Show DREAMING AJVD WAKING FORMS Harvey who discovered the circulation circula-tion of tho blood is said to have recorded re-corded a dream In which a bumblebee stung him in his left thigh on a place i whore a couple of days later appeared I an ugly ulcer Maleshorbe the renowned re-nowned French author found himself In a dream attacked by a rowdy who stabbed him in his left breast with a dagger in an area where tho following evening ho felt the first attack of severe pneumonia The archives of medical reports says Dr Axel Emil Gibson are heavy with cases of a similar character which havo either received no explanation at all or else have been explained away entirely Dr Gibson calls attention to tho fact that dreams depend on some other media than those known as tho five senses A conclusive evidence In favor of this view Is found in tho circumstances II circum-stances that even the blind are able to seo In dreamsas witness experiences ex-periences recorded by Helen Keller Blind Tom tho poet Milton and others Hence the conclusion seems to be unavoidable that it is only as far as physical vision is concerned that I the optic nerve guides and limits the field of vision This same author arrives at the deduction de-duction that dreaming anti waking differ in degree and form of manifestation manifes-tation only not In principle and essence es-sence Like waking consciousness he avers the dream reveals but does not create The same vv rld that surrounds sur-rounds tho waking Individual surrounds sur-rounds the dreaming only tliO viewpoints view-points and media of observation are I changed |