Show TROUBLE ABOUT OVER Everything Reported Quiet at Jack sons Hole Washington Aug 3The following dispatch was received at the War Department De-partment today from General Coppin gers headquarters at Omaha All quiet at Jacksons Hole Two scouting parties were sent out yesterday one to the country east about Buffalo Folks and one southeast to Hoback river One company of Ulsbys battalion Eighth Infantry has been cent to Swan river for the protection of citizens The acting Indian agent at Fort Hall reservation reported that 161 Indians In-dians were camped four miles from Soda Springs and 200 at the outlet fir Grays Lake In Idaho all claiming to be on their way back to the reservations reserva-tions The acting agent says trouble is about over Market Lake Ida Aug 3 Colonel Foote General Stltzer and lIon Mart PatrIe came in from the front today They report that General Coppinger has sent out a detachment to locate the Indians Yesterday sixteen volunteers who hearing of the massacre of settlers set-tlers In Jacksons Hole came In from Lander to protect them arrived at camp near Marysvale They ran across about 400 Indians at the head of Wind river about sixty miles from Jacksons Hole They are gathering In there for the purpose of holding a sundance There Is absolutely no danger now of the Indians resisting the troops If found they will be forced to return on the reservation and they will go quietly quiet-ly A bad state of feeling exists between be-tween the Indians and settlers in Jack sons Hole Tho latter are prepared to defend themselves and do not mean to allow the Indians to violate the game laws This will no doubt sooner or later produce trouble and possibly bloodshed The nromnt fiction of the authorities In rushing troops has saved lives and property The troops will remain there so General Copsfciger says for thirty days at least ipltt possibly longer Colonel Col-onel Foote and General Stltzer leave for home tonight |