Show JJ IDAHO RANCHER STABBED > James Whitton of Hailsy Wielded the Knife r Claimed His Credit with George A Lowe Had Been Injured and is Said to Have Been the Aggressor A Terrible and Probably Fatal WoundInflictedTestimony at the Crocker Trial v i I Ilalloy Ida Sept 10 Aboat 1 oclock this afternoon William Loucks a rancher from Sliver creek aged 32 ypois ran out of the Bailey Lumber companys olllce holding a largo iron file in his hand saying Im cut to pieces Im a dead man come with me to a doctor These words were addressed to T E Ptcotte editor of the Times who was standing near The latter accompanied Loucks to lice postolllce where he weakened and collapsed falling to the ground Four men carried Loucks to the office of Drs Brown Gue where examination proved a large knife wound two inches In length in the lower right abdomen the Intestines protruding The wound was sewed up ojid subsequently Loucks was removed to his mothers house at Bellevue Dr Urown informs your correspondent that even it I he outlives the shock death Worn peritonitis Is feared fJames P Whitton manager of the Ilailey Lumber company and excom mlsfiloner of Logan county stabbed liouckd Loucks who is a stalwart fel I ldwi l superior to Whitton In strength claims Whitton Injured his credit with f GeoISQtr owe or Utah Whitton de i ithi5 < 1 demandedif4tli Durlrti4tbMl4cbumltll it s bald I Loucks has met and abused Whitton II I on thd street and in his olllce twice I I This morning Loucks renewed the I quarrel Whitton stood at his desk I Loucks kept him penned in a corner I brandishing a pair of iron pinchers threatening to dash out Whlttons I brains and smashing the ofllco furniture furni-ture to pieces This was continued for I about one hour Finally according to Whitton Loucks grabbed a large iron file shouting Im going to kill you you d s of a b but as he advanced ad-vanced seemingly to execute the threat Whitton applied the knife In selfde fense and Loucks retreated Whitton Is an inoffensive and pleasant man to get along with No arrests have been made |