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Show U.S. SUGAR BEET AREA COVERS 755,000 ACRES NEW YOKK. July 21 Si.mf 7"i.-Um 7"i.-Um nci-i's of Atnci-kan land are occupied oc-cupied this year in lowin su.L'ni-Ueers su.L'ni-Ueers that will provide close to 2,(Hiu.uoiMXH) pounds as a pnnifil satisfaction of t ho national sweet tooth during the coinini: twelve months, reports the national snpir trade journal, Facts Ahottt SujKir. This is enough to supply till the su:;ar required hy tin- western half of the 1'nited States where most of the su.iir heet crop is pinvit. Colorado leads till the states of the Union in the production of heet sufjar and prohahly will turn out close to TOO.OIIO.OUO pounds dUfinn the coming season. Beet suar in fact is t lie most important of nil Colorado's crops: and it also is an important eontrilmtor to the agricultural agri-cultural wealth of other western states including Utah, Idaho, California, Cali-fornia, Montana, Wyoming. Xehras-I;n Xehras-I;n nnd Kansas and of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michifrnn. (inio and Indiana further east. The aere-a'.'e aere-a'.'e planted sus.ar heels in the various var-ious stales this year is as follows: State. Acres. Colorado 221. (HIS Michigan 121). Ilo Xebfitska St), 7(12 I'tiih 0!,SS0 California 'in, OS-Ohio OS-Ohio .'17.927 Wyoming 30,STil Montana 3.'i,044 Illio 30,S4G Wisconsin 22.7(10 Iowti in.7!)D Other states 34,179 Total 754.7U7 Other slates include Minnesota, Kansas, Indiana, Washington, South Dakota and Illinois. The beet sugar industry is about thirty years old in the United States, dating its rise to commercial importance from the time when the Dingley tariff imposed u duty on sugar for the protection of American producers in 1SD7. Its growth since that time, together with the increase in-crease of cane sugar production in the southern stales and in Hawaii, Porto Hico and the Philippines, has been a main factor in reducing the price of sugar to a point where the scientists now tell us that it is tlie cheapest food we eat. |