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Show Beauty a Natter of Personal Taste Only General Agreement Is That ankle. Typically French, this! The Mohammedans have a great tho Power to Attract Is Un ethical work called El Ktab, which of Evidence Its Posses falling sion. Beauty la a question for the blind to decide, remarked Aristotle when pressed for a definition. Later on he wrote a treatise on the subject, but ths manuscript Is not extant, and even if It were would we ever be made to agree on the subject of beauty? Men like Hegel, Schelllng, Fichte, Emerson, Burke and Gautier wrote philosophical volumes and essays on this topic none of them agreeing however. All the poets, the artists' and the musicians of the world have tried to tell what beauty is, and only on one single point has a general agreement beer, made evident the essence of beauty Is the power to attract. As to the secret of this power all the world disagrees, The brilliant Gautier says: "A womnn who Is beautiful is brainy enough; that Is, she has the quality of being beautiful. I prefer a pretty mouth to a fine mind. ! would give fifty souls for a single well-forme- LOSS OF APPETite ILEPOSTS From Down Country Lanes, by Byron Williams defines the essentials for feminine loneliness as follows: Four things must be of black color hair, eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows. Four things must be white skin, teeth, hands and the Iris. Four things must be red Ups, tongue, gums and cheeks. Four things must be round-he- ad, Four neck, arm and ankle. thlpgs must be slender fingers, arms, legs and the back. The final tests, however, are four proofs of Ignorance, which are be trayed by the (yes, nostrils, lips and fingers. So you see the French writer and the Mohammedan sage practl cally agree In raising the body of woman higher than her mind, Edmund Burke was a very particuHere Is his punctilious lar chap. must rot be too tall, She recipe: but gentle and docile. She must have many varied spiritual qualities. She must be extremely well built without producing an Impression of strength or power. She must have a clear, New York wholesome complexion. Ilernld. Women Dont Do. A loafer on the street, whose wife was probably at home getting out a to neighbor's washing to make money a asked busy children shoes, the buy man the other day if he ever saw a woman. No, 1 never And I man. the busy did, replied around woman waltzing never saw a town in her shirt sleeves with a cigar In her teeth and running into every saloon she saw. Neither did I ever see a woman sitting all day on a dry secgoods box telling people how the the run should the of treasury retary national finances. I have never seen a woman go fishing with a bottle In her pocket, sit on the bank all day and go home drunk at night. Nor have I ever seen a woman yank off her coat and say she could lick any man in town.'.' Some Thlnas bald-heade- Japan Is But Reclaiming Her Own Than a Century Ago Re conquered Territory Wee in the Undisputed Posseeelon of the Island Empire. Mor An Englishman In Tokyo, writing of the Japanese conquest of Sakhalin What the Japanese Island, says: imean by their present operations may 'easily be Inferred from the nomenclature they are adopting. They have called Anlwa bay by the name bay' to commemorate the e destruction of the Novlk by the and the Tsushima, In the former of which ships Prince Higashl-Fushi-m- l was then serving. So, too, Patience point has been renamed 'KataokaMl-sak- l and Patience bay Shlchlro Wan, in consideration of the fact that Admiral Kataoka Shlchlro commands the naval expedition. Again, the two promontories of Shiretako and Noto-ro- , on the east and west respectively of Anlwa bay, are to he called henceforth Juzozakl and Kondo-zak!- , after Hondo Juzo, chief librarian of the Tokugawa government at the close of the eighteenth century. In 1798 news of Russian appear Chi-los- ance In northern waters having reached Yeddo, Hondo Juzo was sent to Investigate. He visited Etorafu Island In the Kuriles and there .found that the Russians, true to the occidental customs of mediaeval days, bad appropriated the unguarded territory in that region by the simple device of setting up pillars to announce its occuHondo removed these witpation. nesses of theft and on his return to Yeddo published a book dealing with the questions of Sakhalin (Karafuto), the Kuriles (Chlshlma) and Kamchatka. The gist of bis contention was that the only tribunal to whlck international disputes about bounds lea could be appealed was the tribunal of arras and that if Japan hoped to rest seeure within closed gates she must take steps to define those gates. Now after the lapse of more than 10 years Hondos foresight is to receive national recognition. Thus Japan is significantly pointing to ths pages of history, where in clear terms her titles to this northern Island are Inscribed. She virtually announces her Intention of not only recovering but also Jtceplng. Amends Made by All the Defendants Dove of Peace. Driven from Homo by Turbulent Scene. Again Hovore Over the Charcoal Plate in Serene Content. The dove of peace white-winge- d flutters and coos over Charcoal flats and hovers trustingly in the ambient ether even where discord was wont to prevail. An armistice has been declared and the peace plenipotentiaries appeared before Recorder Fogarty yesterday morning, when the protocol was- - signed and the snowy-winge- d bird liberated. But the dove of peace has a wary eye skinned for trouble, for it Is feared hostilities will break out anew, despite the friendly Intervention of his honor, says the New Orleans Tlmes-Dcmocra- Maudy Gould, a dignified matron of Charcoal flats, some time ago caused the arrest of BUI Sims, Chink Sims and Sam Sims on the charge of insult and abuse, and this morning agreed to withdraw the charge because the aforesaid dove had put In Its appearance. Are you willing to let these men off If they behave themselves?" asked Judge Fogarty. Ah is, Jedge, replied Mandy. P Bible say ter ferglb yo ennymlea en dexe gemmen done made der poller gles ter me en ax me ter scus'n uw fer callen ms r " Never mind what they called you," II they took Interrupted his honor. It back and mads proper amends. I'll let them go. Yaas, suh, jedge, dey done make proper mens all right; de men met front fence wIch dey broke down, en BUI, dab, he men mer washtub w'lch he hit me ovr de hald wid en Chink men de kltch'n table w'lch he ain't bruk 't all cause somebody else brug It. Yaas, lord! dey done mek all d mens dey cud, jedge, en Sam he gwynter men mer parler sette next week " That's all right, Mandy," interjected his honor, I guess you'll havs enough amends to last you a lifetime. But If I ever get any of you up here again MI amend my decision and put you all to mending city proiv erty. Discharged Gory Scene in Recent Popular Novel When Men Fought with Battle.Ax and Sword Before the Inven tlon of "Villainous Saltpeter Made Such Weapons Obsolete). Here Is a gory scene from llalllwell Sutcliffe's new novel. Red o tbe Feud." The scene Is In England, tbe time In tbe indefinite past and tbe weapon used for the killings U called a a kind of pole-ax- : He turned, to find Red Ratcllffe out of saddle, standing to the top of bla six feet four Inches of height and holding the ax In his two brawny bands, while he swayed It gently to and fro. What followed passed with the speed of a tempest flung from the belly of a clear blue sky. Way ns of Lud worth got his sword out somehow and leaped back; before his friends could get to foster-brothe- r, him Red Ratcllffe bad run forward, had parried h!i first wild sword thrust as one turns asldo a bramble in one's path, had lifted foster-brothe- r high and higher yet, swinging it like a flail above his heed. And then the great ax fell and Wayne of Ludworth's day was done, and Red Ratcllffe. with little time te spare If the oncoming Waynes wera to be met, set bis two feet firmly on ths ground and tugged and tugged at the ax, where It lay In Wayne's big skull, and wrenched It loose In the nick of time. The stripling Way ns, lighter of foot than his kinsman, bad outpaced him, and hta sword was perilously near to Ratcliffs, when at last hs wrenched the free and swung It high again; once more the sword was turned aside, lightly as with coutempt, and foster-brothewhistled as It cut the alt. Shamelesa Wayne was close in now and made a desperate leap to save the lad; his fore foot lit upon a patch of offal in the road and he stumbled under the haft of the big ax as it turned and whistled down the wind and hit the stripling through the bone. Fair on the crown Shameless Wsyns caught half the blow as It descended and tbe haft, with thick steel at Its core, was weighty and like a log be rolled beside his fallen kinsman. ax-hea- r ARE LEARNING HOW TO EAT. 8AYS AMERICANS In America, eating Is becoming more of a fine art as well as pastime and accomplishment every day. Americans are learning how to eat. They have passed the stage of civilization where anything and every thing will go and are becoming par- My ma she reckons time by almanacs, An two years frm th v -e- r - y day I cum! Or else th next spring after sister died Sbev flgers It all out by cryin' Rome! ticular eaters. My pa he estermates th' facts by books, Hes kep' a dairy" now fer thirty years, An knows when things was so, an sleh, an thus, Ithout dependin on I guess er It appears!" Aunt Sue she 'members frm th awful snow Of '8S, er thereabouts somewhere! The day afore this mos terrific storm The big, warm sun was shinin jest as fair! Grandma she kalkerlates 'at she can tell Frm when she married my own Grandpa Pine! She sex th birds was singln jest as sweet As now away back there In '49! you tU him he'a a good one, Too Often We Walt Until Too IfAnd him on the l,u k? Lato to Bestow Our Expree- - There put are some who think It'a praising .Not to rain-- a row and kl k, alone of Lovo and AppreciaAnd they'll pny nn extra dollar tion on Dear Onea. To a eliap extra slick; e it's sn uy tiling to xny It, Ami to sny It xironf. It livily And to . sy For it i tn-l- xl a il rhnp Oh, of rnurai-- , ynu wiy him money, floubtliK all that he Is woith; But does niiuu v, nmn unit bmtiier. Represent tho bent of earth ? What'S the good ef keeping from him Any gum! thing ynu might ssy That will lift hia load l Inlmr And ia mimethlng mors than pay? If tie' a worthy of your prniaea. Do you think that he'll be slack? lint It lent Unit that hemtena It'a the kind word amt the thought For the deed done and the Out of which the good la wrought. Ae when the weary tdlgtim. Who hoe tend the long, hnrd Willi lie prnltle and lla loaaea Wty, Mnaaured to hint day by day, llenra tho hind worda of th Maater, I. Ike the eonga of rherutilm: ''HII thou good and faithful- It heaven enough for him, William J. Lampion, In Ths flunda kl.ignslne. Nothing but the white heart of the wheat berry (Pillsburys Vitos) Is NOW good enough for those who have tried this cereal breakfast food. It is economical and It Is actually the ir the Meat of the Wheat Sterilized nothing added nothing taken away pure white in color. It serves an appetizing breakfast dish, made In the greatest mills, of the best wheat, and by the oldest miller, PILLSBURY. This Is your guarantee. Put up only In airtight packages. Look for the words, Meat of the two-pound- But my grandpap he Aggers best of all! He counts fr'm when the up an froze! "There wa'nt a gol darn pie that spring! Thats what my grandpap sez an grandpap knows!!! pie-pla- ple-pla- JEALOUS OF WOMENS FINERY. New Chirge Brought Against Generation of Men. A lady writing In a dally paper attacks man for a weakness which he has hitherto considered the peculiar affliction of the other sex. He Is much glren, according to this lady, "to finding food for thought and a target for ridicule In contemplation of the doings of that mysterious entity which decides upon the changes in Whereas all the feminine fashions. time It li jealousy which prompts his gibes The fact Is that he would really like to change his own fashions as frequently, only he Is not allowed o do so by some unwritten law. And this Is pathos. He may try to conceal the fact, but, says our authority, ever he yearns In secret for the golden days of masculine dress, when fortunate nan basked In the sunshine of velvet aid fine luce. It Is quite true. The secret is out at last. Ws can no lunge. keep up a pretense of being satisfied with life. Why should we go about ranking the world hideous with our black coats and corrugated trousers? Wny should we cot look noble and dasllng? For over a quarter of a century man has had no change of costume, In a manner of speaking. Always '.he same dull, monotonous round of blacks and grays. Why does not some hero walk down Bond street In a mauve frock coat or a crimson lounge silt? At present It Is only In our ajortlve moments, at golf or cricket, that we can escape from the trammel. Why should we not wear strlred b azers In ordinary life ton don Glob. UNSANITARY SPOT FOR GftAVE Somewhat Peculiar Objection to Last Resting Place. When Mr. and Mrs. Grant removeo from' tbe big city and purchased a home in a country village one of theli first visits was to the cemetery. We want to select a burial ground." Mr Grant remarked, and life la uncertain so we had better attend to It during this dry spell while the walking It good." It occurred to Mrs. Grant that this was hardly a sufficient reason for sc prompt a decision, but she made n( objection to the plap, and their flrsl walk was to the cemetery. There seems to be a good deal o. room on high land, remarked Mrs Grant. We can easily find a goot place there." Its too high." objected Mr. Grant, thats too much of a hill to climb Let's look down toward the loch." The lots toward the loch pleased Mrs. Grant even better than the hill There, Fred," she said, let's decldt upon one of these. Mr. Grant looked at his wife In sur prise. Why, Mildred." he replied I did think you had better judge ment! I shouldnt think of being burled in this low, marshy place. If the unhcalthlest spot In the whole cemetery. Weekly Scotsman. Cold Sweats, Twitching Weakness Cured by o Pink Pm.. P,WIIIW Nature punishes every in- f- u her laws, and careless habits e condition described Browne, of No. 1019 LiJ0KS Bt. Joseph, make you twelve pounds of Substantial family food and can be purchased at your grocers for will A package Ask him He will gladly fill yotir order because he knows he sells you satisfaction. to-da- Lost Pigmies. flfiS waskfc a M ,;w w trX ""I S J All fte whit ills an ! the dal Allr heir dt Irifts tl kinds o trouble? lsceme Enter ths Straw Hat jr perhi Straw bats were first heard of hi of too England In the reign of Queen Bln I set. lusitud beth. In the reign of James L Woirn William Lord Howard pijinj learn of r the thee large sum of )18 for tv, lay J trouble itraw hats. They " itrengt onsble tog, TEA "Wasnt it dreadful! f the to rise "Yes. "Did she know it? How Itrogff I form hack "Probably not 1 tired stand pain, Steam Shovels to Mine Goli In Alaska they do not do things halves. Miners are now engaged k turning the course' of King river s as to leave dry about three mileir. Us bed and to mine this aurttens; gravel with steam shovels. 1 tome ganisi Mist Lydia TEA Tasting tea is a whole coffee ccupation; ( o- another The taster Npicks out you tea and puts the price on it I ry pscksit of MiUlnCt looUsti How to Msks Good Tew. MT ki Hereditary Elephant Catchers-Ithe last the Battlcaloa District of Ceylot was the extinct generation piglong I hereditary elephant catchers ths I my race which centuries ago un Si is These men follow the elephants doubtedly Inhabited the Tennessee n mountains. Legends among the In- Jungle with a moose of strongof dians told of such a tribe of dwarfs, hide, and seize the oportunlty u who were supposed to be of more In- animal raising Its foot to slip tki telligence than the red men. But noose round it, and then tak a tut these legends were very hazy. A bury- round a tree with the other end. Th ing ground, however, actually was victim ia soon reduced to submlulos discovered In the early part of the by starvation. last century In which all of the skeleDOfTT FORGET tons were of pigmy proportions. Some A Urge package Red Ctom Bxlt Bln. of them were carried away to col I oeoU. Tbe Uuxx Compear. Sou lb BeM.M lege museums.' , But as far as known One Day. no scientific Inquiry has ever been diIf you make one person happy stiff rected to this question. day, how many will you make blW In twenty-fiv- e Here Is Relief for Women. years? Or, If you sbooU Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, fils live to be 70 how many would U ktp eovered s pleasant herb remedy for womens pier for your having lived, at tbs nt Ills, called AUSTKALJAN-LEAP- . the of one heart gladdened a day? Ills only certain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and bios. trou At all Druggists or by Urinary mad BO cts. Sample mailed FREE. Addreaa. Tbs Mother Cray Co., Leltoy, N. Y. Theres plenty of money 8wet First Love. If the truth were known the pleasto smooth the little difficuantest feature of first love would 1 lties that prove to be Its memory, remarks Mr. happen; they C. J. Norris In the Fortnightly Rehappen. view. It must be an exqutste sensation to see the Image of the woman Toor grater return pour BOir V one first loved appear In tbe Schilling, t purple smoke of the nocturnal pipe; to Preparing Needls-Books- . live In fancy the days that are no needle-bookflannel should For nd to be able to thank Fate be used, as It Is often prepared l that things are ns .,uv are. sulphur, which will rust the needi A Interesting to Students. piece of fine linen or chamois The schools and colleges are now er Is better. open for the fall term, and there will be many young men and women who will be looking for a good way to earn their expenses. The Four What is the tea mood? Track News, ths great Illustrated Is there a tea mood? monthly magazine of travel and edu cation, appeals to Intelligent readers, A contemplative mood. and students will find It easy to secure subscriptions for It The term Would a little hurt? to persons soliciting subscriptions ar W"1 Write for eur X eewlwlgr BoeX. extremoly liberal, and offer a very generous margin of profit It will Compear. Hen rreiwe pay any one Interested to write to tbe pub Fashion That Cause SsH" Usher, Georgo H. Daniels. 7 East d ' J" Greenland women Many Near street York, for full particulars foctly bald on the aide of their dreMii1 Fewer Deaths from Tuberculosis. owing to their method of with P1 which Is pulled bsck hair, f I ful tightness and held In P,w I th! ribbon. Ih, Urcr C1U- -. of I last two decades Is recorded In 1880 Flxoa Cur for ConumpUoa . in ths death .Diixllelne for cuughx and cold.Inhabitants was 37.30 no. mnnn. In Oceaa ILhWl 4 Fb. drove, N. 1903 It was nniv 1 ;nnno 1 TEA a lt TEA 5d!ta Pru.-kwlth- 1 laws; J self-relia- hamneggs-beefsteak-mutto- H Mr. Brown, A problem which perplexed Or. Savage's Eugene Field 8tory. The Rev. Minot J. Savage, on being introduced to spak before a large Boston assembly a short time since told a story about Eugene Field and vouched for Its truth, because he heard Seth Low tell 1L Field sat down at a table In a Watching ths Market New York restaurant and some perIt Is quite evident that was approached by a volublepresently waiter sons are born for n business career. who began to rapidly enumerate the This Is demonstrated In some cases In artldea upon the menu very earn life. The other day Mr son Edward Cobb saw her hash'n beana." etc. Field going out the gat with a neighbor's looked at him with fixed eye and solboy. emn visage, and said with marked de"Where are you going? ahe called liberation: "I want none of these from the window. things. All I desire la one orange and Were going down to have our pic- a few kind words. tures taken at the tintype place," anNow, observed Dr. Savage, 1 t swered her boy, tossing a don't know as I can bring to you the flavor of an orange, but 1 feel sure I piece In tho air. Mrs. Cobb had been wondering what can serve you with a few kind words." queer train of thought had awakened Instead of Swearing. this vain desire, when suddenly she heard once more the click of the gate. notion tOoktng out, she saw Edward coming 'bl heard In alone, munching a banana. the other da singing In a loud and Was It too cloudy to hava the remarkably clear v nee Walt Till the Omul. Drill I.,. tintype taken? she asked. A surprised neighbor asked him No, ma'am. the cause of such an outbreak. What was the irntter?" I win Well," said Edward, Tommy had tell you, he said "1 knew I could Something for a Brakaman to Say. The hardy Boer voortrekkers his taken, but I didn't. I found that swear, but 1 did not know I could sins had bananas had dropped to three tor ten until I tried it one day. Now when I Ro I bought em. You can feel like swearing I take to cents. la 8outh Africa. In the Transvaal singing never tc.i the prise of bananas, but and I expect there will be muslo In there Is a place which rejoices in the ... . Rims A Qtaa.Li tintypes la always the iame. Youth's Companion. chop-flshball- Mo. Their h pert tinner in the employ of Biscnit Co. He gives the of a trying experience; U -- a the spring of 1902 , while I was regularly working J trade, I grew somewhat carelew i habits of eatingaud found that my appetite taste lingered in my mouth, 1.! twitched aud were beyond ml r my kidneys were out of ordeand sweats would break out over my bX odd times. Perhaps, while I 0 thi yLWrthw sweating profuse a severe chill would seize me. I li'., alarmed at my condition ftnd mi endorsement of Dr. a 1'"! Pills. I got a box and . They helped irioni on I had used (Illlk)uiv tbe twitching of a 1181'VOft the trouble with the " aud the cold sweats stopped and Ev not rctipi.'ared, aud my appetite is e I have told all my friends that Dr vi'j liiiius Pink Pills cured me ami I mend them to everybody," Dr. Williams Pink Pill's cured Hr Browne because nothing can strenytL the nerves except good rich, red blond and Dr. Williams Pink Pill actual! make new blood. They dont act on tl bowels. They don't bother with nw, symptoms. They drive front the blood' n.l the cause of anaemia, indigi-xtiou- , vous disorders, general weakness ud the troubles of growing girls and worn Tbe pills are guaranteed to b frJ from opiates or harmful drugs. Sold all druggists, or by the Dr. Willi,' Medicine Company, Schenectady, h.I, Wheat" 20c. ten-cen- Scatter the Kindly Words of Praise Lld 0W" by Slmpls Rule New York Physiciannow A famous New York physician, his sums up 75. at hale and handsome and half a century of medical practice ol observation In these Blmp rules all things, health: Be temperate in or ntudy as amusement of matters in and drinks. well as In regard to foods howTo be temperate In all things, be must one that not imply ever, does Don t about anything. prohibitionist g Is be afraid to go to sleep, for sleep wasted energies, of the best restorer of hours every sleep a certain number a short night and then remember that a safe rejuve-nato- r is the day during nap than a cocktail. Don't worry either about the past or tbe future. To waste a single hour In the regretful past is as senseless as to send which Is lr-good money after that Dispatch. lost Pittsburg revocably 3ms in m 'A Long-Ssparats- George Maybrll aud Ir friends and partners In bus in tbs street In Fresno, Cier day, after not having er for twenty five years, 5 that begin to fight ovsr ths other. w - . f Cb St Tl tl P r FI (. I |