Show GATHERED FROM NATURE Tim smallest bird is an East Indian hummingbird It is a littlo larger than the common house fly SUN spots were first observed in lOll and were then noted by several astronomers astrono-mers ut about the same time i SEVEnAi species of ants keep cows the aphis answering the purpose and fi milk them at regular intervals l Lf MiciioscoriSTS say that the strongest microscopes do not probably reveal jtho lowest stages of animal life M MAN is scientifically defined as forty ghvo pounds of carbon and nitrogen dif I fused through five buckets of water NKITIIKII chemists nor naturalists ° Javc yet been able to solve tho qucs gon why n lobster turns red when j Boiled Ql OvEn one hundred instances are on lTcord where human bodies after bart t a4 remained uncorrupted for many 6U rs t ktY > n1iwcttest place in this CQUiitry sin n 1 s-in Withilton over one ariitdred nnd twentythree inches of Men fall there every year 4 |