Show la a recent bettex to the manufacturer r mr W P F benjamin editor of 0 the rushford Rushi ord N Y says it nay may be a pleasure tsure for you to know the ugh tigh esteem in which chamberlains medicines are held by the people of bour own state slite where they must be oest known an aunt of mine who resides at dexter iowa was about to visit me a few years since and before 1 leaving home wrote me asking if they vote svere suld sold here hare stating if they were not the ehe would bring a quantity with her ae aa she sha did not ake to be without hem the medicines referred to are cau canh h famous or us cures cares ot of colds and croup pain balm for rheama dam ism lame back pains in the side and cheat beet aud and chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy for bowel these medicines iciness have uen decd in constant use in iowa for almost most a quarter of a century the people have learned that they are articles ot greit war wor th anand and me merit rit and unequaled by any other they are for sala bale here by 6 moot drug co TO aro CURE CUKE A COLU COLD it IN ONE OM DAY DAV take laxative bromo quinine tablets all refund too money it if it fails to cure core 25 I 1 A hundred to one CHICAGO Cai cAGo sept 4 special mr julius julais goldschmidt chief of the german bureau bareau who has just returned from new york was at republican head planters iu pl artera arters today ay and says editor of the johnstown X N Y reab allican lican rna mikeal kea report of a 1 canvass ade in his hie county fulton which owed the number of democrats who lare 1 ire fur for mckinley exceeds the sil ail republicans a hundred to one ne me prohibitionists have alro aleo come ut out for McK mckinley toley in in that county MAN iday a days work is ia lest by sick beade bead e e caad by indi in vestion and stomach h t coubles roubles troa rou bleB bles De dewilus Wilts bittle early rifer frers are the meet effectual pill lor for overcoming in ing such anca difficulties smoot drug to co CAS 14 I 1 V 01 R I 1 A for infants and ana Chi children laren caf ww 0 t e tsi e ww le ur 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 11 0 I 1 TI ki I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 p I 1 r L 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 gladness NJ comes with ith a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physical ills which vanish before proper efforts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed there Ls is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual disease but simply to a constipated condi conda tian of the system which the pleasant jamily family laxative syrup of fi figs promptly removes that is why it is the only remedy ith williams ms sol ol 01 families andis and is everywhere esteemed este so highly by au all who N hg alue ahie good health its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts it is therefore aai s important in order to get its bene fial fi il effects to note when you pur chase that you have the genuine article which is manufactured by the california fig syrup co only and sold by all reputable druggists if in the enjoyment of good health and the system Is is regular laxatives 0 or other remedies are then not needed it if afflicted with any actual disease e one may be commended to the thenus jiosa skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative la tive ones one donld have the best and with tho the well informed everywhere syrup of pigs rit atias highest and is most I 1 highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report I 1 I 1 0 bag NIP a n fl lans pun F I 1 ALEI beg beginning a aning august 3rd ard and continuing 0 one oae whole week we must have room for cur mammoth fall stock which is on the way if you can use any of the following goods you yoa can caa get them at less lesa than cost L tei tion iss id aai ficia our entire stock in this una line is offered choicest gojda at less them first cost cast 1 20 0 pair ladi ei tan oxford ties regular 1 25 at 95 93 ctr 20 pair ladies tan oxford ties regular at 9 pairs ladies tan oxford ties as regular at 1 35 6 pr ladies Tan Oxford ties regular at 3 2 IS 18 pr ladies tan oxford ties g lar 2 25 23 at 65 17 pr ladies bow Slippers the latest thing regular 22 5 at 9 pr ladies tan shoes regular 4 at 3 12 pr balies la lies tan taa shoes regular at 24 pr badiea tan shoes regular at aca ta divinities DIMIN DIMINI mES TIES 10 pe es corded dimity 10 and 12 go at acts 10 alecea cardad dimity go ILL at 7 10 pieces silk strips challia regular 40 costs at 20 5 pieces challie Ch allic all wool regular 25 at 12 LADIES AND CHILDRENS STRAW HATS 1 lot lidies black and whits white sailor hats hata regular at 10 I 1 lot ladies black and white sailor H it ua 5 regular 40 at 20 I 1 lot ladies black and white sailor hate hat regular 60 00 and 75 at 45 our entire stock of hats will be sold at first cost nothing reserved WAISTS here hereria is the greatest bargain in waists ever offered 1 lot ladies waists in check and striped stripe 3 all sizes all colors all styles separable collars colars and cuffs they are worth each we will sacrifice them at 75 10 cents 1 lot ladies ladias waists and you get them at this sale for aj 10 step in ia and see eee them if you dont want rant to 10 bay YOURS FOR BIZZ ea A a g sarney for over fifty rears i SLOWS SOOTHING BOOMING has hag bea used for over fifty years by bv millions or of motti moth era for their anddrea skille teeth mi with perfect itzo it thes the obaid softens the gums allay 3 all pain cares wind colic a and n d is ii the beat remedy for diarrhoea i it will re relieve fieve the poo little sufferer suf farer immediately sold by druggists drug guts la in every part ot tae lae world twenty ave cents a bottle ba lisure sure and ask for mrs arg soothing syrup ani tp tilte ke no other kind it IF yon have ever seen a little child in the tha agony of summer complaint you can call realize the danzer danger or the trouble and appreciate the value of instant mst antane ane ous oua relief always afforded by dewitts dewitta colic cholera care for dysentery and diarrhea it is a reliable remedy we could not affard ta this sa aa a cure care unless it were a cure smoot drug ding co A t z I 1 DR GUNNS I 1 LIVER 2 A KILO HILD 0 r asif FOK b A dosa A 0 the barola each day s fot health be altia these aills what tho the aaela lacka I 1 to taake make it re gar cum care blead he brighten tha le eres acce lad clew W ith tha C complexion Complex alii ioa L they r neither itar cape nor ac kl T to vima yon ws arill mad f g f U f 1 vh bhare obaid KO 1 D CO P pt sold by excelsior drag paint co 6 NH 4 OP a 4 lah V t sa on a 9 1 a a toi 1 14 C AW goes r oes with I 1 the close alose of august AND WE OFFER FOR THE L a S male of tho fly it or the greatest bargains of 1896 11 1 F y H rv A ANDREW AiN iDrEw EGGERTSEN mgr e IN JULIUS JENSEN abt tl I 1 ar 1 I 1 11 y I 1 I 1 A R aw and jeweler L f za 11 1 I 1 DEALER IS in 11 1 I I 1 1 I 1 WATCHES JEWELRY 1 r tl AND A SD ALL OF LO 0 S 0 I 1 war y I 1 axce sacr druz store centre st 5 I 1 01 E R C provo city PP I 1 5 H IR 1 if 5 1 A I 1 I 1 the following goods will be given away sep ber 30 1893 one ton coal 5 00 one western washer 3 75 one box soap bars 3 25 pound patent flour 1 90 one keg pickles 1 85 one keg syrup 11 one ham rl i ten lbs breakfast bacon I 1 buy 25 cents worth of goods and secure I 1 1 1 a ticket P P HMM 11 coltof ats 0 00 S M D cit PA 9 X 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN doors windows lath shingles I 1 paints builders 1 hardware and the most complete line of lumber south routh IS of salt lake city cit 7 MILL AULL WORK A SPECIALTY office and yard card opposite R R depot I 1 PROVO P KOYO adryn pt CITY P 0 box telephone no ko 1 0 20 10 I 1 A 0 I 1 1 Iv lanager I 1 I 1 ladies summer corsets co set 8 I 1 a I 1 1 1 ah I 1 8 bicycle icycle Il sweaters 1 a I 1 z I 1 1 1 I 1 boys pants at t V I 1 1 t I 1 8 bac P 1 I 1 1 ladies waists for almost I 1 summer underwear at closing out ont prices I 1 in V fact A act all our sum summer m er I 1 I 1 goods are going cheap X I 1 I 1 N i dont forget that we V are 1 GIVING AWAY silverware W sm 0 sz sala 41 center ml u 1 e street provo I 1 |