Show HURT THE CAUSE the bolt at st louis was bad IS S A 0 bat the assessor leit his name off tile the list pointers elior enquirer 1 october 23 1896 two or three copies of the enquirer have recently corce cone into my hands and I 1 sm am greatly pleased to know that some of the republicans of utah ha have e remained steadfast to the old flag and refuse to follow those silver leaders who hate hare taken a course that bids fair to put farer n D the background lor for the hext twenty five years mckinley will be triumphantly elected aud and the party back of 0 him will be so impatient with the silver bolt that it wilf u utterly spurn all attempts to legislate in in favor of silver bimetallism maybe may be a good thins thing as all the leaders of the republican party have said eaid for years yeara but the astounding course taken by silver republicans will almost inevitably relegate it to the limbo of neglected elected ne and forgotten interests how cannon and allen alien could have allowe al bowe I 1 themselves to be swept off their feet by is ia a mystery weib banua min outside of silver producing states cannot understand they doubtless owe a part of their mistake to the salt lake tribune which for ten years has hag been harping on that exploded humbug the crime of 1873 11 age silver mines of utah have con trib their full fall bhare abare to that over production which is the real cause of 0 the fall of silver and no laws lawa devised by man can stem iha downward tide while over production continues free silver gouldby woul dby by only I 1 y the tha evil happi happny y the prospera prosper erf tv of utah titan does not depend on silver and wise tariff laws will bring bak basic the prosperity which free silver would inevitably crush B |