Show work for the sheriff we denounce a policy which fosters no industry so much as it does that of sheriff brover cleveland went ici on that kind of a platform protection was called a fraud and a robbery and tho people believed the politicians they never stopped to think how protection has built up the industries of this country and vicious as was the platform of 1892 it was endorsed the people wanted a change and they got it but the very next year they degan repenting to the tune of thousands of republican majorities throughout the various states held elections this frightened the tariff tinkers and they did not completely annihilate the unconstitutional protection denounced BO in their platform but they the business of the coun try enough to prove which policy free trade or protection was the most profitable for the sheriff the following list of failures gives a fair idea year failures liabilities 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 ANNUAL 1899 92 96 the business of the sheriffs has been about doubled it will be seen by the trade reports made tho business of the country has been well nigh ruined it will take some time to restore the prosperity that formerly existed but the republican publican Ee party will build it up in a couple of years the prosperous nines of 1892 will again be upon us |