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Show CLIFFORD KINDRED WINNER OF CONTEST A twenty dollar gold piece nnd a scholarship at the University of I'tah was awarded to Clifford Kindred, Kin-dred, son of Mr. nad Mrs. John Kindred and a member of the Springville high school, as one of the winners in the American Cheini-, Cheini-, cal society's prize essay contest, j which is the result of a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Garven of New York City. According to the report of the American Chemical socicly committo on prize essays, there were approximately approxi-mately 500.000 high school girls and boys participated and prizes were ' awarded in every state in the union and the Pislriet of Columbia. Six prizes came into the state of T'tah and Mr. Kindred was one out of the six. The judges of the contest were headed by Herbert Hoover, secretary secre-tary of commerce and included J. Ii. Angell. president of Yale university. univer-sity. Charles II. Mayo, surgeon, Mayo foundation: .Tames YV. AYads-worth. AYads-worth. Jr.. senator. New York, chair-ma chair-ma nof TT. S. senate committee on military affairs: Jane Adams, settlement settle-ment worker: .1. C. Merriam, Carnegie Carne-gie institution and others. |