Show I Boxing I Eddie Hanlon has fought his last battle He announces Ms retirement and says ho will go Into business in San Francisco In the thirteenth round the round before the ono In which he wbn tho worlds championship from Corbett at i Carson City Robert Fltzslmmons went down to defeat before Jack OBrien at San Francisco December 20 When ho sank helpless In his chair tho thousands thou-sands who saw the contest felt that the Grand Old Man of tho ring had fought his last fight Tho victory belongs be-longs to Father Time than to tho agile Quaker I The ending of the Fltzslmmons OBrien fight coming as It did during tho minuto rest between the thirteenth and fourteenth rounds has led to colt siderablo controversy as to whether OBrien won in the thirteenth or fourteenth four-teenth round With regard to this will state that Jack won In tho thirteenth round as time for the fourteenth round had not been called The point argued l Is is the minute Intervening between rounds a continuation of tho preceding or to bo connected with the succeeding round As there cannot boa bo-a minutes rest before a round has been fought the minute intervening between rounds must naturally be a continuation of the round which preceded pre-ceded It Had time been called for round fourteen and had OBrien answered an-swered the call of time It would have marked tho beginning of that round Georgo Slier |