Show senator Wol cotts mission LONDON jan 7 neither tho bi metallic league nor any other silver ats organization have any information regarding che visit to europe of senator wolcott who baided bailed from new york january and 2nd the st james gazette says everybody wants to know how far mckinley means to go in the direction of doina something for silver moreton drewan however has discovered exactly what is en foot he has written to a financial daily paper pointing poin tinz out that if russia means to resume specie pay meats she will haye to boy ounces of silver and that tariff concessions upon the part of the united states would induce her to do eo that thia operation will easily rehabilitate silver on a to 1 asis d france and germany will probably join for similar is apkari for tariff reductions and a boom in silver but frewen is at a discount as a prophet at present |