof. A. J. Jncobsen and John S. Boyer Jr. The high school chorus sang 'Hear Our Prayer.' The invocation was offered by John S. Boyer Sr.. after which the chorus sang "After Life's Sunset." The speakers were Bishop .J. F. Bringhurst and Prof. A. J. Jacobsen. In a forceful manner I both speakers praised the life and works of the departed ex-president. Melvin Done rendered a cello solo. I The closing number wns a ladies' 1 chorus. "Abide With Me." The 'benediction was pronounced by Kev. W. II. Ensign -of the Springville , Presbyterian church. I |