Show wm CASES hearing begun before E E dudley today THE ELECTION was due notice of it given and held according to notice it was fully 11 this morning before proceedings in the contest basea for beata in the legislature from utah county beean before E E dulley as appointed by the committee on elections of the house of to conduct the hearing and make report to the committee after the evidence ia all in eyen at late hour it was found that the attorneys were not leady and after stipulations by E A wedgwood attorney for defendants consented to bv plaintiffs to ohp effect that any pleadings that may be deemed in the ease my be filed by toe defense with dudley at any time before lie makes hib report to the committee on elections of the house ot adjournment was taken until 2 V N and J E D th appear for the republicans the democrats seem to have only D ck to take care of and present their aide of the controversy 8 R thurman and 8 A ame were scheduled to help him they may show up later in the proceedings anere aro three cases to be determined J F of va hyrum lemmon of payson G franl cimona of payson vs marinus lareen of spanish fork and J 0 graham VB A 0 smoot both of provo the contestants te are all republicans the contesters cont estees are democrats the certini caleb of election were given to tho democrats and they are now occupying seats it the lower house of the estate it ia alleged that there was a great amount of illegal voting dona in different parts of the county and that the hint or direct instruction from democratic headquarters at salt lake that if one or two republican votes at each poll in the county aoud ba left out in the final count the thing would be done and utah county would remain safely democratic waa obeyed it is alleged also that the mapleton Maple toa vote was irregular in that due and legal notice was not given of tho election and that the election was not held even accord leg to the notice that waa given bu held in a private house in ane corner of the not in the mapleton Map teton meeting bouse as etwas announced it would be that this wag done only to hold neville city safely in the democratic column and that by the change beveral republican ato were not notified of it lost the opportune ity of castins their ballots if the mapleton election was illegal of course all the democratic legislatures except warner are unseated and it may not be necessary for the purpose of these contenta conte eta to inquire into the numerous alleged frauds but the inquiry will be made juat the same the whole evidence on both aides will ba transcribed by stenographer pike and will go be fore the committee on elections of the house and upon the after investigation abo will apt thia afternoon 8 M dalip M W molen and luther chase ara sivile evidence with reference to the mapleton election as indicated abaye A of the evidence will appear in tomorrows enquirer |