Show conventions to the republican Republic au voters of utah A republican convention is beteby oseby cabled to be held at M mi 1 pleasant san pete county utah september Sept embar 1893 at one p in for the purpose of nominating three presidential electors who will it if elected vote for william mckinley for president of the united states and garret A hobart for vice president of the united states and also for the election of a republican state beatral committee comro ittes A republican lican convention is hereby called to bs be held on an september Sap at oden city utah at 11 a in for the purpose of placing in nomina nomination a republican candidate for representative to coutress Conf Cou crees aress the basis of representation for each convention is fixed at the ratio of one delegate for every forty votes cast or a major majar portion thereof for the present chief justice of the state at the last election apportioned among the several counties a aa follows B beaver baver aver 10 box elder IS 18 cache 32 carbon 7 davis 11 emely 8 garfield 6 grand 4 1 iron 8 juab 19 kans 4 morgan 5 millard 13 piuta 4 rich 4 san juan joan 1 salt lake sanpete San pete 39 sevier 17 summit 30 toofic 13 uintah 5 utah 65 6 wasatch Wa eatch 9 weber 53 wayne 3 total the county committee of 0 each county is ia requested to call cad primaries and conventions vent ions on or before september f r the purpose ol of selecting delegates to each of the above named conventions the chairman of each counis committee will please forward to the chair man of the state committee lists of 0 all df lecates chosen chose to attend each of baid conventions ss as as reelected relec cd ted by order of cf the republican state central committee JOHN E chairman JU lia A secretary 1 |