Show REBELS ARE AGAIN BEATEN Temporary President of San Domingo is Victorious Over Insuitents Gunboat Which Went Over to Rebels Will be Returned to Government If Officers and Crew Are Granted Grant-ed Pardons Crpo Haytlon 1IayllA sanguinary and what probably will prove to be limo final battle has taken placo near Guayabin between the troops of loll oral Caceres the temporary president presi-dent of Santo Domingo and the insurgents In-surgents The former were victorious Several generals on both sides were killed or wounded Tho gunboat ludependencla which recently went over to tho rebels Intends In-tends on the advice of Former President Pres-ident Morales to return to Santo Domingo Do-mingo and surrender If the government govern-ment will guarantee tho safety of Its officers and crew It is also expected that lie I governor of Monte Crlstl will follow the advice of General Moralou and surrender the place provided the necessary guarantees as to safety nr given |